export geoagents and raster cells #98
use ModularServer from Mesa #109
implement simpler Mesa-Geo namespace #115
Docs updates
Front-end updates
- auto zoom to geospace when view & zoom are missing #103
CI updates
- add pre-commit config and run it on all files #107
Example updates
- replace BuildCommand & DevelopCommand with BuildPyCommand during setup #106
- BREAKING: rename model.grid to model.space #40
- BREAKING: rename GeoAgent's shape attribute to geometry #57
feat/crs #58
- add GeoAgent.crs attribute
- update GeoSpace with GeoAgent.crs
extract an _AgentLayer from GeoSpace #62
add layers into geospace #67
implement RasterLayer #75
create raster layer from file #92
Front-end updates
- implement LeafletPortrayal dataclass for GeoAgent portrayal #84
CI updates
Dependency updates
- Frontend dependencies #54
- remove all frontend dependencies available from mesa
- create setup.cfg and pyproject.toml from setup.py
- download leaflet during install #59
- remove version number from leaflet filenames #61
- update for Mesa v1.0.0 #78
- specify mesa 1.x dependency
- update for mesa css includes
- remove jQuery usage in MapModule.js
- use Slider instead of UserSettableParameter in examples
- Frontend dependencies #54
Example updates
Other improvements
- fix remove_agent in GeoSpace #34
- remove deprecated skip_equivalent from pyproj #43
- flake8: Fix errors #51
- rename InstallCommand to BuildCommand #55
- fix codecov and README.md #71
- use shape.centroid instead of shape.center() #73
- fix unique id exception for raster cells #83
- fix total_bounds check in GeoSpace #88