From 16a877eef0ac2ef14c5ee02c4905abd8e095f30c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dvg-p4 Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 17:06:08 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 01/12] Remove dateInput and dateRangeInput handlers for keyup and input events This prevents spurious updates while typing, but still sends when enter is pressed, focus is lost, or the GUI is clicked (due to the remaining `changeDate` and `change` handlers). --- inst/www/shared/shiny.js | 6 ------ inst/www/shared/ | 4 ++-- inst/www/shared/shiny.min.js | 2 +- inst/www/shared/ | 4 ++-- srcts/src/bindings/input/date.ts | 20 ++++++++++++-------- srcts/src/bindings/input/daterange.ts | 20 ++++++++++++-------- 6 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/inst/www/shared/shiny.js b/inst/www/shared/shiny.js index c132756538..37f48e84be 100644 --- a/inst/www/shared/shiny.js +++ b/inst/www/shared/shiny.js @@ -5727,9 +5727,6 @@ }, { key: "subscribe", value: function subscribe(el, callback) { - (0, import_jquery13.default)(el).on("keyup.dateInputBinding input.dateInputBinding", function() { - callback(true); - }); (0, import_jquery13.default)(el).on("changeDate.dateInputBinding change.dateInputBinding", function() { callback(false); }); @@ -6544,9 +6541,6 @@ }, { key: "subscribe", value: function subscribe(el, callback) { - (0, import_jquery15.default)(el).on("keyup.dateRangeInputBinding input.dateRangeInputBinding", function() { - callback(true); - }); (0, import_jquery15.default)(el).on("changeDate.dateRangeInputBinding change.dateRangeInputBinding", function() { callback(false); }); diff --git a/inst/www/shared/ b/inst/www/shared/ index 136320f27c..695c88cc43 100644 --- a/inst/www/shared/ +++ b/inst/www/shared/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "version": 3, "sources": ["globals:jquery", "../../../node_modules/core-js/internals/global.js", "../../../node_modules/core-js/internals/fails.js", "../../../node_modules/core-js/internals/descriptors.js", 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"../../../node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array-buffer.slice.js", "../../../node_modules/core-js/modules/", "../../../node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.reduce.js", "../../../srcts/src/shiny/shinyapp.ts", "../../../srcts/src/window/blobBuilder.ts", "../../../srcts/src/window/userAgent.ts", "../../../srcts/src/shiny/reactlog.ts", "../../../srcts/src/initialize/index.ts", "../../../srcts/src/index.ts"], - "sourcesContent": ["module.exports = window.jQuery", "var check = function (it) {\n return it && it.Math == Math && it;\n};\n\n//\nmodule.exports =\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-global-this -- safe\n check(typeof globalThis == 'object' && globalThis) ||\n check(typeof window == 'object' && window) ||\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals -- safe\n check(typeof self == 'object' && self) ||\n check(typeof global == 'object' && global) ||\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func -- fallback\n (function () { return this; })() || Function('return this')();\n", "module.exports = function (exec) {\n try {\n return !!exec();\n } catch (error) {\n return true;\n }\n};\n", "var fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\n// Detect IE8's incomplete defineProperty implementation\nmodule.exports = !fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- required for testing\n return Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function () { return 7; } })[1] != 7;\n});\n", "'use strict';\nvar $propertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n\n// Nashorn ~ JDK8 bug\nvar NASHORN_BUG = getOwnPropertyDescriptor && !${ 1: 2 }, 1);\n\n// `Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable` method implementation\n//\nexports.f = NASHORN_BUG ? function propertyIsEnumerable(V) {\n var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, V);\n return !!descriptor && descriptor.enumerable;\n} : $propertyIsEnumerable;\n", "module.exports = function (bitmap, value) {\n return {\n enumerable: !(bitmap & 1),\n configurable: !(bitmap & 2),\n writable: !(bitmap & 4),\n value: value\n };\n};\n", "var toString = {}.toString;\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return, -1);\n};\n", "var fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar classof = require('../internals/classof-raw');\n\nvar split = ''.split;\n\n// fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings\nmodule.exports = fails(function () {\n // throws an error in rhino, see\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins -- safe\n return !Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0);\n}) ? function (it) {\n return classof(it) == 'String' ?, '') : Object(it);\n} : Object;\n", "// `RequireObjectCoercible` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (it == undefined) throw TypeError(\"Can't call method on \" + it);\n return it;\n};\n", "// toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings\nvar IndexedObject = require('../internals/indexed-object');\nvar requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible');\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return IndexedObject(requireObjectCoercible(it));\n};\n", "module.exports = function (it) {\n return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function';\n};\n", "var isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\n\n// `ToPrimitive` abstract operation\n//\n// instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case\n// and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string\nmodule.exports = function (input, PREFERRED_STRING) {\n if (!isObject(input)) return input;\n var fn, val;\n if (PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = return val;\n if (typeof (fn = input.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = return val;\n if (!PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = return val;\n throw TypeError(\"Can't convert object to primitive value\");\n};\n", "var requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible');\n\n// `ToObject` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (argument) {\n return Object(requireObjectCoercible(argument));\n};\n", "var toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;\n\nmodule.exports = Object.hasOwn || function hasOwn(it, key) {\n return, key);\n};\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\n\nvar document = global.document;\n// typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE\nvar EXISTS = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement);\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return EXISTS ? document.createElement(it) : {};\n};\n", "var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar createElement = require('../internals/document-create-element');\n\n// Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty\nmodule.exports = !DESCRIPTORS && !fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- requied for testing\n return Object.defineProperty(createElement('div'), 'a', {\n get: function () { return 7; }\n }).a != 7;\n});\n", "var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar propertyIsEnumerableModule = require('../internals/object-property-is-enumerable');\nvar createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar IE8_DOM_DEFINE = require('../internals/ie8-dom-define');\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe\nvar $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n\n// `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method\n//\nexports.f = DESCRIPTORS ? $getOwnPropertyDescriptor : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {\n O = toIndexedObject(O);\n P = toPrimitive(P, true);\n if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {\n return $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P);\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n if (has(O, P)) return createPropertyDescriptor(!, P), O[P]);\n};\n", "var isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (!isObject(it)) {\n throw TypeError(String(it) + ' is not an object');\n } return it;\n};\n", "var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar IE8_DOM_DEFINE = require('../internals/ie8-dom-define');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive');\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe\nvar $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;\n\n// `Object.defineProperty` method\n//\nexports.f = DESCRIPTORS ? $defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) {\n anObject(O);\n P = toPrimitive(P, true);\n anObject(Attributes);\n if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {\n return $defineProperty(O, P, Attributes);\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported');\n if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value;\n return O;\n};\n", "var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\nvar createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor');\n\nmodule.exports = DESCRIPTORS ? function (object, key, value) {\n return definePropertyModule.f(object, key, createPropertyDescriptor(1, value));\n} : function (object, key, value) {\n object[key] = value;\n