TODO: write a brief description (input, output, function of the subsystem, deployment method, etc...)
* Decription
* System Overview
* Components Used
* A-Star Sensor
* PCB Circuit
* Inputs And Outputs
In this part of the project:
* Data will be taken from air conditioner (Airwell) and sensors(A-star sensors)
* The read data will be saved to the database
* Air conditioning settings will be set according to the data from the web application
TODO: Add Figure & Explain !!
* Raspberry pi 3 B +
* A-Star Sensors
* Sparkfun ESP32 Thing
This sensor consist of 4 component:
1 - Sparkfun ESP32 Thing
2 - DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
3 - DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
4 - 3.7V LiPo Battery
The connection between Sparkfun ESP32 Thing and DS18B20 Temperature Sensor is given below.
In our project, Sparkfun ESP32 Thing is used to control air conditioners. The A/C communicates with a 5v logic signal, but Sparkfun ESP32 Thing uses a 3.3v logic signal. Therefore, a level-shifter circuit's are needed between these two. In addition, during our studies it was found that the TX signal was inverted and sent to the A/C. Therefore, an additional inverter circuit is designed. These circuits are shown in Figure 3 and PCB is shown in Figure 4.
For the control of the A/C and the display, the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing is connected to the A/C and the display. The signals from the A/C to ESP32 were processed. An oled screen has been added to monitor the condition of the A/C and any errors that may occur. This screen is preferred at 128x64 resolution. CommCB is shownunication with the I²C protocol was established between this display and ESP32. Reset button added for use in any unexpected situation. These circuits are shown in Figure 4.
1. A/C * Mode (Cool/Fan/Dry/Heat/Auto) * Fan Speed (Low/Medium/High/Auto) * A/C Degree (16°C ~ 30°C || 60°F ~ 85°F) * A/C Zone (or A/C ID) * ON/OFF 2. A-Star Sensor * Degree * Humidity * Sensor ID
1. To A/C * Mode * Fan Speed * A/C Degree * A/C Zone (or A/C ID) * ON/OFF 2. To Database * A/C Data (A/C ID, Mode, Degree, Fan, On/Off, Datetime) * A-Star Sensor Data (Temperature & Humidity)