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401 lines (346 loc) · 17.6 KB


Introduction :

My Demo App Flutter is a mobile application developed using Flutter based on Flutter Counter example application. Modified by the Sauce Labs team, this app is designed to demonstrate the robust capabilities of Sauce Labs' mobile devices cloud, with a particular focus on our integration with the Appium Flutter Integration Driver

In addition to Appium, this app also supports running Flutter integration tests using native test frameworks like Espresso (for Android) and XCTest (for iOS) on Sauce Labs, providing a comprehensive testing solution for Flutter applications.


To build and use this demo app, ensure you have the following dependencies installed on your local machine:

To verify that all the necessary requirements are met, run the following command. This will check your system and provide a report on what is installed and what needs to be installed:

flutter doctor

Building the apps

Install dependencies

First, install all necessary dependencies:

flutter packages get

Check for any outdated packages:

flutter pub outdated

Upgrade outdated packages to their latest major versions:

flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

Test Your Application Using Appium

At Sauce Labs, we support the appium flutter integration driver. You can follow the next steps to build your app for appium testing.

Build the Android app

Navigate to the android directory and build the app:

cd android
./gradlew app:assembleDebug -Ptarget=`pwd`/../integration_test/appium_test.dart

Build the iOS app

For Simulator - Debug mode

flutter build ios integration_test/appium_test.dart --simulator

For Real Device - Release mode

flutter build ipa --release integration_test/appium_test.dart

Test Your Application Using Native Test Frameworks

In the following part we have a step-by-step guide to prepare your application for flutter integration testsing using Android's and Apple's native test frameworks, Espresso and XCTest.

Prepare Your Flutter Application For Android Integration Testing

  1. Open your Flutter project in your favorite IDE.

  2. In your Flutter app's pubspec.yaml, add the following dependencies:

          sdk: flutter
          sdk: flutter
  3. Create an instrumentation test file in your application’s android/app/src/androidTest/java/com/example/myapp directory. Replace com, example, and myApp with the values from your app’s package name.

    Then, name this test file as or another name of your choice.

    package com.example.myApp;
    import androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule;
    import dev.flutter.plugins.integration_test.FlutterTestRunner;
    import org.junit.Rule;
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    import com.example.myApp.MainActivity;
    public class MainActivityTest {
        public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> rule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false);
  4. Update your application’s myapp/android/app/build.gradle file to ensure it uses androidx’s version of AndroidJUnitRunner and includes androidx libraries as a dependency.

     android {
       defaultConfig {
         testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
     dependencies {
       testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
       androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test:runner:1.2.0'
       androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0'
  5. Create a directory called integration_test in the root of your Flutter project.

  6. Create a file called flutter_integration_test.dart in the integration_test directory.

  7. Update your testing dart file flutter_integration_test.dart to include the tearDownAll, The purpose for this is to make sure we close the connection to the device after the tests have completed.

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
    import 'package:integration_test/integration_test.dart'; // Ensure you have this import
    // Add as app because we want to make sure the app loaded correctly on the device by calling the main function in the main dart file.
    import 'package:my_demo/main.dart' as app;
    void main() {
      // Ensure IntegrationTestWidgetsFlutterBinding is initialized
      final binding = IntegrationTestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() as IntegrationTestWidgetsFlutterBinding;
      group('E2E Test With Flutter', (){
        tearDownAll(() async {
          // Signal that the test is complete
          binding.reportData = <String, dynamic>{
            'completed': true,
        testWidgets("First testing scenario increment 5 decrement 3", 
        (tester) async {
          await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // wait for app to be ready. 
          // ...
  8. Use the following Gradle commands to build an instrumentation test .apk file(test suite) using the created in the androidTest directory as mentioned in step 3, or you can use the make command to build the application and build the apk files.