return object;\n};\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\n\nmodule.exports = function (key, value) {\n try {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(global, key, value);\n } catch (error) {\n global[key] = value;\n } return value;\n};\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar setGlobal = require('../internals/set-global');\n\nvar SHARED = '__core-js_shared__';\nvar store = global[SHARED] || setGlobal(SHARED, {});\n\nmodule.exports = store;\n", "var store = require('../internals/shared-store');\n\nvar functionToString = Function.toString;\n\n// this helper broken in `core-js@3.4.1-3.4.4`, so we can't use `shared` helper\nif (typeof store.inspectSource != 'function') {\n store.inspectSource = function (it) {\n return;\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = store.inspectSource;\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar inspectSource = require('../internals/inspect-source');\n\nvar WeakMap = global.WeakMap;\n\nmodule.exports = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && /native code/.test(inspectSource(WeakMap));\n", "module.exports = false;\n", "var IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\nvar store = require('../internals/shared-store');\n\n(module.exports = function (key, value) {\n return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {});\n})('versions', []).push({\n version: '3.14.0',\n mode: IS_PURE ? 'pure' : 'global',\n copyright: '\u00A9 2021 Denis Pushkarev ('\n});\n", "var id = 0;\nvar postfix = Math.random();\n\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n return 'Symbol(' + String(key === undefined ? '' : key) + ')_' + (++id + postfix).toString(36);\n};\n", "var shared = require('../internals/shared');\nvar uid = require('../internals/uid');\n\nvar keys = shared('keys');\n\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n return keys[key] || (keys[key] = uid(key));\n};\n", "module.exports = {};\n", "var NATIVE_WEAK_MAP = require('../internals/native-weak-map');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar objectHas = require('../internals/has');\nvar shared = require('../internals/shared-store');\nvar sharedKey = require('../internals/shared-key');\nvar hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys');\n\nvar OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = 'Object already initialized';\nvar WeakMap = global.WeakMap;\nvar set, get, has;\n\nvar enforce = function (it) {\n return has(it) ? get(it) : set(it, {});\n};\n\nvar getterFor = function (TYPE) {\n return function (it) {\n var state;\n if (!isObject(it) || (state = get(it)).type !== TYPE) {\n throw TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required');\n } return state;\n };\n};\n\nif (NATIVE_WEAK_MAP || shared.state) {\n var store = shared.state || (shared.state = new WeakMap());\n var wmget = store.get;\n var wmhas = store.has;\n var wmset = store.set;\n set = function (it, metadata) {\n if (, it)) throw new TypeError(OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED);\n metadata.facade = it;\n, it, metadata);\n return metadata;\n };\n get = function (it) {\n return, it) || {};\n };\n has = function (it) {\n return, it);\n };\n} else {\n var STATE = sharedKey('state');\n hiddenKeys[STATE] = true;\n set = function (it, metadata) {\n if (objectHas(it, STATE)) throw new TypeError(OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED);\n metadata.facade = it;\n createNonEnumerableProperty(it, STATE, metadata);\n return metadata;\n };\n get = function (it) {\n return objectHas(it, STATE) ? it[STATE] : {};\n };\n has = function (it) {\n return objectHas(it, STATE);\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n set: set,\n get: get,\n has: has,\n enforce: enforce,\n getterFor: getterFor\n};\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar setGlobal = require('../internals/set-global');\nvar inspectSource = require('../internals/inspect-source');\nvar InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state');\n\nvar getInternalState = InternalStateModule.get;\nvar enforceInternalState = InternalStateModule.enforce;\nvar TEMPLATE = String(String).split('String');\n\n(module.exports = function (O, key, value, options) {\n var unsafe = options ? !!options.unsafe : false;\n var simple = options ? !!options.enumerable : false;\n var noTargetGet = options ? !!options.noTargetGet : false;\n var state;\n if (typeof value == 'function') {\n if (typeof key == 'string' && !has(value, 'name')) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(value, 'name', key);\n }\n state = enforceInternalState(value);\n if (!state.source) {\n state.source = TEMPLATE.join(typeof key == 'string' ? key : '');\n }\n }\n if (O === global) {\n if (simple) O[key] = value;\n else setGlobal(key, value);\n return;\n } else if (!unsafe) {\n delete O[key];\n } else if (!noTargetGet && O[key]) {\n simple = true;\n }\n if (simple) O[key] = value;\n else createNonEnumerableProperty(O, key, value);\n// add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative\n})(Function.prototype, 'toString', function toString() {\n return typeof this == 'function' && getInternalState(this).source || inspectSource(this);\n});\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\n\nmodule.exports = global;\n", "var path = require('../internals/path');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\n\nvar aFunction = function (variable) {\n return typeof variable == 'function' ? variable : undefined;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function (namespace, method) {\n return arguments.length < 2 ? aFunction(path[namespace]) || aFunction(global[namespace])\n : path[namespace] && path[namespace][method] || global[namespace] && global[namespace][method];\n};\n", "var ceil = Math.ceil;\nvar floor = Math.floor;\n\n// `ToInteger` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (argument) {\n return isNaN(argument = +argument) ? 0 : (argument > 0 ? floor : ceil)(argument);\n};\n", "var toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer');\n\nvar min = Math.min;\n\n// `ToLength` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (argument) {\n return argument > 0 ? min(toInteger(argument), 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF) : 0; // 2 ** 53 - 1 == 9007199254740991\n};\n", "var toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer');\n\nvar max = Math.max;\nvar min = Math.min;\n\n// Helper for a popular repeating case of the spec:\n// Let integer be ? ToInteger(index).\n// If integer < 0, let result be max((length + integer), 0); else let result be min(integer, length).\nmodule.exports = function (index, length) {\n var integer = toInteger(index);\n return integer < 0 ? max(integer + length, 0) : min(integer, length);\n};\n", "var toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar toAbsoluteIndex = require('../internals/to-absolute-index');\n\n// `Array.prototype.{ indexOf, includes }` methods implementation\nvar createMethod = function (IS_INCLUDES) {\n return function ($this, el, fromIndex) {\n var O = toIndexedObject($this);\n var length = toLength(O.length);\n var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length);\n var value;\n // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check\n if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) {\n value = O[index++];\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check\n if (value != value) return true;\n // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not\n } else for (;length > index; index++) {\n if ((IS_INCLUDES || index in O) && O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0;\n } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // `Array.prototype.includes` method\n //\n includes: createMethod(true),\n // `Array.prototype.indexOf` method\n //\n indexOf: createMethod(false)\n};\n", "var has = require('../internals/has');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar indexOf = require('../internals/array-includes').indexOf;\nvar hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys');\n\nmodule.exports = function (object, names) {\n var O = toIndexedObject(object);\n var i = 0;\n var result = [];\n var key;\n for (key in O) !has(hiddenKeys, key) && has(O, key) && result.push(key);\n // Don't enum bug & hidden keys\n while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) {\n ~indexOf(result, key) || result.push(key);\n }\n return result;\n};\n", "// IE8- don't enum bug keys\nmodule.exports = [\n 'constructor',\n 'hasOwnProperty',\n 'isPrototypeOf',\n 'propertyIsEnumerable',\n 'toLocaleString',\n 'toString',\n 'valueOf'\n];\n", "var internalObjectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys-internal');\nvar enumBugKeys = require('../internals/enum-bug-keys');\n\nvar hiddenKeys = enumBugKeys.concat('length', 'prototype');\n\n// `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method\n//\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertynames -- safe\nexports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) {\n return internalObjectKeys(O, hiddenKeys);\n};\n", "// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertysymbols -- safe\nexports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\n", "var getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar getOwnPropertyNamesModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names');\nvar getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\n\n// all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols\nmodule.exports = getBuiltIn('Reflect', 'ownKeys') || function ownKeys(it) {\n var keys = getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f(anObject(it));\n var getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f;\n return getOwnPropertySymbols ? keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(it)) : keys;\n};\n", "var has = require('../internals/has');\nvar ownKeys = require('../internals/own-keys');\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\n\nmodule.exports = function (target, source) {\n var keys = ownKeys(source);\n var defineProperty = definePropertyModule.f;\n var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f;\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var key = keys[i];\n if (!has(target, key)) defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));\n }\n};\n", "var fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nvar replacement = /#|\\.prototype\\./;\n\nvar isForced = function (feature, detection) {\n var value = data[normalize(feature)];\n return value == POLYFILL ? true\n : value == NATIVE ? false\n : typeof detection == 'function' ? fails(detection)\n : !!detection;\n};\n\nvar normalize = isForced.normalize = function (string) {\n return String(string).replace(replacement, '.').toLowerCase();\n};\n\nvar data = = {};\nvar NATIVE = isForced.NATIVE = 'N';\nvar POLYFILL = isForced.POLYFILL = 'P';\n\nmodule.exports = isForced;\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor').f;\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar redefine = require('../internals/redefine');\nvar setGlobal = require('../internals/set-global');\nvar copyConstructorProperties = require('../internals/copy-constructor-properties');\nvar isForced = require('../internals/is-forced');\n\n/*\n - name of the target object\n - target is the global object\n options.stat - export as static methods of target\n options.proto - export as prototype methods of target\n options.real - real prototype method for the `pure` version\n options.forced - export even if the native feature is available\n options.bind - bind methods to the target, required for the `pure` version\n options.wrap - wrap constructors to preventing global pollution, required for the `pure` version\n options.unsafe - use the simple assignment of property instead of delete + defineProperty\n options.sham - add a flag to not completely full polyfills\n options.enumerable - export as enumerable property\n options.noTargetGet - prevent calling a getter on target\n*/\nmodule.exports = function (options, source) {\n var TARGET =;\n var GLOBAL =;\n var STATIC = options.stat;\n var FORCED, target, key, targetProperty, sourceProperty, descriptor;\n if (GLOBAL) {\n target = global;\n } else if (STATIC) {\n target = global[TARGET] || setGlobal(TARGET, {});\n } else {\n target = (global[TARGET] || {}).prototype;\n }\n if (target) for (key in source) {\n sourceProperty = source[key];\n if (options.noTargetGet) {\n descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);\n targetProperty = descriptor && descriptor.value;\n } else targetProperty = target[key];\n FORCED = isForced(GLOBAL ? key : TARGET + (STATIC ? '.' : '#') + key, options.forced);\n // contained in target\n if (!FORCED && targetProperty !== undefined) {\n if (typeof sourceProperty === typeof targetProperty) continue;\n copyConstructorProperties(sourceProperty, targetProperty);\n }\n // add a flag to not completely full polyfills\n if (options.sham || (targetProperty && targetProperty.sham)) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(sourceProperty, 'sham', true);\n }\n // extend global\n redefine(target, key, sourceProperty, options);\n }\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nmodule.exports = function (METHOD_NAME, argument) {\n var method = [][METHOD_NAME];\n return !!method && fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call,no-throw-literal -- required for testing\n, argument || function () { throw 1; }, 1);\n });\n};\n", "// a string of all valid unicode whitespaces\nmodule.exports = '\\u0009\\u000A\\u000B\\u000C\\u000D\\u0020\\u00A0\\u1680\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002' +\n '\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200A\\u202F\\u205F\\u3000\\u2028\\u2029\\uFEFF';\n", "var requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible');\nvar whitespaces = require('../internals/whitespaces');\n\nvar whitespace = '[' + whitespaces + ']';\nvar ltrim = RegExp('^' + whitespace + whitespace + '*');\nvar rtrim = RegExp(whitespace + whitespace + '*$');\n\n// `String.prototype.{ trim, trimStart, trimEnd, trimLeft, trimRight }` methods implementation\nvar createMethod = function (TYPE) {\n return function ($this) {\n var string = String(requireObjectCoercible($this));\n if (TYPE & 1) string = string.replace(ltrim, '');\n if (TYPE & 2) string = string.replace(rtrim, '');\n return string;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // `String.prototype.{ trimLeft, trimStart }` methods\n //\n start: createMethod(1),\n // `String.prototype.{ trimRight, trimEnd }` methods\n //\n end: createMethod(2),\n // `String.prototype.trim` method\n //\n trim: createMethod(3)\n};\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar trim = require('../internals/string-trim').trim;\nvar whitespaces = require('../internals/whitespaces');\n\nvar $parseInt = global.parseInt;\nvar hex = /^[+-]?0[Xx]/;\nvar FORCED = $parseInt(whitespaces + '08') !== 8 || $parseInt(whitespaces + '0x16') !== 22;\n\n// `parseInt` method\n//\nmodule.exports = FORCED ? function parseInt(string, radix) {\n var S = trim(String(string));\n return $parseInt(S, (radix >>> 0) || (hex.test(S) ? 16 : 10));\n} : $parseInt;\n", "'use strict';\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\n\n// `RegExp.prototype.flags` getter implementation\n//\nmodule.exports = function () {\n var that = anObject(this);\n var result = '';\n if ( result += 'g';\n if (that.ignoreCase) result += 'i';\n if (that.multiline) result += 'm';\n if (that.dotAll) result += 's';\n if (that.unicode) result += 'u';\n if (that.sticky) result += 'y';\n return result;\n};\n", "'use strict';\n\nvar fails = require('./fails');\n\n// babel-minify transpiles RegExp('a', 'y') -> /a/y and it causes SyntaxError,\n// so we use an intermediate function.\nfunction RE(s, f) {\n return RegExp(s, f);\n}\n\nexports.UNSUPPORTED_Y = fails(function () {\n // babel-minify transpiles RegExp('a', 'y') -> /a/y and it causes SyntaxError\n var re = RE('a', 'y');\n re.lastIndex = 2;\n return re.exec('abcd') != null;\n});\n\nexports.BROKEN_CARET = fails(function () {\n //\n var re = RE('^r', 'gy');\n re.lastIndex = 2;\n return re.exec('str') != null;\n});\n", "'use strict';\n/* eslint-disable regexp/no-assertion-capturing-group, regexp/no-empty-group, regexp/no-lazy-ends -- testing */\n/* eslint-disable regexp/no-useless-quantifier -- testing */\nvar regexpFlags = require('./regexp-flags');\nvar stickyHelpers = require('./regexp-sticky-helpers');\nvar shared = require('./shared');\n\nvar nativeExec = RegExp.prototype.exec;\nvar nativeReplace = shared('native-string-replace', String.prototype.replace);\n\nvar patchedExec = nativeExec;\n\nvar UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG = (function () {\n var re1 = /a/;\n var re2 = /b*/g;\n, 'a');\n, 'a');\n return re1.lastIndex !== 0 || re2.lastIndex !== 0;\n})();\n\nvar UNSUPPORTED_Y = stickyHelpers.UNSUPPORTED_Y || stickyHelpers.BROKEN_CARET;\n\n// nonparticipating capturing group, copied from es5-shim's String#split patch.\nvar NPCG_INCLUDED = /()??/.exec('')[1] !== undefined;\n\nvar PATCH = UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG || NPCG_INCLUDED || UNSUPPORTED_Y;\n\nif (PATCH) {\n patchedExec = function exec(str) {\n var re = this;\n var lastIndex, reCopy, match, i;\n var sticky = UNSUPPORTED_Y && re.sticky;\n var flags =;\n var source = re.source;\n var charsAdded = 0;\n var strCopy = str;\n\n if (sticky) {\n flags = flags.replace('y', '');\n if (flags.indexOf('g') === -1) {\n flags += 'g';\n }\n\n strCopy = String(str).slice(re.lastIndex);\n // Support anchored sticky behavior.\n if (re.lastIndex > 0 && (!re.multiline || re.multiline && str[re.lastIndex - 1] !== '\\n')) {\n source = '(?: ' + source + ')';\n strCopy = ' ' + strCopy;\n charsAdded++;\n }\n // ^(? + rx + ) is needed, in combination with some str slicing, to\n // simulate the 'y' flag.\n reCopy = new RegExp('^(?:' + source + ')', flags);\n }\n\n if (NPCG_INCLUDED) {\n reCopy = new RegExp('^' + source + '$(?!\\\\s)', flags);\n }\n if (UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG) lastIndex = re.lastIndex;\n\n match = ? reCopy : re, strCopy);\n\n if (sticky) {\n if (match) {\n match.input = match.input.slice(charsAdded);\n match[0] = match[0].slice(charsAdded);\n match.index = re.lastIndex;\n re.lastIndex += match[0].length;\n } else re.lastIndex = 0;\n } else if (UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG && match) {\n re.lastIndex = ? match.index + match[0].length : lastIndex;\n }\n if (NPCG_INCLUDED && match && match.length > 1) {\n // Fix browsers whose `exec` methods don't consistently return `undefined`\n // for NPCG, like IE8. NOTE: This doesn' work for /(.?)