All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
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- New Tray icons
- Removed the splash screen
- Removed the about screen
- Old individual tray icons for playing & paused
- electron debugger tool
- notification and Improve tray icon
- Re-instated node-notifier for OSX.
- application menu in favour of tray context menu
- Tray icon which currently toggles application visibility.
- New notification code that improves the notification frequency and accuracy.
- Windows build script works now
- Introducing skip logic for the YouTube You Still There popup notice which pauses playback
- introducing electron-window-state
- Redesigned loading screen
- Dependency updates
- Update to close behaviour to stop error notice
- Renamed to MusicTube with a new Icon Designed by rocketpixel / Freepik
- Method to auto skip over ads
- Code refactor
- Shelving update tool
- Testing new update tool
- Added a loading screen for loss of or slow internet connection
- Added an about panel
- First public release, application working on OSX (10.13.6)
- Alpha/internal testing