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suppression-backup-service can be used to speed-up loading of suppression regulation at gateway after it's restart.

It regularly syncs with suppression-service & then creates latest and full backuped badgerdb, which are served from following endpoints:-

1. /full-export

this endpoint returns the full backup of suppression regulation till date.

2. /latest-export

As the above data might be really large and a little less relevant, so this endpoint returns suppression data of last 30 days.

To run this service following envs are requried:-

  1. WORKSPACE_TOKEN #workspace secret is required only in case single tenant.
  2. HOSTED_SERVICE_SECRET #namespace secret is required only in case of multi-tenant.
  3. CONFIG_BACKEND_URL #url to hit for getting config SUPPRESS_USER_BACKEND_URL #url to hit for getting regulation-manager