Rough notes on the steps we follow when making an SML release.
- Add things demonstrating/testing new features to Example Mod and SMLFeatureTests when relevant
- Ensure docs repository is updated (on, at least)
- Write version-specific Updating Guide on the docs when relevant
- Write draft release changelog on GitHub, following the format from the previous release
- Ensure SML VS project and mod compiles on a developer machine
- Ensure the CI passes on the
branch - Open a SML PR of
and get approvals - Update the docs versions
- After merging the PR, commit on master a
Bump version
commit- SML.uplugin GameVersion and SemVersion
- ExampleMod.uplugin GameVersion and SML dependency version
- Wait for CI to finish. Don't upload locally compiled versions so the version detailed suffix is consistent across versions.
- While waiting for CI to finish
- Merge the docs PR to master
- Update SMLFeatureTests SML dependency version
- Upload CI artifact to GitHub as release. Attach all of the CI zip file contents as release items (Windows (Client), Windows Server, Linux Server, SML (multi-target))
- Upload CI artifact to SMR as a new version of the SML mod (multi-target zip file), SMR changelog is the GitHub changelog
- Post in #toolkit-updates on Discord