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200 lines (138 loc) · 6.51 KB

File metadata and controls

200 lines (138 loc) · 6.51 KB


This is my config file for vim with spf-13.

Here is the step to fellow me:

0. Prepare

In Ubuntu, some packages are needed to be installed to complie Vim.

sudo apt install libncurses5-dev python-dev perl libperl-dev ruby ruby-dev lua5.3 liblua5.3 liblua5.3-dev

Some time,headers and shared library should be soft linked to correct location.

sudo ln -sf /usr/include/lua5.3/*.* /usr/include
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

1. Install Vim

In ArchLinux, Install Vim with sudo pacman -S gvim

In Ubuntu, you need to complie Vim form source,when config you need to run this

./configure --with-features=huge --enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-luainterp --enable-perlinterp --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config/ --enable-gui=gtk2 --enable-cscope --enable-fail-if-missing

rember to change the with-pyton-config-dir

if python3 is wantted:

./configure --with-features=huge --enable-rubyinterp --enable-luainterp --enable-perlinterp  --with-python3-command=python3.5 --with-python3-config-dir=/usr/lib/python3.5/config-3.5m-x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-python3interp --enable-gui=gtk2 --enable-cscope --enable-fail-if-missing

2. Install my conig

  1. git clone
  2. run ./ in vimrc directory

3. Install the changed spf-13

The spf-13 i forked control plugins with vim-plug,you can install this version by

curl -L > && sh

4. Complie YouCompleteMe.

if you use ArchLinux

sudo pacman -S python-pip clang
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --clang-completer --system-libclang

if you use Ubuntu

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --clang-completer

5. Install tmux >= 2.1

install tmux >=2.1 and oh-my-tmux, you need xsel for copying to system clipboard,

If you use ubuntu install

sudo apt-get install libevent-dev automake
git clone
cd tmux
./configure && make

To install oh-my-tmux

git clone
ln -s -f .tmux/.tmux.conf

To compline

6. Plugin in my config

6.1 fzf

<ctrl-r> in shell is updated by fzf, give it a try.

vim **<tab> show file in pwd, <ctrl-j> for down and <ctrl-j> for up, <tab> for select, similar for ssh. Particular, kill -9 <tab> does need **

6.2 vim-dirvish

Under normal mode, - opens the current file directory

<CR> Opens file at cursor.


{Visual}<CR> Opens selected files.

o Opens in horizontal split.

{Visual}O Opens selected files in horizontal splits.

a Opens in vertical split.

{Visual}A Opens selected files in vertical splits.

K Shows file info.

{Visual}K Shows info about selected files.

p Previews file at cursor.

CTRL-N Previews the next file.

CTRL-P Previews the previous file.

6.3 YouCompleteMe

<leader>jc jump to Declaration.

<leader>jd jump to Definition.

<leader>ji jump to include.

<tab> for select for completion, <c-k> for the previous one.

6.4 UltiSnips

<c-e> expand snips

<c-j> jump forward

<c-k> jump backward

6.5 LeaderfF

<c-p> list for files in project

<leader>m list for most recent used file

<leader>f list for functions in this file

<leader>b list for buffers in vim

<leader>t list for tags in this file

Once LeaderF is launched:

Command Description
quit from LeaderF
<C-R> switch between fuzzy search mode and regex mode
<C-F> switch between full path search mode and name only search mode
<Tab> switch to normal mode
paste from clipboard
<C-U> clear the prompt
move the cursor downward in the result window
move the cursor upward in the result window
open the file under cursor or selected(when multiple files are selected)
<C-X> open in horizontal split window
<C-]> open in vertical split window
<C-T> open in new tabpage
<F5> refresh the cache
select multiple files
<S-LeftMouse> select consecutive multiple files
<C-A> select all files
<C-L> clear all selections
<BS> delete the preceding character in the prompt
<Del> delete the current character in the prompt
<Home> move the cursor to the begin of the prompt
<End> move the cursor to the end of the prompt
<Left> move the cursor one character to the left in the prompt
<Right> move the cursor one character to the right in the prompt
<C-P> preview the result

6.6 vim-gutentags

generate tags for you in project in ~/.cache/tags, and add it to tags path in vim

ctags is needed.

6.7 ctrlsf

ripgrep is needed for this plugin.

  1. Run :CtrlSF [pattern], it will split a new window to show search result.

  2. If you are doing an asynchronous searching, you can explore and edit other files in the meanwhile, and can always press Ctrl-C to stop searching.

  3. In the result window, press Enter/o to open corresponding file, or press q to quit.

  4. Press p to explore file in a preview window if you only want a glance.

  5. You can edit search result as you like. Whenever you apply a change, you can save your change to actual file by :w.

  6. If you change your mind after saving, you can always undo it by pressing u and saving it again.

  7. :CtrlSFOpen can reopen CtrlSF window when you have closed CtrlSF window. It is free because it won't invoke a same but new search. A handy command :CtrlSFToggle is also available.

  8. If you prefer a quickfix-like result window, just try to press M in CtrlSF window.

7. Have fun

You are welcome to PR.