?/\n[0], reCopy, function () {\n for (i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {\n if (arguments[i] === undefined) match[i] = undefined;\n }\n });\n }\n\n return match;\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = patchedExec;\n", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar exec = require('../internals/regexp-exec');\n\n// `RegExp.prototype.exec` method\n//\n$({ target: 'RegExp', proto: true, forced: /./.exec !== exec }, {\n exec: exec\n});\n", "var getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\n\nmodule.exports = getBuiltIn('navigator', 'userAgent') || '';\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar userAgent = require('../internals/engine-user-agent');\n\nvar process = global.process;\nvar versions = process && process.versions;\nvar v8 = versions && versions.v8;\nvar match, version;\n\nif (v8) {\n match = v8.split('.');\n version = match[0] < 4 ? 1 : match[0] + match[1];\n} else if (userAgent) {\n match = userAgent.match(/Edge\\/(\\d+)/);\n if (!match || match[1] >= 74) {\n match = userAgent.match(/Chrome\\/(\\d+)/);\n if (match) version = match[1];\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = version && +version;\n", "/* eslint-disable es/no-symbol -- required for testing */\nvar V8_VERSION = require('../internals/engine-v8-version');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertysymbols -- required for testing\nmodule.exports = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !fails(function () {\n var symbol = Symbol();\n // Chrome 38 Symbol has incorrect toString conversion\n // `get-own-property-symbols` polyfill symbols converted to object are not Symbol instances\n return !String(symbol) || !(Object(symbol) instanceof Symbol) ||\n // Chrome 38-40 symbols are not inherited from DOM collections prototypes to instances\n !Symbol.sham && V8_VERSION && V8_VERSION < 41;\n});\n", "/* eslint-disable es/no-symbol -- required for testing */\nvar NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/native-symbol');\n\nmodule.exports = NATIVE_SYMBOL\n && !Symbol.sham\n && typeof Symbol.iterator == 'symbol';\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar shared = require('../internals/shared');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar uid = require('../internals/uid');\nvar NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/native-symbol');\nvar USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = require('../internals/use-symbol-as-uid');\n\nvar WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks');\nvar Symbol = global.Symbol;\nvar createWellKnownSymbol = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? Symbol : Symbol && Symbol.withoutSetter || uid;\n\nmodule.exports = function (name) {\n if (!has(WellKnownSymbolsStore, name) || !(NATIVE_SYMBOL || typeof WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] == 'string')) {\n if (NATIVE_SYMBOL && has(Symbol, name)) {\n WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = Symbol[name];\n } else {\n WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = createWellKnownSymbol('Symbol.' + name);\n }\n } return WellKnownSymbolsStore[name];\n};\n", "'use strict';\n// TODO: Remove from `core-js@4` since it's moved to entry points\nrequire('../modules/es.regexp.exec');\nvar redefine = require('../internals/redefine');\nvar regexpExec = require('../internals/regexp-exec');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\n\nvar SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');\nvar RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;\n\nvar REPLACE_SUPPORTS_NAMED_GROUPS = !fails(function () {\n // #replace needs built-in support for named groups.\n // #match works fine because it just return the exec results, even if it has\n // a \"grops\" property.\n var re = /./;\n re.exec = function () {\n var result = [];\n result.groups = { a: '7' };\n return result;\n };\n return ''.replace(re, '$') !== '7';\n});\n\n// IE <= 11 replaces $0 with the whole match, as if it was $&\n//\nvar REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 = (function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line regexp/prefer-escape-replacement-dollar-char -- required for testing\n return 'a'.replace(/./, '$0') === '$0';\n})();\n\nvar REPLACE = wellKnownSymbol('replace');\n// Safari <= 13.0.3(?) substitutes nth capture where n>m with an empty string\nvar REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE = (function () {\n if (/./[REPLACE]) {\n return /./[REPLACE]('a', '$0') === '';\n }\n return false;\n})();\n\n// Chrome 51 has a buggy \"split\" implementation when RegExp#exec !== nativeExec\n// Weex JS has frozen built-in prototypes, so use try / catch wrapper\nvar SPLIT_WORKS_WITH_OVERWRITTEN_EXEC = !fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line regexp/no-empty-group -- required for testing\n var re = /(?:)/;\n var originalExec = re.exec;\n re.exec = function () { return originalExec.apply(this, arguments); };\n var result = 'ab'.split(re);\n return result.length !== 2 || result[0] !== 'a' || result[1] !== 'b';\n});\n\nmodule.exports = function (KEY, length, exec, sham) {\n var SYMBOL = wellKnownSymbol(KEY);\n\n var DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL = !fails(function () {\n // String methods call symbol-named RegEp methods\n var O = {};\n O[SYMBOL] = function () { return 7; };\n return ''[KEY](O) != 7;\n });\n\n var DELEGATES_TO_EXEC = DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !fails(function () {\n // Symbol-named RegExp methods call .exec\n var execCalled = false;\n var re = /a/;\n\n if (KEY === 'split') {\n // We can't use real regex here since it causes deoptimization\n // and serious performance degradation in V8\n //\n re = {};\n // RegExp[@@split] doesn't call the regex's exec method, but first creates\n // a new one. We need to return the patched regex when creating the new one.\n re.constructor = {};\n re.constructor[SPECIES] = function () { return re; };\n re.flags = '';\n re[SYMBOL] = /./[SYMBOL];\n }\n\n re.exec = function () { execCalled = true; return null; };\n\n re[SYMBOL]('');\n return !execCalled;\n });\n\n if (\n !DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL ||\n !DELEGATES_TO_EXEC ||\n (KEY === 'replace' && !(\n REPLACE_SUPPORTS_NAMED_GROUPS &&\n REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 &&\n !REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE\n )) ||\n (KEY === 'split' && !SPLIT_WORKS_WITH_OVERWRITTEN_EXEC)\n ) {\n var nativeRegExpMethod = /./[SYMBOL];\n var methods = exec(SYMBOL, ''[KEY], function (nativeMethod, regexp, str, arg2, forceStringMethod) {\n var $exec = regexp.exec;\n if ($exec === regexpExec || $exec === RegExpPrototype.exec) {\n if (DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !forceStringMethod) {\n // The native String method already delegates to @@method (this\n // polyfilled function), leasing to infinite recursion.\n // We avoid it by directly calling the native @@method method.\n return { done: true, value:, str, arg2) };\n }\n return { done: true, value:, regexp, arg2) };\n }\n return { done: false };\n }, {\n REPLACE_KEEPS_$0: REPLACE_KEEPS_$0,\n REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE: REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE\n });\n var stringMethod = methods[0];\n var regexMethod = methods[1];\n\n redefine(String.prototype, KEY, stringMethod);\n redefine(RegExpPrototype, SYMBOL, length == 2\n // RegExp.prototype[@@replace](string, replaceValue)\n // RegExp.prototype[@@split](string, limit)\n ? function (string, arg) { return, this, arg); }\n // RegExp.prototype[@@match](string)\n // RegExp.prototype[@@search](string)\n : function (string) { return, this); }\n );\n }\n\n if (sham) createNonEnumerableProperty(RegExpPrototype[SYMBOL], 'sham', true);\n};\n", "var toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer');\nvar requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible');\n\n// `String.prototype.{ codePointAt, at }` methods implementation\nvar createMethod = function (CONVERT_TO_STRING) {\n return function ($this, pos) {\n var S = String(requireObjectCoercible($this));\n var position = toInteger(pos);\n var size = S.length;\n var first, second;\n if (position < 0 || position >= size) return CONVERT_TO_STRING ? '' : undefined;\n first = S.charCodeAt(position);\n return first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || position + 1 === size\n || (second = S.charCodeAt(position + 1)) < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF\n ? CONVERT_TO_STRING ? S.charAt(position) : first\n : CONVERT_TO_STRING ? S.slice(position, position + 2) : (first - 0xD800 << 10) + (second - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // `String.prototype.codePointAt` method\n //\n codeAt: createMethod(false),\n // `` method\n //\n charAt: createMethod(true)\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar charAt = require('../internals/string-multibyte').charAt;\n\n// `AdvanceStringIndex` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (S, index, unicode) {\n return index + (unicode ? charAt(S, index).length : 1);\n};\n", "var toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\n\nvar floor = Math.floor;\nvar replace = ''.replace;\nvar SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS = /\\$([$&'`]|\\d{1,2}|<[^>]*>)/g;\nvar SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED = /\\$([$&'`]|\\d{1,2})/g;\n\n// `GetSubstitution` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, replacement) {\n var tailPos = position + matched.length;\n var m = captures.length;\n var symbols = SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED;\n if (namedCaptures !