Blockchain ecological security research, include: Bitcoin
, Monero
, Ethereum
and other top blockchains.
- 🔥 Cryptocurrency Security Solution
- 🔥 Blockchain dark forest selfguard handbook(黑手册)
- 🔥 Collection of Security Research in English
- 慢雾安全技术研究合集
- 慢雾 AML 分析报告
- 慢雾区块链安全科普
- Papers of SlowMist
- Public topic of SlowMist HackingTime
- USDT 假充值手法
- EOS 假充值手法
- XRP 假充值手法
- 以太坊代币假充值手法
- 比特币 RBF 假充值手法
- XMR 锁定转账手法
- 以太坊假充值手法
- IOST 假充值手法-未公开
- Filecoin 假充值手法-未公开
- NEM 假充值手法-未公开
- Solana 假充值手法-未公开
- Tron 假充值手法-未公开
- Terra 假充值手法-未公开
- BTC/Dogcoin/LTC 假充值手法-未公开
- Toncoin 假充值手法-未公开
- Avax 假充值手法-未公开
- zk-SNARK Groth16 详解
- Cairo 0 安全审计实践指南
- 探讨 Poseidon 延展性攻击
- Fiat-Shamir 冰心漏洞解析
- Ed25519 实现原理与可延展性问题
- 扭曲攻击漏洞解析
- Groth16 证明延展性攻击原理及实现
- Circom 验证合约输入假名漏洞
- 盘点 ZKP 主流实现方案技术特点
Some translated blockchain security documents.
Some open security audit reports of SlowMist.
Some open MistTrack investigation reports of SlowMist.
实践永远最踏实/Practice is always the most reliable.
- Web3 项目安全实践要求/Web3 Project Security Practice Requirements
- 慢雾(SlowMist)智能合约审计技能树/SlowMist Learning Roadmap for Becoming a Smart Contract Auditor
- Solana Smart Contract Security Best Practices
- Account Abstraction Security Audit Checklist
- APTOS MOVE 智能合约审计入门
- Toncoin 智能合约安全最佳实践/Toncoin Smart Contract Security Best Practices
- SUI Move 合约审计方法/SUI Move Contract Audit Method
- 基于区块链的加密货币安全审计指南/Blockchain-Based Cryptocurrency Security Audit Guide
- AAVE V2 安全审计手册
- Ontology Triones Service Node security checklist
- vechain core nodes security checklist
- EOS BP nodes security checklist
- EOS BP nodes security audit
- EOS smart contract security best practices
Some mind maps of blockchain security.
Other awesome collections.