Sick of you carefully crafted excel formula resulted in #VALUE!
for all the edge cases you don't care about?
Just wrap your formula in an IFERROR function.....
e.g. here's a formula for grabbing everything before the first comma....
=LEFT(B3, FIND(",", B3)-1)
...but what happens when there is no comma!? A dirty great error that's what!
So wrap it in an IFERROR
instead my smooth friend:
=IFERROR(LEFT(B3, FIND(",", B3)-1),"")
Arh! That better!
And for completeness, here's a sneaky formula to get everything after the first space...
=IFERROR(TRIM(MID(C2 & REPT(" ", 100), FIND(" ", C2), 50)),"")
- Excel Formula: Split text with delimiter — some nice examples here