This project is about a React web application called Jammming. By interacting with the Spotify API to build a website that allows users to search the Spotify library, create a custom playlist, then save it to their Spotify account.
Below is a list of the website's features:
- Spotify Login — the first time a user searches for a song, album, or artist, Spotify will ask them to log in or set up a new account. You will need to follow the steps in the Spotify Developer Guide to register your application.
- Search by Song, Album, or Artist — a user can type the name of a song, artist, or album into the search bar and click the SEARCH button. The app will request song data about the user's input from the Spotify library (find Spotify endpoints here).
- Populate Results List — Jammming displays the list of returned tracks from the user's query.
- Add Song to a Custom Playlist — users can add a track to their playlist by selecting a + sign on the right side of the track's display container.
- Remove Song from Custom Playlist — users can remove a track from their playlist by selecting a - sign on the right side of the track's display container.
- Change Playlist Title — users can change the title of their custom playlist.
- Save Playlist to Account — users can save their custom playlist by clicking a button called SAVE TO SPOTIFY.
- Input A song title
- Click search button
- Authorizing spotify access token (Do not need the step if you already authorized)
- Add songs you like from search result to playlist
- Repeat step 1 - 4 until you satisfy your playlist
- Name a title for the playlist
- Click the button "Save to Spotify"
- You will see in your Spotify account, there is a new playlist added
The project is deployed by using Surge. It is available from: