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7f69686 · Dec 17, 2012




Editje is an Edje editor oriented towards UI design, and not just being a GUI
over the edc syntax.
It provides three major modes: standard edition, animations and signals

To get it up and running you will need:
 - The EFL (eina, eet, evas, edje, ecore, embryo, edje, elementary)
 - It's dependencies (jpeg and png support in evas, lua for edje, among others)
 - Python >= 2.5
 - EFL Python bindings

run ./configure with any desired options,

And you are ready to go, if you wish to install it, you can also

make install

and make sure your PYTHONPATH env variable contains the path where it was
installed, in case it's not in the standard place.

Run with 'editje-bin' or './editje-bin' if running from the source package

Using it:
Once you launch the editor, you'll find yourself in the standard edition mode.
In here, you can add, remove and change parts and their states.
To the left is the list of parts in the group, to the right properties for
the group, selected part and selected state for the part. Clicking on the
little wrench in the state properties will show up a list of states for the
selected part. From this list is possible to switch to the selected state,
copy it into the current one, or delete it. To add a new state just type the
name in the 'state:' entry and press Enter.

Back to the left, on top of the list of parts is a dropdown menu with which
is possible to change editing mode, to Parts (the standard one), Animations
and Signals.

Once in Animation mode, you'll get two lists: animations and parts.
Select an animation to edit (or add one with '+' button above), click on
any black dot in the timeline to edit that point in time, select a part from
the list and edit it normally. From the right side, in the parts properties
you can, again, select from the list of states to use as template.
Clicking on a greyed dot in the timeline will add a new point in time to the

In Signals mode, part editing is disabled. You can only add, remove and modify
programs for this group. It's possible to listen to signals and perform actions
based on that, such as emitting another signal or running an animation.