export ADR_TEMPLATE=${PWD}/docs/ADR/template/template.md
adr new Implement as Unix shell scripts
For update ADR we use GIT, so we can get date each updated, and we use a git message for an information team about cases for updated ADR.
- ADR-0001 - Use CI/CD
- ADR-0016 - Lifecycle deploy
- ADR-0010 - Docker tips
- ADR-0028 - Implementing Stage-based Promotion Mechanisms with Kargo for CD in Kubernetes
- ADR-0032 - ArgoCD tips
- ADR-0003 - Maintaining Kubernetes
- ADR-0012 - Adoption of Talos OS for Kubernetes Infrastructure
- ADR-0004 - Kubernetes tips
- ADR-0027 - Local Kubernetes Development Tools
- ADR-0031 - k8s network
- ADR-0011 - Prometheus operator
- ADR-033 - Use
- ADR-0018 - Use Cilium as CNI
- ADR-0029 - Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) for Kubernetes (k8s)
- ADR-0002 - Cache System
- ADR-0009 - Postgres tips
- ADR-0005 - Postgres optimization
- ADR-0020 - Research Summary and Decision for PostgreSQL Operators: Choosing Crunchy Postgres Operator
- ADR-0008 - PostgreSQL Scale
- ADR-0007 - MongoDB