CSSSKL 133 - 1/10/25
1. Running on your IDE - using the terminal
2. Pointers - memory mapping
3. Dynamic Memory - resizing arrays
4. Making deep copies of objects
Ensure that your IDE of choice is set up and working.
Print out a "Hello world" to make sure it works!
🤔❓ What issues are you running into with your IDE?
✨If you run into an error and you're on Windows, you might need to download MinGW toolkit https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/config-mingw . Also verify that your environment variables (Path) are correct.
- Note: Use PowerShell or Bash, not cmd! Command Prompt (cmd) is set as the default. Use the + to choose a different terminal!
- g++ myfile.cpp -o main - compile myfile, and save it to the executable called main
- ./main - run main
- ls - lists all the files in the current directory
- **cd ~** - return to the home directory (C:\Users\YourUsername)
- cd \path\to\destination - go to that destination
✨ Use Tab to complete the path, or cycle through options.
✨ Use the up and down arrows to scroll through recent commands in the terminal.
- Recall that a pointer is an address in memory
int size = 10;
int* size_ptr = &size;
cout << size_ptr; // prints out an address like 0x7fffac546ecc
📝 Practice: Memory mapping exercise
- Map ints and pointers to 4 bytes and use the next available space in the stack in order, from lowest to highest
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int totalScore = 250;
int roundsLeft = 3;
int* score_ptr = &totalScore;
int myScores[3] = {75, 82, 93};
int bonus = 10;
*score_ptr = bonus;
myScores[1] += *score_ptr;
return 0;
🤔❓ Why do we need to be careful when resizing dynamically allocated arrays?
- We need to prevent memory leaks when we transfer data from one array to another. If its not properly deleted, the memory will have nothing pointing to it.
- Create the new larger array
- Copy over the elements from the original array
- Delete the original array to free the memory
- Assign the original array to point to the new array, and assign the new array to point
- Now you can keep using the original array!
int originalSize = 5;
int* original = new int[originalSize];
for (int i = 0; i < originalSize; i++) {
original[i] = i+1;
// dynamically allocated new array
int doubledSize = originalSize * 2;
int* doubled = new int[doubledSize];
// copy existing elements to new array
for (int i = 0; i < originalSize; i++) {
doubled[i] = original[i];
// delete the original array to free the memory
delete[] original;
// assign the original array to point to the new array
original = doubled;
doubled = nullptr;
// now we can just use original
for (int i = originalSize; i < doubledSize; i++) {
original[i] = i+1;
delete[] original;
Turn to problem 1 of the lab, which explores creating a deep copy of an object, and how it differs from a shallow copy.
Try it first with your group and then we will go through it together.
// Problem 1 - Shallow vs Deep copy of an object
// Make two Books
Book book1("Effective Modern C++", 2015);
Book book2("Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++", 2006);
cout << "Original books" << endl;
// Make a deep copy of one book
Book copyBook = book1;
cout << "Copied book" << endl;
class Book {
string title;
int* year;
Book() {
title = "Untitled Book";
year = new int(2025);
Book(const string bookTitle, const int bookYear) {
title = bookTitle;
year = new int(bookYear);
// Add your copy constructor here
Book(const Book& other) {
title = other.title;
year = new int(*(other.year));
// Add your destructor here
~Book() {
delete year;
void printInfo() const {
cout << "Title: " << title << ", Year: " << *year << endl;