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Heiko Strathmann edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 2 revisions



  • indenting uses stroustrup style with tabsize 4, i.e. for emacs use in your ~/.emacs

      (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
       (lambda ()
        (show-paren-mode 1)
        (setq indent-tabs-mode t)
        (c-set-style "stroustrup")
        (setq tab-width 4)))

    for vim in ~/.vimrc

      set cindent         " C style indenting
      set ts=4            " tabstop
      set sw=4            " shiftwidth
  • for newlines use LF only; avoid CRLF and CR. Git can be configured to convert all newlines to LF as source files are commited to the repo by:

      git config --global core.autocrlf input

    (for more information consult

  • avoid trailing whitespace (spaces & tabs) at end of lines and never use spaces for indentation; only ever use tabs for indentations.

    for emacs:

      (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)

    for vim in ~/.vimrc (implemented as an autocmd, use wisely):

      autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e
  • semicolons and commas ;, should be placed directly after a variable/statement

      for (uint32_t i=0; i<10; i++)
  • brackets () and (greater/lower) equal sign ><= should should not contain unecessary spaces, e.g:

      int32_t a=1;
      int32_t b=kernel->compute();
      if (a==1)

    exceptions are logical subunits

      if ( (a==1) && (b==1) )
  • avoid the use of inline functions where possible (little to zero performance impact). nowadays compilers automagically inline code when beneficial and within the same linking process

  • breaking long lines and strings limit yourselves to 80 columns

      for (int32_t vec=params->start; vec<params->end &&
      		!CSignal::cancel_computations(); vec++)

    however exceptions are OK if readability is increased (as in function definitions)

  • don't put multiple assignments on a single line

  • functions look like

      int32_t* fun(int32_t* foo)
      	return foo;

    and are separated by a newline, e.g:

      int32_t* fun1(int32_t* foo1)
      	return foo;
      int32_t* fun2(int32_t* foo2)
      	return foo2;
  • same for if () else clauses, while/for loops

      if (foo)
      if (foo)
  • one empty line between { } block, e.g.

      for (int32_t i=0; i<17; i++)
      	// sth


  • use macros sparingly

  • avoid defining constants using macros (bye bye typechecking), use

      const int32_t FOO=5;

    or enums (when defining several realted constants) instead

  • use ifdefs sparingly (really limit yourself to the ones necessary) as their extreme usage makes the code completely unreadable. to achieve that it may be necessary to wrap a function of (e.g. for pthread_create()/CreateThread()/thread_create() a wrapper function to create a thread and inside of it the ifdefs to do it the solaris/win32/posix way)

  • if you need to use ifdefs always comment the corresponding #else / #endif in the following way:

      #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
      #else //HAVE_LAPACK
      #endif //HAVE_LAPACK


  • types (use only these!):

      char		(8bit char(maybe signed or unsigned))
      uint8_t		(8bit unsigned char)
      uint16_t	(16bit unsigned short)
      uint32_t	(32bit unsinged int)
      int32_t		(32bit int)
      int64_t		(64bit int)
      float32_t	(32bit float)
      float64_t	(64bit float)
      floatmax_t	(96bit or 128bit float depending on arch)

    exceptions: file IO / matlab interface

  • classes must be (directly or indirectly) derived from CSGObject

  • don't use fprintf/printf, but SG_DEBUG/SG_INFO/SG_WARNING/SG_ERROR/SG_PRINT (if in a from CSGObject derived object) or the static SG_SDEBUG/... functions elsewise


  • Functions should be short and sweet, and do just one thing. They should fit on one or two screenfuls of text (the ISO/ANSI screen size is 80x24, as we all know), and do one thing and do that well.
  • Another measure of the function is the number of local variables. They shouldn't exceed 5-10, or you're doing something wrong. Re-think the function, and split it into smaller pieces. A human brain can generally easily keep track of about 7 different things, anything more and it gets confused. You know you're brilliant, but maybe you'd like to understand what you did 2 weeks from now.


If a class stores a pointer to an object it should call SG_REF(obj) to increase the objects reference count and SG_UNREF(obj) on class desctruction (which will decrease the objects reference count and call the objects destructor if ref_count()==0. Note that the caller (from within C++) of any get_* function returning an object should also call SG_UNREF(obj) when done with the object. This makes the swig wrapped interfaces automagically take care of object destruction.

If a class function returns a new object this has to be stated in the corresponding swig .i file for cleanup to work, e.g. if apply() returns a new CLabels then the .i file should contain %newobject CClassifier::apply();


  • naming variables:

    • in classes are member variables are named like m_feature_vector (to avoid shadowing and the often hard to find bugs shadowing causes)
    • parameters (in functions) shall be named e.g. feature_vector
    • don't use meaningless variable names, it is however fine to use short names like i,j,k etc in loops
    • class names start with 'C', each syllable/subword starts with a capital letter, e.g. CStringFeatures
  • constants/defined objects are UPPERCASE, i.e. REALVALUED

  • function are named like get_feature_vector() and should be limited to as few arguments as possible (no monster functions with > 5 arguments please)

  • objects which can deal with features of type DREAL and class SIMPLE don't need to contain Real/Dense in class name

  • others are required to clarify class/type they can handle, e.g. CSparseByteLinearKernel, CSparseGaussianKernel

  • variable and function names are all lowercase (except for class Con/Destructors) syllables/subwords are separated by '_', e.g. compute_kernel_value(), my_local_variable

  • class member variables all start with m_, e.g. m_member (this is to avoid shadowing)

  • features and preprocessors are prefixed with featureclass (e.g. Dense/Sparse) followed by featuretype (Real/Byte/...)

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