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582 lines (352 loc) · 22.3 KB


File metadata and controls

582 lines (352 loc) · 22.3 KB


Versions follow Semantic Versioning (<major>.<minor>.<patch>).

Backward incompatible (breaking) changes will only be introduced in major versions with advance notice in the Deprecations section of releases.

Previous Changelog Entries

Before the 1.0.0 release, due to the fast evolving pace and breakage introduced while developing the library, no changelog was kept. Please refer to the git history for details.

.. towncrier-draft-entries::

1.0.1 (2024-03-22)

Bug Fixes

  • Properly configure the SSHD server when FIPS is enabled/enforced on a system (#179)

1.0.0 (2024-03-21)


  • The SSHD daemon implementation now has a get_host_keys method which returns the host keys that can then be written to a known_hosts file. (#176)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • CI pipeline changes:
    • Stop testing against Pytest 8.0.0rc2 and instead test against 8.0.x
    • Stop testing against Salt 3005.x
    • Add Salt 3007.x to the versions to test
    • Stop testing against Pytest 7.3.x and add 8.1.x to the list of versions to test (#177)

1.0.0rc29 (2024-01-23)


  • Add --sys-info-and-exit which basically prints the system information and exit. Doesn't run any tests. (#173)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Switch pipelines to use Python 3.11 and start testing Pytest 8.0.0rc2 (#173)

1.0.0rc28 (2023-11-25)


  • Added a containarized salt master class implementation, SaltMaster (#169)


  • Switch to testing against Salt 3006.x instead of 3005.x (#169)

Bug Fixes

  • The Container._pull_container callback now properly registers on the SaltMinion and the SaltMaster classes when pull_before_start is True (#168)

Improved Documentation

1.0.0rc27 (2023-09-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Allow the Salt engine to run on Python 3.6 (#167)

1.0.0rc26 (2023-09-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Check if path exists before running additional checks on the temp_directory context manager. (#160)
  • The container implementation is now sensible to the exited state when starting containers. (#165)

Improved Documentation

  • Updated documentation for SaltEnv temp_file and added an example usage (#163)

1.0.0rc25 (2023-07-31)


  • Remove pytest-tempdir package dependency (#154)
  • Stop using deprecated @pytest.mark.trylast (#155)
  • Simplify and reduce the amount of patching required to unit test loader modules (#156)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Some internal processes improvements:
    • Publish packages to PyPi with trusted publishers
    • Enable dependabot to update the GH Actions versions on a weekly basis (#151)
  • Start using actionlint and shellcheck to validate GH Actions workflows (#153)
  • Improve code coverage by either removing code not getting used anymore or marking sections of the code which are not expected to be covered (#157)

1.0.0rc24 (2023-07-27)


  • Several improvements to reduce failure points:
    • Log the exception instead of raising it.
    • Always populate the *_dirs config settings, regardless of how salt-factories is being used
    • Improved the connect/disconnect behavior of the event listener client
    • The minimum supported Salt version is now 3005.0
    • The minimum supported Pytest version is now 7.0.0 (#149)

Bug Fixes

  • Do not blindly overwrite the retuner_address configuration key (#146)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Start checking the code base with ruff (#149)

1.0.0rc23 (2022-12-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Salt's deferred imports to allow onedir builds while not breaking non-onedir builds:
    • Additionally, stopped relying on salt.utils.files and salt.utils.yaml
    • Stopped using zmq to forward events(this was where the breakage was showing) for a plain TCP implementation.
    • The event_listener fixture is now started/stopped like a regular pytest fixture
    • The event_listener server now restarts in case something goes wrong to the point where it crashes. (#146)

1.0.0rc22 (2022-12-02)

Breaking Changes

  • Drop support for Python 3.5 and 3.6 (#123)


  • Defer all salt imports so that we can use pytest-salt-factories to test onedir builds (#144)
  • A few improvements to functional testing support:
    • Allow StateReturn to be accessed by key instead of just attribute
    • Add warning for when more than a state function is used under the same state key
    • Return an instance of MatchString for StateResult.comment (#145)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Update the github actions versions to avoid deprecation errors (#145)

1.0.0rc21 (2022-11-04)


  • Several improvements to the state module wrappers:
    • Allow getting the state chunk by __id__ on MultiStateResult
    • Wrap a few more functions from salt.modules.state (#140)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Pipeline and requirements fixes:
    • Test against 3005.* and not 3005rc2 since it's now released.
    • Install importlib-metadata<5.0.0 since only Salt>=3006 will be able to handle it (#140)

