create your Controller and with a construct method inject our service as below;
class TryOtoController
public $service;
public function __construct()
$this->service = new TryotoService;
/// your code below
the constructed service will automatically generate for you the token instance and cache id for 58 minutes by default. the token is valid for only 1 hour in official documents, so I hardcoded that value for some certain reasons to 58 minutes fixed. you can change it from config file for your needs
some set of samples of usages in controller, you can adjust them in the way of your needs;
public function auth()
return $this->service->authorize();
public function cancelOrder($orderId = 'OID-60774-1001')
return $this->service->cancelOrder($orderId);
public function orderDetail($orderId = 'OID-60774-1001')
return $this->service->orderDetail($orderId);
public function orderList()
return $this->service->listOrders();
public function createOrder($order)
return $this->dataSet($order);
public function setWebhook()
return (new TryotoService)->setWebhook();
public function dataSet(array $order = [])
$siteTitle = 'Shop title';
if (empty($order) || !is_array($order)) {
$order = [
'orderCode' => '1231223',
'amount' => 5.00,
'sub_total' => 5.00,
'description' => 'test description',
'orderDate' => Carbon::parse(Carbon::now())->format('d/m/y H:i'),
'deliverySlotDate' => Carbon::parse(Carbon::now()->addDay())->format('d/m/y'), // next day date
'customer_name' => 'John Doe',
'customer_email' => '[email protected]',
'customer_phone' => '123456789',
'customer_address' => 'test address',
'customer_state' => 'State',
'customer_city' => 'City',
'customer_country' => 'TR',
'customer_zipcode' => '12345',
'products' => [
"productId" => 1,
"name" => 'product name 1',
"price" => 5.00,
"rowTotal" => 5,
"quantity" => 1,
"serialnumber" => "",
"sku" => 'SKU-Code',
"image" => 'https://fullpath-to-image.jpg',
"productId" => 2,
"name" => 'product name 2',
"price" => 5.00,
"taxAmount" => 0,
"quantity" => 1,
"serialnumber" => "",
"sku" => 'SKU-Code 2',
"image" => 'https://fullpath-to-image-2.jpg',
$body = [
"orderId" => $order['orderCode'], // check documentation for your needs
"ref1" => "", // check documentation for your needs
"pickupLocationCode" => "", // check documentation for your needs
// "deliveryOptionId" => "", // check documentation for your needs
"serviceType" => "",
"createShipment" => false,
"storeName" => $siteTitle,
"payment_method" => "paid",
"amount" => (double)$order['amount'],
"amount_due" => 0,
"customsValue" => "12",
"customsCurrency" => "TRY",
"shippingAmount" => 20,
"subtotal" => (double)$order['sub_total'],
"currency" => "TRY",
"shippingNotes" => $order['description'],
"packageSize" => "small",
"packageCount" => (int)count($order['products']),
"packageWeight" => 1,
"boxWidth" => 10, // check documentation for your needs
"boxLength" => 10, // check documentation for your needs
"boxHeight" => 10, // check documentation for your needs
"orderDate" => $order['orderDate'], // "30/12/2020 15:45",
"deliverySlotDate" => $order['deliverySlotDate'], //"31/12/2020",
"deliverySlotTo" => "12pm",
"deliverySlotFrom" => "6:30pm",
"senderName" => $siteTitle,
"customer" => [
"name" => $order['customer_name'],
"email" => $order['customer_email'],
"mobile" => $order['customer_phone'],
"address" => $order['customer_address'],
"district" => $order['customer_state'],
"city" => $order['customer_city'],
"country" => $order['customer_country'],
"postcode" => $order['customer_zipcode'],
"lat" => "",
"lon" => "",
"refID" => "",
"W3WAddress" => ""
"items" => $this->productsParser($order['products'])
return $body;
public function productsParser(array $products)
$result = [];
foreach ($products as $single) {
$result[] = [
"productId" => $single['productId'],
"name" => $single['name'],
"price" => $single['price'],
"rowTotal" => (double)$single['price'] * $single['quantity'],
"taxAmount" => $single['taxAmount'],
"quantity" => $single['quantity'],
"serialnumber" => $single['serialnumber'],
"sku" => $single['sku'],
"image" => $single['image'],
return $result;
public function listenWebhook(Request $request)
$orderId = $request->get('orderId');
$statusCode = $request->get('status');
$trackingNumber = $request->get('trackingNumber');
$brandedTrackingURL = $request->get('brandedTrackingURL');
$driverName = $request->get('driverName');
$driverEmail = $request->get('driverEmail');
$timestamp = $request->get('timestamp');
if (!$statusCode || !$orderId) {
return false;
// here is your code for handling the webhook response
- Selim Görmüş - Lead Software Engineer & Lead Maintainer;