Whether you are a developer or a regular user, your contributions are most welcome!
Please fork the repo and submit Pull Requests 🍺
- You can fix Open bug issues
- You could implement enhancement issues
- You could implement support for new repos
- Anything else you think usefull
- Please always push to the develop branch, and be sure it merges
- Please use Tabs not Spaces
- Use the same coding style
- Always use brackets, even for simple if statements
The more users, the more developers will join, the more features added and bugs fixed
- Star the project (by clicking the ⭐ at the top of this page)
- Post on forums where there are users/developers that might like EspBuddy,
- Make a blog article
- Tweet about it, post on Facebook, post in forums
- Etc...
Any little link counts!
- Fix as much as you can in this document, in the README
- Create/modify page in the EspBuddy Wiki, as listed in the Help Wanted issues
- Answer to other users questions