     # Go to the android folder which contains the "gradlew" script used for building Android apps from the terminal
     pushd android
     # Build an Android test APK (uses the file created in step 1)
     ./gradlew app:assembleAndroidTest
     # Build a debug APK by passing the integration test file
     ./gradlew app:assembleDebug -Ptarget="..../integration_test/flutter_integration_test.dart"
     # Go back to the root of the project

    OR simply run:

    make build-android-apk-files
  9. Configure saucectl to run the test.

    • Create a folder .sacue in your project root directory.
    • Inside this folder create a flutter_integration_test_android.yaml with the following content:
    apiVersion: v1alpha
    kind: espresso
       concurrency: 1
       app: ...../flutter/my-demo-app-flutter/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-debug.apk
       testApp: ....../flutter/my-demo-app-flutter/build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk
       - name: "Sauce Labs Espresso with flutter integration tests"
             - com.example.my_demo_app_flutter.MainActivityTest
           - name: "Google Pixel.*"
         when: always
           - junit.xml
         directory: ./
    • Run the following commands to start the test on Sauce Labs
    saucectl configure -u USERNAME -a ACCESS_KEY
    saucectl run -c sauceconnect/flutter_integration_test.yaml
    • Check the status of you test on
    12:24:52 INF Running Espresso in Sauce Labs
                            ######********************###. ##           
                               (########################  ##     ##     
                                       ,######(#*         ##*   (##     
                                   /############*          #####        
                               (########(  #########(    ###            
                             .#######,    */  ############              
                          ,##########  %#### , ########*                
                        *### .#######/  ##  / ########                  
                       ###   .###########//###########                  
                   ######     ########################                  
                 (#(    *#(     #######.    (#######                    
                        ##,    /########    ########                    
                               *########    ########                    
     _____        _    _  _____ ______    _____ _      ____  _    _ _____  
    / ____|  /\  | |  | |/ ____|  ____|  / ____| |    / __ \| |  | |  __ \
    | (___   /  \ | |  | | |    | |__    | |    | |   | |  | | |  | | |  | |
    \___ \ / /\ \| |  | | |    |  __|   | |    | |   | |  | | |  | | |  | |
    ____) / ____ \ |__| | |____| |____  | |____| |___| |__| | |__| | |__| |
    |_____/_/    \_\____/ \_____|______|  \_____|______\____/ \____/|_____/
    12:24:52 INF Checking if ...../my-demo-app-flutter/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-debug.apk has already been uploaded previously
    12:24:52 INF Checksum: 1df0b6684973536fef4ae653d89661d6c48d6f699091511515b69735d6a80fbd
    12:27:26 INF Application uploaded. durationMs=153173 storageId=6849a64a-3c51-4423-87f2-b3660c972a36
    12:27:26 INF Checking if ...../build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk has already been uploaded previously
    12:27:26 INF Checksum: b5b15cb741b78fe7a5df171406c17ec9ea8fd6ac52623abf7a8df519270e281d
    12:27:26 INF Skipping upload, using storage:635a7a46-c1fc-4c43-9a05-60e09a2163b8
    12:27:26 INF Launching workers. concurrency=1
    12:27:26 INF Starting suite. region=us-west-1 suite="Sauce Labs Espresso with flutter integration tests"
    12:27:27 INF Suite started. deviceId= deviceName="Google Pixel.*" platform=Android platformVersion= private=false suite="Sauce Labs Espresso with flutter integration tests" url=
    12:27:36 INF Suites in progress: 1
    12:27:46 INF Suites in progress: 1
    12:27:56 INF Suites in progress: 1
    12:28:06 INF Suites in progress: 1
    12:28:16 INF Suites in progress: 1
    12:28:26 INF Suites in progress: 1
    12:28:27 INF Suite finished. passed=true suite="Sauce Labs Espresso with flutter integration tests" url=
           Name                                                  Duration    Status    Platform    Device            Attempts  
    ✔    Sauce Labs Espresso with flutter integration tests        1m0s    passed    Android     Google Pixel.*           1  
    ✔    All tests have passed                                     1m1s
    Build Link:

