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The Ortelius Command Line Interface

The Ortelius Command Line Interface supports integration with DevOps tools and CI/CD pipelines.

The CLI Python script interacts with the Ortelius REST APIs to perform:

  • Approve the Application Version
  • Move the _Application Version- using the supplied task
  • Create/replace the Component Version for the Application Version
  • Assign a Component Version to an Application version
  • Assign the key/values pairs to the Component version
  • Create a bash file from the Component .toml file
  • Export a Domain including all objects to stdout
  • Imports the export file into the new Domain
  • Deploy the Application Version
  • Upload Swagger and SBOM files to Component Version

CLI Prerequisites

  1. Install Python 3.8 or newer

  2. Install Ortelius CLI

    pip install --upgrade ortelius-cli

Get Started with a POC

Refer to the Ortelius sample POC to get started. This POC provides you the steps to incorporate Ortelius into your Pipeline, with SBOM generation.

Ortelius' CLI using the dhapi module.


ACTION - one of the following

  • deploy - deploy the Application to the Environment Usage: --dhurl --dhuser --dhpass --appname --appversion (optional) --deployenv

  • approve - approve the Application Version Usage: --dhurl --dhuser --dhpass --appname --appversion (optional)

  • move - move the Application Version using the supplied task Usage: --dhurl --dhuser --dhpass --appname --appversion (optional) --from_domain --task

  • updatecomp - create/replace the Component Version for the Application Verion with SBOM (CycloneDX or SPDX formats). Usage: --dhurl --dhuser --dhpass --rsp --autoappinc (optional) --compautoinc (optional) --consumes (optional) --provides (optional) --deppkg cyclonedx@ (optional) --deppkg spdx@ (optional)

    Component TOML Definition for --rsp parameter
    # Application Name and Version to create an associate the Component Version to
    # NOTE: Only needed if you need to assoicate the Component Version to the Application Verion
    Application = ""          # Name of the Applcation including the full Domain Name
    Application_Version = ""  # The semantic version for the Application Version
    # Component Name, Variant and Version
    Name = ""
    Variant = "${GIT_BRANCH}"
    Version = "v1.0.0.${BUILD_NUM}-g${GIT_COMMIT}"                  # 1.0.0 should be replace with your starting version string
    # Export the derived IMAGE_TAG, DOCKERREPO values to the CI/CD Tool via a shell script when using the `envscript` command line action
    IMAGE_TAG = "${Variant}-${Version}"
    DOCKERREPO = "${DockerRepo}"
    # Key/Values to associate to the Component Version.  Custom key/values can be added under this section.
    BuildId = "${BUILDID}"                                      # Identifier for the CI job (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    BuildNumber = "${BUILD_NUM}"                                # Build number for the CI job (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    BuildUrl = "${BUILD_URL}"                                   # Build url for the CI job (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    Chart = ""                                                  # Helm Chart for the Component
    ChartNamespace = ""                                         # Name space for the Component to be deployed to
    ChartRepo = ""                                              # Helm Chart Repo Name
    ChartRepoUrl = ""                                           # Helm Chart Repo Url
    ChartVersion = ""                                           # Helm Chart version
    CustomAction = ""                                           # Custom Action to assign to the Component
    DeployAlways = ""                                           # Set the Always Deploy option Y/N, default is N
    DockerBuildDate = ""                                        # Timestamp when the image was created (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    DockerRepo = "${DOCKERREPO}"                                # Registry which the image was pushed to
    DockerSha = "${DIGEST}"                                     # Digest for the image (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    DockerTag = "${DOCKERTAG}"                                  # Tag for the image
    GitBranch = "${GIT_BRANCH}"                                 # Git branch in the git repo (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitBranchCreateCommit = "${GIT_BRANCH_CREATE_COMMIT}"       # Git commit that the branch was created from (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitBranchCreateTimestamp = "${GIT_BRANCH_CREATE_TIMESTAMP}" # Timestamp of when the branch was created (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitBranchParent = "${GIT_BRANCH_PARENT}"                    # The parent branch for the current branch (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitCommit = "${GIT_COMMIT}"                                 # Git commit that triggered the CI job (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitCommitAuthors = "${GIT_COMMIT_AUTHORS}"                  # List of committers for the repo (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitCommittersCnt = "${GIT_COMMITTERS_CNT}"                  # Count of GitCommitAuthors (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitCommitTimestamp = "${GIT_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP}"              # Timestamp of the current commit (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitContribPercentage = "${GIT_CONTRIB_PERCENTAGE}"          # GitCommittersCnt / GitTotalCommittersCnt * 100 (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitLinesAdded = "${GIT_LINES_ADDED}"                        # Lines added since the previous commit (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitLinesDeleted = "${GIT_LINES_DELETED}"                    # Lines deleted since the previous commit (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitLinesTotal = "${GIT_LINES_TOTAL}"                        # Total line count for the branch (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitOrg = "${GIT_ORG}"                                       # Orgranization for the repo (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitPreviousComponentCommit = "${GIT_PREVIOUS_COMPONENT_COMMIT}" # Commit of the previous Component (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitRepo = "${GIT_REPO}"                                     # Git repo that triggered the CI job (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitRepoProject = "${GIT_REPO_PROJECT}"                      # Project name part of the repository url (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitTag = "${GIT_TAG)"                                       # Git tag in the git repo (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    GitTotalCommittersCnt = "${GIT_TOTAL_COMMITTERS_CNT}"       # Total committers working on this repo
    GitUrl = "${GIT_URL}"                                       # Full url to the git repo (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    License = ""                                                # License file location in the Git Repo (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    operator = ""                                               # Operator name
    Readme = ""                                                 # Readme file location in the Git Repo (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
    ServiceOwner = ""                                           # Owner of the Service
    ServiceOwnerEmail = ""                                      # Email for the Owner of the Service
    ServiceOwnerPhone = ""                                      # Phone number for the Owner of the Service
    Swagger = ""                                                # Swagger/OpenApi file location in the Git Repo (DERIVED IF NOT SPECIFIED)
  • assign - assigns a Component Version to an Application Verion Usage: --dhurl --dhuser --dhpass --compname --compvariant (optional) --compversion (optional) --appname --appversion (optional)

