From cmd.exe, type
and you'll see the value of all environment variables, includingPATH
From cmd.exe, type
and you'll see the value ofPATH
From Powershell,
Set-Location Env:
, to visit theps-drive
containing all environment variables, anddir path
to see the path variable. -
From Powershell,
From Powershell, to list each directory in the path:
$env:path | % { $_ -split ";" }
From Windows, method 1
- Press
-- this brings upControl Panel\All Control Panel Items\System
- then Find environment variables in System Properties
- Press
From Windows, method 2 ex
to bring up the run dialog and typesysdm.cpl
- then Find environment variables in System Properties
From Windows, method 3
to bring up the run dialog and typerundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
- You are already in the environment variables dialog!
- Click "Advanced System settings" (you'll need to enter Admin password or elevate) and you'll get to "System Properties"
- Advanced tab: click "Environment Variables..."
- There you have "user variables for current user" and "System variables"
- Note that those in the "user variables" section also exist in the System variables -- so think carefully about which one you mean.
- Advanced tab: click "Environment Variables..."
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('NAME_OF_VARIABLE', 'value goes here', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)