Licenciatura em Engenharia Biomédica
| Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
| 2022-2023
This curricular unit, Principles of Bioinstrumentation, provides the basic knowledge on acquisition and monitorization systems of biomedical signals typically used in clinical and hospital facilities or in biomedical reserach. The students should learn and understand the basic principles of: 1 - biomedical monitoring systems, 2 - biomedical sensors and transducers, 3 - electrical circuits theory and underlying physics in RLC circuits, 4 - solid state electronic devices, such as PN junctions and transistors and canonical configurations involving operational amplifiers 5 - embeded systems and digital signal processing It is expected the students after attending this course 6 - gain experience and familiarity with the typical electronics lab equipment and 7 - gain basic skills to set up simple systems for acquisition, digital processing and visualization of biosignals in a laboratory environment.
Project-Based Learning (PBL)
, Electronic instrumentation tools
, instrumentation
, biomedical instrumentation
Theoretical and Laboratorial
To be defined with tutors
Online + In-person (when applicable)
Seminars + Practical classes based on the program below
Prof. João Miguel Sanches ([email protected])
Prof. Hugo Silva ([email protected])