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Folders and files

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Asset pipeline module (lmvc-modules)

This module intends to be a simple and small asset pipeline which integrates easily with the LMVC-framework.

A convention over configuration pipeline

The asset pipeline currently supports CSS, Sass, Less, Javascript, CoffeeScript, Images and Markdown files through its directives in /assetpipeline/(css|sass|less|js|coffee|img|markdown).

Each pipe can serve multiple files which will be concatenated into one e.g. /asssetpipeline/css/general.css/menu.css. In addition a min-option can be passed as in /assetpipeline/css/min... to minify the concatenated file. This option currently works for every pipe and more options might be added later on.


It is easy to configure and barely needs any setup. It has a simple default configuration which already makes the pipeline usable.


    "useFolders": true,
    "stage": "dev",
    "cacheDirectory": "_cache",
    "assetDirectories": {
        "js": {
            "main": "javascripts",
            "fallbacks": []
        "coffee": {
            "main": "coffeescript",
            "fallbacks": []
        "less": {
            "main": "styles",
            "fallbacks": []
        "sass": {
            "main": "styles",
            "fallbacks": []
        "scss": {
            "main": "styles",
            "fallbacks": []
        "css": {
            "main": "styles",
            "fallbacks": []
        "img": {
            "main": "img",
            "fallbacks": []
        "font": {
            "main": "fonts",
            "fallbacks": []
        "markdown": {
            "main": "markdown",
            "fallbacks": []
    "mimeTypes": {
        "jpg": "image/jpg",
        "png": "image/png",
        "gif": "image/gif",
        "eot": "application/",
        "ttf": "application/octet-stream",
        "svg": "image/svg+xml",
        "woff": "application/x-woff"

The rootDirectory will be handled relatively from your app's root and can e.g. be set to be /assets. The cacheDirectory will be used to chache concatinated and/or minified sources in each's pipes (js, less, sass and css) subdirectory. The _cache directory will not be created and needs to exist prior to using the pipeline and should have a 0777 chmod. The LMVC-afresh will take care or that.

Assets in sub directories

Assets can also reside in sub directories. Contrary to other pipelines the root directory will not be recursively traversed for the asset by file name. The path needs to be fully qualifying. Asset names therefore do not need to be unique in order to be found appropriately.

Requesting an asset as in assetpipeline/coffee/backbone/models/ will request the asset from the sub directory backbone/models. Therefore, whenever multiple assets are requested they all need to be contained in the same directory.

Lastly, all assets within a directory can be requested at once by just leaving the file name as in assetpipeline/coffee/min/backbone/models will concatenate and minify all CoffeeScript files under models. Which is handy for requesting application state dependent assets as in ´assetpipeline/js/min/admin` without always needing to update the url whenever an asset gets added or removed.

Asset directory fallbacks

Each assetDirectory (pipe) can have multiple fallbacks as in

"assetpipeline" : {
   "assetDirectories": {
      "js": {
         "fallbacks": ["../bower", "../composer"]
      } ,
      "coffee": {
         "fallbacks": ["../bower", "../composer"]

which will be used whenever a asset is not found in its main directory. Nevertheless, be aware the search will be performed recursively and can return files from undesired locations which is why multiple fallbacks can be registered which should be set in order of preference. After all, the found file will be be cached (cacheDirectory) and the search will only be carried out once. Which is different to files found in the main-directory. These will be checked if they have been changed (depending on the $stage-option) and be recached accordingly.

Obvisouly, your the assetpipeline directive of your application's config.json will be merged into the default configuration and overwrite its values where possible.

Staging and caching

Putting the $stage in to 'prod' will force caching for production and asset minification whenever possible. Meaning that a requested asset will only be generated and cached once even if one of the requested files changes. Only deleting the cached file will force recompilation.

Leaving the $stage in any other mode will respectively lead to the pipe to compile the asset if any of the requested files changed. E.g. if one requests http://localhost/LMVC/lmvc-base/assetpipeline/js/jquery-1.9.1.js/my.plugin.js and changes my.plugin.js the returned concatenated file will automatically be regenerated on the next request.

Integration with LMVC

Its easy to integrate with the asset pipeline through lmvc. Assuming that you have the pipeline as a module just type

use Scandio\lmvc\modules\assetpipeline\view\Asset;

<?= UI::js(Asset::assets(['jquery.min.js'])) ?>
<?= UI::js(Asset::assets(['config.js', 'main.js'], ['min'])) ?>

will return a url which will request the concatenated and minifed assets.

Its even easier with the UI-Snippetslibrary enabled which reduces the overhead of manually wrapping the url with a link- or script-tag. Therefore typing

<?= UI::css(Asset::assets(['bootstrap-responsive.css'], [])) ?>

will print a link-tag which requests the sources with the options from the server.

Images work almost as easy:

use Scandio\lmvc\modules\htmltag\Html;

Html::img(['src' =>
      Asset::image(['uploads', 'image.png'], ['w' => 800, 'h' => 600])
, null)

Additional tricks


The following trick only works if the useFolders-flag is set to false. Otherwise the pipeline will assume that the hash/version-number is indeed a folder and fail locating the file. Moreover, assets need to reside in one of the fallback-directories so that additional url-parts are not interpreted as sub-folders. One could even set the main-directory as a fallback which will only be processed whenever a search in the main-directory failed - no performance drawbacks here.

Passing a hash in the url will force the cache to generate a uniquely cached file e.g. requesting JavaCcript by /assetpipeline/js/min/6d1b5e3/jquery.js/bootstrap.js/main.js will concat and minify all source and prepend the hash to the cached filename. After all, this trick mitigates some browser's rather eager caching mechanisms.

Visioning between assets is hereby also fairly easy. For example by artificially augmenting the path one can easily define and switch between versions by requesting /assetpipeline/js/min/v1/jquery.js/bootstrap.js/main.js or /assetpipeline/js/min/v2/jquery.js/bootstrap.js/main.js. The reason for this lies in the internal caching mechanism taking parts of the request's url into account.

Mimetypes and css-imports

The mimeType-directive of the config.json solves a very specific problem. Whenever you request e.g. an image-resource from a css-file which is requested through the css-pipe via ../../img/image.png the url gets out of the asset pipeline's scope as in localhost/img without the asset-pipeline. Having defaulted mime-types helps solving this. Firstly, assets with a defaulted mime-type won't be minified by other pipes (css on img e.g.) which could break their binary contents. Moreover, by setting the image-path and font-path as an fallback to the css-pipe you can easily require these files just by their name. After all, every pipe can decide how to handle defaulted mime-types or files with an extension which is not part of its favored types.


Writing your own asset pipe is fairly easy. Just checkout the

Thanks for reading!