This is a record of proposed changes/corrections to the HED schema for future release. As suggestions reach consensus they will be moved to this document.
Then we can annotate right hand as (Hand, (Right-side-of, Body)). Should the recommended way to annotate right hand be: (Hand, (Right-side-of, Body)) (Hand, (Right-side-of, Human-agent)) (Hand, (Right-side-of, (Human-agent, Torso)))
- Item/Object/Man-made-object/Device/IO-device/Input-device/Keyboard/Keyboard-key/#
- Item/Object/Man-made-object/Device/IO-device/Input-device/Keypad/Keypad-key/#
- Property/Informational-property/Metadata/Pathname/#
- Property/Informational-property/Metadata/CogAtlas/# (What are these?)
- Property/Agent-property/Agent-trait/Age/#
- Property/Data-property/Data-resolution/Printer-resolution/#
- Property/Data-property/Data-value/Spatiotemporal-value/Rate-of-change/Sampling-rate/#
- Property/Data-property/Data-value/Spatiotemporal-value/Rate-of-change/Refresh-rate/#
- Property/Data-property/Data-value/Spatiotemporal-value/Spatial-value/Angle/#
- takesValue appears to now be redundant, as it is only used with #, which is assumed to take a value.
- Do we need a topLevel attribute?
- Proposed (@MichaelJachan) add schema attribute
which takes a value (i.e. does not haveboolProperty
). This attribute is associated with unit classes that are not SIUnits and gives the multiplicative conversion factor between the specified units and the default units. (Suggest adding to version 8.1. @VisLab).
- Add euro as a currency unit
- Add WeightUnits and reorganize VolumeUnits
- Deal with grams
- Action/Perceive should be Action/Sensory-attend.
- Action/Perceive/See should be Action/Sensory-attend/Look.
- Action/Perceive/Hear should be Action/Sensory-attend/Listen.
- Add tag Data-property/Data-marker/Data-break-marker.
This section lists typos or other errors that should be fixed.
- Correct the word between in
**** Fraction <nowiki>[A numerical value betwee 0 and 1.]</nowiki>
- Rename
in `Property/Informational-property/Parameter/Parameter-label/#' - Rename
in `Property/Sensory-property/Sensory-attribute/auditory-attribute/Timbre/#' - The description of
schema attribute to mention that only one tag with thetopLevelTagGroup
attribute can appear in the same tag group.
This section suggests listed additions to the HED tags
- Add
. (Source Monique Denissen. Re: Often experiments are designed with distractions and surveys may assess the participant's degree of distration.) - Add Arrow to 2D-shape. (Source Monique Denissen. Re: Arrow is a common 2D-shape used in experiments.
- Needed some way of tagging that the participant is finished --- like an OK or Done. (Source Monique Denissen)
- Add
to allow specification of a numerical value. Loudness can be grouped with qualitative attributes such asHigh
(Source Scott Makeig). - Consider adding other times of numerical features such as
(Source Scott Makeig).
This section describes topics for future discussion:
- Alternative syntax for library tags.
- Spatial specification tags. Should these be in a spatial library?
- Formulation of task and event linkage.