1.0.0rc20 (2022-08-25)

Bug Fixes

  • The spm CLI now properly lays down the configuration files required (#137)

1.0.0rc19 (2022-08-22)

Breaking Changes

  • In saltfactories.utils.cli_scipts.generate_script():
    • For coverage tracking, both coverate_db_path and coverage_rc_path must be passed. They will not be infered by root_dir.
    • inject_coverage was removed. (#135)
  • The minimum Salt version in now 3004 (#136)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • CI and internal changes:
    • Start testing Salt 3005.x (rc2 for now)
    • Skip testing 3005rc2 on windows and macOS for now.
    • Lock system tests to a version of nox that still works
    • Bump python version to 3.9 for lint workflow
    • Bumped pylint requirement to 2.14.5 and cleaned up issues
    • Don't build the salt minion container during test runs, pull an existing container. (#136)

1.0.0rc18 (2022-07-14)

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the system_install configuration flag, markers and behaviours when set to system_service to better reflect what it's actually used for. (#96)


  • Allow passing --python-executable to teak which python get's used to prefix CLI commands, when needed. (#129)
  • Allow passing --scripts-dir to tell salt-factories where to look for the Salt daemon and CLI scripts. The several scripts to the Salt daemons and CLI's must exist. Also, passing this option will additionally make salt-factories NOT generate said scripts and set python_executable to None (#130)
  • Added CLI support(--system-service) to change salt-factories to use Salt previously installed from the platform's package manager. (#131)
  • Inject engines_dirs and log_handlers_dirs when system_service=True or scripts_path is not None These flags suggest that the salt being imported and used by salt-factories might not be the same as the one being tested. So, in this case, make sure events and logging from started daemons still get forwarded to salt-factories. (#133)

1.0.0rc17 (2022-06-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Bump deprecations targeted for 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 (#122)
  • Try to pass loaded_base_name to each of Salt's loaders used in our Loaders class, if not supported, patch it at runtime. (#126)
  • saltfactories.utils.warn_until() is now aware of Pytest's rewrite calls and properly reports the offending code. (#127)

1.0.0rc16 (2022-05-28)


  • Switch to internal start check callables.

    Additionally, significant container improvements, like:

    • Get host ports to check from the container port bindings.
    • Always terminate the containers.
    • Support randomly assigned host port bindings

    skip_on_salt_system_install is now also a marker provided by pytest-salt-factories. (#120)

1.0.0rc15 (2022-05-09)


  • Now that the new logging changes are merged into Salt's master branch, adjust detection of those changes on SaltKey. (#118)

Bug Fixes

  • --timeout is now correctly passed for CLI factories when either timeout is defined on the configuration or when timeout is passed to the CLI factory constructor. (#117)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Test PyTest 7.0.x and 7.1.x & Fix tests requirements
    • Don't allow pytest-subtests to upgrade pytest
    • Test under PyTest 7.0.x and 7.1.x
    • Force Jinja2 to be < 3.1 on Salt 3003.x
    • Fix the requirements of the example echo-extension
    • Explicitly pass a timeout to Salt CLI's on spawning platforms.
    • Windows builds were not getting passed the PYTEST_VERSION_REQUIREMENT env var. (#116)

1.0.0rc14 (2022-04-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed container tests not passing on macOS (#114)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Pin click on the black pre-commit hooks (#115)

1.0.0rc13 (2022-03-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Handle docker client initialization error on macOS. (#113)

1.0.0rc12 (2022-03-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Catch APIError when removing containers (#112)

1.0.0rc11 (2022-03-22)


  • Provide a file for the project (#67)
  • It's no longer necessary to pass a docker client instance as docker_client when using containers. (#111)

1.0.0rc10 (2022-03-21)


  • The docker container daemon now pulls the image by default prior to starting it. (#109)

Bug Fixes

  • Provide backwards compatibility imports for the old factory exceptions, now in pytest-shell-utilities (#108)
  • Base classes for the SaltDaemon containers order is now fixed. (#110)

1.0.0rc9 (2022-03-20)


  • Use old-style Salt entrypoints for improved backwards compatibility. (#98)

1.0.0rc8 (2022-03-12)

Bug Fixes

  • Instead of just removing saltfactories.utils.ports and saltfactories.utils.processes, redirect the imports to the right library and show a deprecation warning. (#106)