== undefined) {\n namedCaptures = toObject(namedCaptures);\n symbols = SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS;\n }\n return, symbols, function (match, ch) {\n var capture;\n switch (ch.charAt(0)) {\n case '$': return '$';\n case '&': return matched;\n case '`': return str.slice(0, position);\n case \"'\": return str.slice(tailPos);\n case '<':\n capture = namedCaptures[ch.slice(1, -1)];\n break;\n default: // \\d\\d?\n var n = +ch;\n if (n === 0) return match;\n if (n > m) {\n var f = floor(n / 10);\n if (f === 0) return match;\n if (f <= m) return captures[f - 1] === undefined ? ch.charAt(1) : captures[f - 1] + ch.charAt(1);\n return match;\n }\n capture = captures[n - 1];\n }\n return capture === undefined ? '' : capture;\n });\n};\n", "var classof = require('./classof-raw');\nvar regexpExec = require('./regexp-exec');\n\n// `RegExpExec` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (R, S) {\n var exec = R.exec;\n if (typeof exec === 'function') {\n var result =, S);\n if (typeof result !== 'object') {\n throw TypeError('RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or null');\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n if (classof(R) !== 'RegExp') {\n throw TypeError('RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver');\n }\n\n return, S);\n};\n\n", "var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag');\nvar test = {};\n\ntest[TO_STRING_TAG] = 'z';\n\nmodule.exports = String(test) === '[object z]';\n", "var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require('../internals/to-string-tag-support');\nvar classofRaw = require('../internals/classof-raw');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag');\n// ES3 wrong here\nvar CORRECT_ARGUMENTS = classofRaw(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments';\n\n// fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error\nvar tryGet = function (it, key) {\n try {\n return it[key];\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n};\n\n// getting tag from ES6+ `Object.prototype.toString`\nmodule.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? classofRaw : function (it) {\n var O, tag, result;\n return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null'\n // @@toStringTag case\n : typeof (tag = tryGet(O = Object(it), TO_STRING_TAG)) == 'string' ? tag\n // builtinTag case\n : CORRECT_ARGUMENTS ? classofRaw(O)\n // ES3 arguments fallback\n : (result = classofRaw(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : result;\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require('../internals/to-string-tag-support');\nvar classof = require('../internals/classof');\n\n// `Object.prototype.toString` method implementation\n//\nmodule.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? {}.toString : function toString() {\n return '[object ' + classof(this) + ']';\n};\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar trim = require('../internals/string-trim').trim;\nvar whitespaces = require('../internals/whitespaces');\n\nvar $parseFloat = global.parseFloat;\nvar FORCED = 1 / $parseFloat(whitespaces + '-0') !== -Infinity;\n\n// `parseFloat` method\n//\nmodule.exports = FORCED ? function parseFloat(string) {\n var trimmedString = trim(String(string));\n var result = $parseFloat(trimmedString);\n return result === 0 && trimmedString.charAt(0) == '-' ? -0 : result;\n} : $parseFloat;\n", "var classof = require('../internals/classof-raw');\n\n// `thisNumberValue` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (value) {\n if (typeof value != 'number' && classof(value) != 'Number') {\n throw TypeError('Incorrect invocation');\n }\n return +value;\n};\n", "var classof = require('../internals/classof-raw');\n\n// `IsArray` abstract operation\n//\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-isarray -- safe\nmodule.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) {\n return classof(arg) == 'Array';\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\nvar createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor');\n\nmodule.exports = function (object, key, value) {\n var propertyKey = toPrimitive(key);\n if (propertyKey in object) definePropertyModule.f(object, propertyKey, createPropertyDescriptor(0, value));\n else object[propertyKey] = value;\n};\n", "var isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar isArray = require('../internals/is-array');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');\n\n// `ArraySpeciesCreate` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (originalArray, length) {\n var C;\n if (isArray(originalArray)) {\n C = originalArray.constructor;\n // cross-realm fallback\n if (typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined;\n else if (isObject(C)) {\n C = C[SPECIES];\n if (C === null) C = undefined;\n }\n } return new (C === undefined ? Array : C)(length === 0 ? 0 : length);\n};\n", "var fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar V8_VERSION = require('../internals/engine-v8-version');\n\nvar SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');\n\nmodule.exports = function (METHOD_NAME) {\n // We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes\n // deoptimization and serious performance degradation\n //\n return V8_VERSION >= 51 || !fails(function () {\n var array = [];\n var constructor = array.constructor = {};\n constructor[SPECIES] = function () {\n return { foo: 1 };\n };\n return array[METHOD_NAME](Boolean).foo !== 1;\n });\n};\n", "var internalObjectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys-internal');\nvar enumBugKeys = require('../internals/enum-bug-keys');\n\n// `Object.keys` method\n//\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-keys -- safe\nmodule.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) {\n return internalObjectKeys(O, enumBugKeys);\n};\n", "var isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar classof = require('../internals/classof-raw');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar MATCH = wellKnownSymbol('match');\n\n// `IsRegExp` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n var isRegExp;\n return isObject(it) && ((isRegExp = it[MATCH]) !== undefined ? !!isRegExp : classof(it) == 'RegExp');\n};\n", "module.exports = function (it) {\n if (typeof it != 'function') {\n throw TypeError(String(it) + ' is not a function');\n } return it;\n};\n", "var anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar aFunction = require('../internals/a-function');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');\n\n// `SpeciesConstructor` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (O, defaultConstructor) {\n var C = anObject(O).constructor;\n var S;\n return C === undefined || (S = anObject(C)[SPECIES]) == undefined ? defaultConstructor : aFunction(S);\n};\n", "var aFunction = require('../internals/a-function');\n\n// optional / simple context binding\nmodule.exports = function (fn, that, length) {\n aFunction(fn);\n if (that === undefined) return fn;\n switch (length) {\n case 0: return function () {\n return;\n };\n case 1: return function (a) {\n return, a);\n };\n case 2: return function (a, b) {\n return, a, b);\n };\n case 3: return function (a, b, c) {\n return, a, b, c);\n };\n }\n return function (/* ...args */) {\n return fn.apply(that, arguments);\n };\n};\n", "var bind = require('../internals/function-bind-context');\nvar IndexedObject = require('../internals/indexed-object');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar arraySpeciesCreate = require('../internals/array-species-create');\n\nvar push = [].push;\n\n// `Array.prototype.