diff --git a/admin/class-nginx-helper-admin.php b/admin/class-nginx-helper-admin.php
index f91289a..6f3cbe8 100644
--- a/admin/class-nginx-helper-admin.php
+++ b/admin/class-nginx-helper-admin.php
@@ -434,7 +434,13 @@ public function nginx_helper_get_feeds() {
 									'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>',
 									esc_url( $item->get_permalink() ),
-									esc_attr__( 'Posted ', 'nginx-helper' ) . esc_attr( $item->get_date( 'j F Y | g:i a' ) ),
+									esc_attr(
+										sprintf(
+											/* translators: %s: date/time the feed item as been posted */
+											__( 'Posted %s', 'nginx-helper' ),
+											$item->get_date( 'j F Y | g:i a' )
+										)
+									),
 									esc_html( $item->get_title() )
diff --git a/admin/class-purger.php b/admin/class-purger.php
index ee07019..141401a 100644
--- a/admin/class-purger.php
+++ b/admin/class-purger.php
@@ -688,12 +688,24 @@ private function _purge_homepage() {
 		if ( function_exists( 'icl_get_home_url' ) ) {
 			$homepage_url = trailingslashit( icl_get_home_url() );
-			$this->log( sprintf( __( 'Purging homepage (WPML) ', 'nginx-helper' ) . '%s', $homepage_url ) );
+			$this->log(
+				sprintf(
+					/* translators: %s homepage URL */
+					__( 'Purging homepage (WPML) %s', 'nginx-helper' ),
+					$homepage_url
+				)
+			);
 		} else {
 			$homepage_url = trailingslashit( home_url() );
-			$this->log( sprintf( __( 'Purging homepage ', 'nginx-helper' ) . '%s', $homepage_url ) );
+			$this->log( 
+				sprintf(
+					/* translators: %s homepage URL */
+					__( 'Purging homepage %s', 'nginx-helper' ),
+					$homepage_url
+				)
+			);
diff --git a/admin/partials/nginx-helper-general-options.php b/admin/partials/nginx-helper-general-options.php
index a91eb53..3b17a1e 100644
--- a/admin/partials/nginx-helper-general-options.php
+++ b/admin/partials/nginx-helper-general-options.php
@@ -620,14 +620,15 @@
-										'<p class="enable-logging-message">(<b>%1$s:</b> %2$s %3$s %4$s <b>NGINX_HELPER_LOG</b> constant %5$s <b>%6$s</b> %7$s <b>wp-config.php</b>)</p>',
-										esc_html__( 'NOTE', 'nginx-helper' ),
-										esc_html__( 'To', 'nginx-helper' ),
-										esc_html( $setting_message_detail['status'] ),
-										esc_html__( 'the logging feature, you must define', 'nginx-helper' ),
-										esc_html__( 'as', 'nginx-helper' ),
-										esc_html( $setting_message_detail['value'] ),
-										esc_html__( 'in your', 'nginx-helper' )
+										'<p class="enable-logging-message">(%s)</p>',
+										sprintf(
+											wp_kses_post(
+												/* translators: %1$s: status to change to (enable or disable), %2$s: bool value to set the NGINX_HELPER_LOG as (true or false) */
+												__( '<strong>NOTE:</strong> To %1$s the logging feature, you must define the <strong>NGINX_HELPER_LOG</strong> constant as <strong>%2$s</strong> in your <strong>wp-config.php</strong> file', 'nginx-helper' )
+											),
+											esc_html( $setting_message_detail['status'] ),
+											esc_html( $setting_message_detail['value'] )
+										)