  • kv - assigns the key/values pairs to the Component Verion Usage: --dhurl --dhuser --dhpass --compname --compvariant (optional) --compversion (optional) --kvconfig

  • envscript - creates a bash file from the Component toml file Usage: --envvars --envvars_sh

  • export - exports a Domain including all objects to stdout Usage: --dhurl --dhuser --dhpass --from_dom

  • import - imports the export file into the new Domain Usage: --dhurl --dhuser --dhpass --from_dom --to_dom

Parameter Usage

Parameter Descriptions
appautoinc Application Auto Increment Version
appname Application Name
appversion Application Version
cert Customer SSL Certificate File
changerequest Change Request for Component, use multiple time for each Change Request Id
cluster_json json from kubectl get deploy -n default -o json
compattr Component attributes, use multiple time for each attr
compautoinc Component auto increment version
compname Component Name
compvariant Component Variant
compversion Component Version
consumes json file that lists the endpoints the Component consumes. [ {"verb", "get", "path": "/weather"}]
crdatasource Change Request Data Source for the Component
deploydata The json file that contains the Application, Environment and log details
deploydatasave Name of the json file to save the new Component and Application Versions names to
deployenv Deployment Environment
deppkg File name for the Safety, CycloneDx, SPDX json scan data, use multiple time for each file. Parameter format is: @ where type=safety, cyclonedx, spdx
dhpass Ortelius Password
dhurl Ortelius Url
dhuser Ortleius User
docker docker Kind of the Component item
envs Environments to Associate Application Version to, use multiple time for each env
envvars_sh Environment Variables Output shell file
envvars Component TOML file
file file Kind of the Component item
from_domain Move from Domain
fromdom From Domain
importfile File to Import
kvconfig Directory containing the json and properties file
logdeployment Records a deployment by a external program
msbranch New microservice branch being added to the cluster
msname New microservice being added to the cluster
provides json file that lists the Endpoints the Component provides. [ {"verb", "get", "path": "/checkout"}]
rsp Response File for Parameters, ie component.toml
task Task to use for move
todom To Domain