1.0.0rc7 (2022-02-19)

Bug Fixes

  • The containers factory does not accept the stats_processes keyword. (#105)

1.0.0rc6 (2022-02-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Include the started daemons in the stats_processes dictionary (#104)

1.0.0rc5 (2022-02-17)


  • Wipe the cachedir for on each saltfactories.utils.functional.Loaders reset (#103)

1.0.0rc4 (2022-02-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Properly handle missing keys in the configuration for the pytest salt logging handler. (#101)
  • Fix passing --timeout to Salt's CLI's (#102)

1.0.0rc3 (2022-02-16)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix pathlib.path typo (#99)
  • Fixed issue with sdist recompression for reproducible packages not iterating though subdirectories contents. (#100)

1.0.0rc2 (2022-02-14)


  • Improve documentation (#92)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where, on system installations, the minion ID on the configuration, if not explicitly passed on overrides or defaults, would default to the master ID used to create the salt minion factory. (#93)
  • Allow configuring root_dir in setup_salt_factories fixture (#95)

0.912.2 (2022-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • Use salt's entry-points instead of relying on loader *_dirs configs (#98)

0.912.1 (2022-02-05)


  • Set lower required python version to 3.5.2 (#97)

1.0.0rc1 (2022-01-27)

Breaking Changes

  • Switch to the extracted pytest plugins
    • Switch to pytest-system-statistics
    • Switch to pytest-shell-utilities (#90)

0.912.0 (2022-01-25)

Breaking Changes

  • Name things once. (#50)
  • get_unused_localhost_port no longer cached returned port by default (#51)
  • Rename the SaltMaster.get_salt_cli to SaltMaster.salt_cli, forgotten on PR #50 (#70)


  • Temporary state tree management
    • Add temp_file and temp_directory support as pytest helpers
    • Add SaltStateTree and SaltPillarTree for easier temp files support (#38)
  • Added skip markers for AArch64 platform, skip_on_aarch64 and skip_unless_on_aarch64 (#40)
  • Added a VirtualEnv helper class to create and interact with a virtual environment (#43)
  • Add skip_on_spawning_platform and skip_unless_on_spawning_platform markers (#81)


  • Switch project to an src/ based layout (#41)
  • Start using towncrier to maintain the changelog (#42)
  • Forwarding logs, file and pillar roots fixes
    • Salt allows minions and proxy minions to also have file and pillar roots configured
    • All factories will now send logs of level debug or higher to the log server (#49)
  • Log the test outcome (#52)
  • Take into account that SystemExit.code might not be an integer on the generated CLI scripts (#62)
  • Catch unhandled exceptions and write their traceback to sys.stderr in the generated CLI scripts (#63)
  • Several fixes/improvements to the ZMQHandler log forwarding handler (#64)
  • ZMQ needs to reconnect on forked processes or else Salt's own multiprocessing log forwarding log records won't be logged by the ZMQHandler (#69)
  • Some more additional changes to the ZMQHandler to make sure it's resources are cleaned when terminating (#74)
  • The sshd server no longer generates dsa keys if the system has FIPS enabled (#80)
  • Add to_salt_config method to SaltEnv and SaltEnvs. This will simplify augmenting the salt configuration dictionary. (#82)
  • Rename SaltEnv.to_salt_config() to SaltEnv.as_dict() (#83)
  • Switch to pytest-skip-markers. (#84)

Bug Fixes

  • Adjust to the upcoming salt loader changes (#77)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • CI pileline adjustements
    • Bump salt testing requirement to 3002.6
    • Drop testing of FreeBSD since it's too unreliable on Github Actions
    • Full clone when testing so that codecov does not complain (#39)
  • Upgrade to black 21.4b2 (#56)
  • Drop Pytest requirement to 6.0.0 (#57)
  • Increase and match CI system tests timeout-minutes to Linux tests timeout-minutes (#64)
  • Switch to the new codecov uploader (#72)
  • Fix codecov flags, report name, and coverage (#73)
  • Update to latest versions on some pre-commit hooks
    • pyupgrade: 2.23.3
    • reorder_python_imports: 2.6.0
    • black: 21.b7
    • blacken-docs: 1.10.0 (#79)
  • Remove transport keyword argument from the call to salt.utils.event.get_event (#87)
  • Add build and release nox targets (#89)