{ forEach, map, filter, some, every, find, findIndex, filterOut }` methods implementation\nvar createMethod = function (TYPE) {\n var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1;\n var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2;\n var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3;\n var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4;\n var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6;\n var IS_FILTER_OUT = TYPE == 7;\n var NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX;\n return function ($this, callbackfn, that, specificCreate) {\n var O = toObject($this);\n var self = IndexedObject(O);\n var boundFunction = bind(callbackfn, that, 3);\n var length = toLength(self.length);\n var index = 0;\n var create = specificCreate || arraySpeciesCreate;\n var target = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER || IS_FILTER_OUT ? create($this, 0) : undefined;\n var value, result;\n for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) {\n value = self[index];\n result = boundFunction(value, index, O);\n if (TYPE) {\n if (IS_MAP) target[index] = result; // map\n else if (result) switch (TYPE) {\n case 3: return true; // some\n case 5: return value; // find\n case 6: return index; // findIndex\n case 2:, value); // filter\n } else switch (TYPE) {\n case 4: return false; // every\n case 7:, value); // filterOut\n }\n }\n }\n return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : target;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // `Array.prototype.forEach` method\n //\n forEach: createMethod(0),\n // `` method\n //\n map: createMethod(1),\n // `Array.prototype.filter` method\n //\n filter: createMethod(2),\n // `Array.prototype.some` method\n //\n some: createMethod(3),\n // `Array.prototype.every` method\n //\n every: createMethod(4),\n // `Array.prototype.find` method\n //\n find: createMethod(5),\n // `Array.prototype.findIndex` method\n //\n findIndex: createMethod(6),\n // `Array.prototype.filterOut` method\n //\n filterOut: createMethod(7)\n};\n", "var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar objectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys');\n\n// `Object.defineProperties` method\n//\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperties -- safe\nmodule.exports = DESCRIPTORS ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) {\n anObject(O);\n var keys = objectKeys(Properties);\n var length = keys.length;\n var index = 0;\n var key;\n while (length > index) definePropertyModule.f(O, key = keys[index++], Properties[key]);\n return O;\n};\n", "var getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\n\nmodule.exports = getBuiltIn('document', 'documentElement');\n", "var anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar defineProperties = require('../internals/object-define-properties');\nvar enumBugKeys = require('../internals/enum-bug-keys');\nvar hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys');\nvar html = require('../internals/html');\nvar documentCreateElement = require('../internals/document-create-element');\nvar sharedKey = require('../internals/shared-key');\n\nvar GT = '>';\nvar LT = '<';\nvar PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\nvar SCRIPT = 'script';\nvar IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO');\n\nvar EmptyConstructor = function () { /* empty */ };\n\nvar scriptTag = function (content) {\n return LT + SCRIPT + GT + content + LT + '/' + SCRIPT + GT;\n};\n\n// Create object with fake `null` prototype: use ActiveX Object with cleared prototype\nvar NullProtoObjectViaActiveX = function (activeXDocument) {\n activeXDocument.write(scriptTag(''));\n activeXDocument.close();\n var temp = activeXDocument.parentWindow.Object;\n activeXDocument = null; // avoid memory leak\n return temp;\n};\n\n// Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype\nvar NullProtoObjectViaIFrame = function () {\n // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug\n var iframe = documentCreateElement('iframe');\n var JS = 'java' + SCRIPT + ':';\n var iframeDocument;\n = 'none';\n html.appendChild(iframe);\n //\n iframe.src = String(JS);\n iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;\n;\n iframeDocument.write(scriptTag('document.F=Object'));\n iframeDocument.close();\n return iframeDocument.F;\n};\n\n// Check for document.domain and active x support\n// No need to use active x approach when document.domain is not set\n// see\n// variation of\n// avoid IE GC bug\nvar activeXDocument;\nvar NullProtoObject = function () {\n try {\n /* global ActiveXObject -- old IE */\n activeXDocument = document.domain && new ActiveXObject('htmlfile');\n } catch (error) { /* ignore */ }\n NullProtoObject = activeXDocument ? NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument) : NullProtoObjectViaIFrame();\n var length = enumBugKeys.length;\n while (length--) delete NullProtoObject[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[length]];\n return NullProtoObject();\n};\n\nhiddenKeys[IE_PROTO] = true;\n\n// `Object.create` method\n//\nmodule.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) {\n var result;\n if (O !== null) {\n EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O);\n result = new EmptyConstructor();\n EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = null;\n // add \"__proto__\" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill\n result[IE_PROTO] = O;\n } else result = NullProtoObject();\n return Properties === undefined ? result : defineProperties(result, Properties);\n};\n", "var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar create = require('../internals/object-create');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\n\nvar UNSCOPABLES = wellKnownSymbol('unscopables');\nvar ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;\n\n// Array.prototype[@@unscopables]\n//\nif (ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES] == undefined) {\n definePropertyModule.f(ArrayPrototype, UNSCOPABLES, {\n configurable: true,\n value: create(null)\n });\n}\n\n// add a key to Array.prototype[@@unscopables]\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true;\n};\n", "var isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (!isObject(it) && it !== null) {\n throw TypeError(\"Can't set \" + String(it) + ' as a prototype');\n } return it;\n};\n", "/* eslint-disable no-proto -- safe */\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar aPossiblePrototype = require('../internals/a-possible-prototype');\n\n// `Object.setPrototypeOf` method\n//\n// Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects.\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-setprototypeof -- safe\nmodule.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? function () {\n var CORRECT_SETTER = false;\n var test = {};\n var setter;\n try {\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe\n setter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set;\n, []);\n CORRECT_SETTER = test instanceof Array;\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) {\n anObject(O);\n aPossiblePrototype(proto);\n if (CORRECT_SETTER), proto);\n else O.__proto__ = proto;\n return O;\n };\n}() : undefined);\n", "var fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nmodule.exports = !fails(function () {\n function F() { /* empty */ }\n F.prototype.constructor = null;\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getprototypeof -- required for testing\n return Object.getPrototypeOf(new F()) !== F.prototype;\n});\n", "var has = require('../internals/has');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar sharedKey = require('../internals/shared-key');\nvar CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER = require('../internals/correct-prototype-getter');\n\nvar IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO');\nvar ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;\n\n// `Object.getPrototypeOf` method\n//\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getprototypeof -- safe\nmodule.exports = CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (O) {\n O = toObject(O);\n if (has(O, IE_PROTO)) return O[IE_PROTO];\n if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) {\n return O.constructor.prototype;\n } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectPrototype : null;\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar aFunction = require('../internals/a-function');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\n\nvar slice = [].slice;\nvar factories = {};\n\nvar construct = function (C, argsLength, args) {\n if (!(argsLength in factories)) {\n for (var list = [], i = 0; i < argsLength; i++) list[i] = 'a[' + i + ']';\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func -- we have no proper alternatives, IE8- only\n factories[argsLength] = Function('C,a', 'return new C(' + list.join(',') + ')');\n } return factories[argsLength](C, args);\n};\n\n// `Function.prototype.bind` method implementation\n//\nmodule.exports = Function.bind || function bind(that /* , ...args */) {\n var fn = aFunction(this);\n var partArgs =, 1);\n var boundFunction = function bound(/* args... */) {\n var args = partArgs.concat(;\n return this instanceof boundFunction ? construct(fn, args.length, args) : fn.apply(that, args);\n };\n if (isObject(fn.prototype)) boundFunction.prototype = fn.prototype;\n return boundFunction;\n};\n", "/* eslint-disable es/no-object-getownpropertynames -- safe */\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar $getOwnPropertyNames = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names').f;\n\nvar toString = {}.toString;\n\nvar windowNames = typeof window == 'object' && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames\n ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];\n\nvar getWindowNames = function (it) {\n try {\n return $getOwnPropertyNames(it);\n } catch (error) {\n return windowNames.slice();\n }\n};\n\n// fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window\nmodule.exports.f = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) {\n return windowNames && == '[object Window]'\n ? getWindowNames(it)\n : $getOwnPropertyNames(toIndexedObject(it));\n};\n", "var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nexports.f = wellKnownSymbol;\n", "var path = require('../internals/path');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule = require('../internals/well-known-symbol-wrapped');\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\n\nmodule.exports = function (NAME) {\n var Symbol = path.Symbol || (path.Symbol = {});\n if (!has(Symbol, NAME)) defineProperty(Symbol, NAME, {\n value: wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule.f(NAME)\n });\n};\n", "var defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag');\n\nmodule.exports = function (it, TAG, STATIC) {\n if (it && !has(it = STATIC ? it : it.prototype, TO_STRING_TAG)) {\n defineProperty(it, TO_STRING_TAG, { configurable: true, value: TAG });\n }\n};\n", "module.exports = {};\n", "'use strict';\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar getPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\n\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\nvar BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = false;\n\nvar returnThis = function () { return this; };\n\n// `%IteratorPrototype%` object\n//\nvar IteratorPrototype, PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype, arrayIterator;\n\n/* eslint-disable es/no-array-prototype-keys -- safe */\nif ([].keys) {\n arrayIterator = [].keys();\n // Safari 8 has buggy iterators w/o `next`\n if (!('next' in arrayIterator)) BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = true;\n else {\n PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf(getPrototypeOf(arrayIterator));\n if (PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype) IteratorPrototype = PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype;\n }\n}\n\nvar NEW_ITERATOR_PROTOTYPE = IteratorPrototype == undefined || fails(function () {\n var test = {};\n // FF44- legacy iterators case\n return IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR].call(test) !== test;\n});\n\nif (NEW_ITERATOR_PROTOTYPE) IteratorPrototype = {};\n\n// `%IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()` method\n//\nif ((!IS_PURE || NEW_ITERATOR_PROTOTYPE) && !has(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR)) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n IteratorPrototype: IteratorPrototype,\n BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar IteratorPrototype = require('../internals/iterators-core').IteratorPrototype;\nvar create = require('../internals/object-create');\nvar createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor');\nvar setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag');\nvar Iterators = require('../internals/iterators');\n\nvar returnThis = function () { return this; };\n\nmodule.exports = function (IteratorConstructor, NAME, next) {\n var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + ' Iterator';\n IteratorConstructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: createPropertyDescriptor(1, next) });\n setToStringTag(IteratorConstructor, TO_STRING_TAG, false, true);\n Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis;\n return IteratorConstructor;\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar createIteratorConstructor = require('../internals/create-iterator-constructor');\nvar getPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of');\nvar setPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-set-prototype-of');\nvar setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar redefine = require('../internals/redefine');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\nvar Iterators = require('../internals/iterators');\nvar IteratorsCore = require('../internals/iterators-core');\n\nvar IteratorPrototype = IteratorsCore.IteratorPrototype;\nvar BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = IteratorsCore.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS;\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\nvar KEYS = 'keys';\nvar VALUES = 'values';\nvar ENTRIES = 'entries';\n\nvar returnThis = function () { return this; };\n\nmodule.exports = function (Iterable, NAME, IteratorConstructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) {\n createIteratorConstructor(IteratorConstructor, NAME, next);\n\n var getIterationMethod = function (KIND) {\n if (KIND === DEFAULT && defaultIterator) return defaultIterator;\n if (!BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && KIND in IterablePrototype) return IterablePrototype[KIND];\n switch (KIND) {\n case KEYS: return function keys() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); };\n case VALUES: return function values() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); };\n case ENTRIES: return function entries() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); };\n } return function () { return new IteratorConstructor(this); };\n };\n\n var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + ' Iterator';\n var INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME = false;\n var IterablePrototype = Iterable.prototype;\n var nativeIterator = IterablePrototype[ITERATOR]\n || IterablePrototype['@@iterator']\n || DEFAULT && IterablePrototype[DEFAULT];\n var defaultIterator = !BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && nativeIterator || getIterationMethod(DEFAULT);\n var anyNativeIterator = NAME == 'Array' ? IterablePrototype.entries || nativeIterator : nativeIterator;\n var CurrentIteratorPrototype, methods, KEY;\n\n // fix native\n if (anyNativeIterator) {\n CurrentIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf( Iterable()));\n if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && {\n if (!IS_PURE && getPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype) !== IteratorPrototype) {\n if (setPrototypeOf) {\n setPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype, IteratorPrototype);\n } else if (typeof CurrentIteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != 'function') {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(CurrentIteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis);\n }\n }\n // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators\n setToStringTag(CurrentIteratorPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG, true, true);\n if (IS_PURE) Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis;\n }\n }\n\n // fix Array.prototype.{ values, @@iterator }.name in V8 / FF\n if (DEFAULT == VALUES && nativeIterator && !== VALUES) {\n INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME = true;\n defaultIterator = function values() { return; };\n }\n\n // define iterator\n if ((!IS_PURE || FORCED) && IterablePrototype[ITERATOR] !== defaultIterator) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(IterablePrototype, ITERATOR, defaultIterator);\n }\n Iterators[NAME] = defaultIterator;\n\n // export additional methods\n if (DEFAULT) {\n methods = {\n values: getIterationMethod(VALUES),\n keys: IS_SET ? defaultIterator : getIterationMethod(KEYS),\n entries: getIterationMethod(ENTRIES)\n };\n if (FORCED) for (KEY in methods) {\n if (BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME || !(KEY in IterablePrototype)) {\n redefine(IterablePrototype, KEY, methods[KEY]);\n }\n } else $({ target: NAME, proto: true, forced: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME }, methods);\n }\n\n return methods;\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar addToUnscopables = require('../internals/add-to-unscopables');\nvar Iterators = require('../internals/iterators');\nvar InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state');\nvar defineIterator = require('../internals/define-iterator');\n\nvar ARRAY_ITERATOR = 'Array Iterator';\nvar setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;\nvar getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(ARRAY_ITERATOR);\n\n// `Array.prototype.entries` method\n//\n// `Array.prototype.keys` method\n//\n// `Array.prototype.values` method\n//\n// `Array.prototype[@@iterator]` method\n//\n// `CreateArrayIterator` internal method\n//\nmodule.exports = defineIterator(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) {\n setInternalState(this, {\n type: ARRAY_ITERATOR,\n target: toIndexedObject(iterated), // target\n index: 0, // next index\n kind: kind // kind\n });\n// `` method\n//\n}, function () {\n var state = getInternalState(this);\n var target =;\n var kind = state.kind;\n var index = state.index++;\n if (!target || index >= target.length) {\n = undefined;\n return { value: undefined, done: true };\n }\n if (kind == 'keys') return { value: index, done: false };\n if (kind == 'values') return { value: target[index], done: false };\n return { value: [index, target[index]], done: false };\n}, 'values');\n\n// argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values%\n//\n//\nIterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array;\n\n//\naddToUnscopables('keys');\naddToUnscopables('values');\naddToUnscopables('entries');\n", "// iterable DOM collections\n// flag - `iterable` interface - 'entries', 'keys', 'values', 'forEach' methods\nmodule.exports = {\n CSSRuleList: 0,\n CSSStyleDeclaration: 0,\n CSSValueList: 0,\n ClientRectList: 0,\n DOMRectList: 0,\n DOMStringList: 0,\n DOMTokenList: 1,\n DataTransferItemList: 0,\n FileList: 0,\n HTMLAllCollection: 0,\n HTMLCollection: 0,\n HTMLFormElement: 0,\n HTMLSelectElement: 0,\n MediaList: 0,\n MimeTypeArray: 0,\n NamedNodeMap: 0,\n NodeList: 1,\n PaintRequestList: 0,\n Plugin: 0,\n PluginArray: 0,\n SVGLengthList: 0,\n SVGNumberList: 0,\n SVGPathSegList: 0,\n SVGPointList: 0,\n SVGStringList: 0,\n SVGTransformList: 0,\n SourceBufferList: 0,\n StyleSheetList: 0,\n TextTrackCueList: 0,\n TextTrackList: 0,\n TouchList: 0\n};\n", "var fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar whitespaces = require('../internals/whitespaces');\n\nvar non = '\\u200B\\u0085\\u180E';\n\n// check that a method works with the correct list\n// of whitespaces and has a correct name\nmodule.exports = function (METHOD_NAME) {\n return fails(function () {\n return !!whitespaces[METHOD_NAME]() || non[METHOD_NAME]() != non || whitespaces[METHOD_NAME].name !