Prepare Your Flutter Application For iOS Integration Testing

  1. Launch the Xcode Application.
  2. On Xcode, open the ios/Runner.xcworkspace in your flutter project, inside the ios folder.
  3. Create a test target if you do not already have one via File > New > Target... and select Unit Testing Bundle.
  4. Change the Product Name to RunnerTests.
  5. Make sure Target to be Tested is set to Runner and language is set to Objective-C.
  6. Make sure that the iOS Deployment Target of RunnerTests within the Build Settings section is the same as Runner.
  7. In the new target, add a test file called RunnerTests.m (or any name of your choice) and replace the file content with the following :
    @import XCTest;
    @import integration_test;
  8. Select your Team for both Targets in the Signing & Capabilities section.
  9. Now you can open the Flutter project in your favorite IDE.
  10. Update the ios/Podfile file by embedding in the existing Runner target :
target 'Runner' do
   # Do not change existing lines.
   target 'RunnerTests' do
     inherit! :search_paths
  1. Create a directory called integration_test in the root of your Flutter project.
  2. Create a file called flutter_integration_test.dart in the integration_test directory.
  3. Update your testing dart file flutter_integration_test.dart to include the tearDownAll, The purpose for this is to make sure we close the connection to the device after the tests have completed.
    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
    import 'package:integration_test/integration_test.dart'; // Ensure you have this import
    // Add as app because we want to make sure the app loaded correctly on the device by calling the main function in the main dart file.
    import 'package:my_demo/main.dart' as app;
    void main() {
      // Ensure IntegrationTestWidgetsFlutterBinding is initialized
      final binding = IntegrationTestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() as IntegrationTestWidgetsFlutterBinding;
      group('E2E Test With Flutter', (){
        tearDownAll(() async {
          // Signal that the test is complete
          binding.reportData = <String, dynamic>{
            'completed': true,
        testWidgets("First testing scenario increment 5 decrement 3", 
        (tester) async {
          await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // wait for app to be ready. 
          // ...
  4. To build integration_test/flutter_integration_test.dart from the command line, run.
     flutter build ios --config-only integration_test/flutter_integration_test.dart
  5. Execute the following bash script at the root of your Flutter app, this bash script will build the flutter app and generate the xctestrun file which contains all the necessary configs to successfully trigger the integration test, or you can use the make command to build the application and build the ipa file.
    flutter clean
    # Pass --simulator if building for the simulator.
    flutter build ios integration_test/flutter_integration_test.dart --release
    # move to the ios folder
    pushd ios
    # run the xcodebuild command to build the app for testing 
    xcodebuild build-for-testing \
    -workspace Runner.xcworkspace \
    -scheme Runner \
    -xcconfig Flutter/Release.xcconfig \
    -configuration Release \
    -derivedDataPath \
    $output -sdk iphoneos
    # go back the flutter application root folder
    # Compile the app into ipa file:
    # Open the product folder to get the xctestrun file and the application folder 
    pushd $product
    mkdir Payload
    cp -r Release-iphoneos/ Payload
    zip -r Runner.ipa Payload
    OR simply run:
    make build-ios-ipa-files
  6. Configure saucectl to run the test.
  • Create a folder .sauce in your project root directory.
  • Inside this folder create a flutter_integration_test_ios.yaml with the following content:
    apiVersion: v1alpha
    kind: xctest
       concurrency: 1
       app: ...../flutter/my-demo-app-flutter/build/ios_integration/Build/Products/Runner.ipa
       xcTestRunFile: ....../flutter/my-demo-app-flutter/build/ios_integration/Build/Products/Runner_iphoneos18.1-arm64.xctestrun
       - name: "Sauce Labs XCTest with flutter integration tests"
           - name: ".*"
         when: always
           - junit.xml
         directory: ./
  • Run the following commands to start the test on Sauce Labs
    saucectl configure -u USERNAME -a ACCESS_KEY
    saucectl run -c .sauce/flutter_integration_test_ios.yaml
  • Check the status of you test on