== METHOD_NAME;\n });\n};\n", "var isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar setPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-set-prototype-of');\n\n// makes subclassing work correct for wrapped built-ins\nmodule.exports = function ($this, dummy, Wrapper) {\n var NewTarget, NewTargetPrototype;\n if (\n // it can work only with native `setPrototypeOf`\n setPrototypeOf &&\n // we haven't completely correct pre-ES6 way for getting ``, so use this\n typeof (NewTarget = dummy.constructor) == 'function' &&\n NewTarget !== Wrapper &&\n isObject(NewTargetPrototype = NewTarget.prototype) &&\n NewTargetPrototype !== Wrapper.prototype\n ) setPrototypeOf($this, NewTargetPrototype);\n return $this;\n};\n", "// `SameValue` abstract operation\n//\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-is -- safe\nmodule.exports = || function is(x, y) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check\n return x === y ? x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y : x != x && y != y;\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar $forEach = require('../internals/array-iteration').forEach;\nvar arrayMethodIsStrict = require('../internals/array-method-is-strict');\n\nvar STRICT_METHOD = arrayMethodIsStrict('forEach');\n\n// `Array.prototype.forEach` method implementation\n//\nmodule.exports = !STRICT_METHOD ? function forEach(callbackfn /* , thisArg */) {\n return $forEach(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-prototype-foreach -- safe\n} : [].forEach;\n", "var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar objectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar propertyIsEnumerable = require('../internals/object-property-is-enumerable').f;\n\n// `Object.{ entries, values }` methods implementation\nvar createMethod = function (TO_ENTRIES) {\n return function (it) {\n var O = toIndexedObject(it);\n var keys = objectKeys(O);\n var length = keys.length;\n var i = 0;\n var result = [];\n var key;\n while (length > i) {\n key = keys[i++];\n if (!DESCRIPTORS ||, key)) {\n result.push(TO_ENTRIES ? [key, O[key]] : O[key]);\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // `Object.entries` method\n //\n entries: createMethod(true),\n // `Object.values` method\n //\n values: createMethod(false)\n};\n", "var anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\n\nmodule.exports = function (iterator) {\n var returnMethod = iterator['return'];\n if (returnMethod !== undefined) {\n return anObject(;\n }\n};\n", "var anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar iteratorClose = require('../internals/iterator-close');\n\n// call something on iterator step with safe closing on error\nmodule.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, ENTRIES) {\n try {\n return ENTRIES ? fn(anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value);\n } catch (error) {\n iteratorClose(iterator);\n throw error;\n }\n};\n", "var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar Iterators = require('../internals/iterators');\n\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\nvar ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;\n\n// check on default Array iterator\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayPrototype[ITERATOR] === it);\n};\n", "var classof = require('../internals/classof');\nvar Iterators = require('../internals/iterators');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (it != undefined) return it[ITERATOR]\n || it['@@iterator']\n || Iterators[classof(it)];\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar bind = require('../internals/function-bind-context');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar callWithSafeIterationClosing = require('../internals/call-with-safe-iteration-closing');\nvar isArrayIteratorMethod = require('../internals/is-array-iterator-method');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar createProperty = require('../internals/create-property');\nvar getIteratorMethod = require('../internals/get-iterator-method');\n\n// `Array.from` method implementation\n//\nmodule.exports = function from(arrayLike /* , mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined */) {\n var O = toObject(arrayLike);\n var C = typeof this == 'function' ? this : Array;\n var argumentsLength = arguments.length;\n var mapfn = argumentsLength > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;\n var mapping = mapfn !== undefined;\n var iteratorMethod = getIteratorMethod(O);\n var index = 0;\n var length, result, step, iterator, next, value;\n if (mapping) mapfn = bind(mapfn, argumentsLength > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined, 2);\n // if the target is not iterable or it's an array with the default iterator - use a simple case\n if (iteratorMethod != undefined && !(C == Array && isArrayIteratorMethod(iteratorMethod))) {\n iterator =;\n next =;\n result = new C();\n for (;!(step =; index++) {\n value = mapping ? callWithSafeIterationClosing(iterator, mapfn, [step.value, index], true) : step.value;\n createProperty(result, index, value);\n }\n } else {\n length = toLength(O.length);\n result = new C(length);\n for (;length > index; index++) {\n value = mapping ? mapfn(O[index], index) : O[index];\n createProperty(result, index, value);\n }\n }\n result.length = index;\n return result;\n};\n", "var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\nvar SAFE_CLOSING = false;\n\ntry {\n var called = 0;\n var iteratorWithReturn = {\n next: function () {\n return { done: !!called++ };\n },\n 'return': function () {\n SAFE_CLOSING = true;\n }\n };\n iteratorWithReturn[ITERATOR] = function () {\n return this;\n };\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-from, no-throw-literal -- required for testing\n Array.from(iteratorWithReturn, function () { throw 2; });\n} catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n\nmodule.exports = function (exec, SKIP_CLOSING) {\n if (!SKIP_CLOSING && !SAFE_CLOSING) return false;\n var ITERATION_SUPPORT = false;\n try {\n var object = {};\n object[ITERATOR] = function () {\n return {\n next: function () {\n return { done: ITERATION_SUPPORT = true };\n }\n };\n };\n exec(object);\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n return ITERATION_SUPPORT;\n};\n", "// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-typed-arrays -- safe\nmodule.exports = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && typeof DataView !== 'undefined';\n", "var redefine = require('../internals/redefine');\n\nmodule.exports = function (target, src, options) {\n for (var key in src) redefine(target, key, src[key], options);\n return target;\n};\n", "module.exports = function (it, Constructor, name) {\n if (!(it instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw TypeError('Incorrect ' + (name ? name + ' ' : '') + 'invocation');\n } return it;\n};\n", "var toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\n\n// `ToIndex` abstract operation\n//\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (it === undefined) return 0;\n var number = toInteger(it);\n var length = toLength(number);\n if (number !== length) throw RangeError('Wrong length or index');\n return length;\n};\n", "// IEEE754 conversions based on\nvar abs = Math.abs;\nvar pow = Math.pow;\nvar floor = Math.floor;\nvar log = Math.log;\nvar LN2 = Math.LN2;\n\nvar pack = function (number, mantissaLength, bytes) {\n var buffer = new Array(bytes);\n var exponentLength = bytes * 8 - mantissaLength - 1;\n var eMax = (1 << exponentLength) - 1;\n var eBias = eMax >> 1;\n var rt = mantissaLength === 23 ? pow(2, -24) - pow(2, -77) : 0;\n var sign = number < 0 || number === 0 && 1 / number < 0 ? 1 : 0;\n var index = 0;\n var exponent, mantissa, c;\n number = abs(number);\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check\n if (number != number || number === Infinity) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check\n mantissa = number != number ? 1 : 0;\n exponent = eMax;\n } else {\n exponent = floor(log(number) / LN2);\n if (number * (c = pow(2, -exponent)) < 1) {\n exponent--;\n c *= 2;\n }\n if (exponent + eBias >= 1) {\n number += rt / c;\n } else {\n number += rt * pow(2, 1 - eBias);\n }\n if (number * c >= 2) {\n exponent++;\n c /= 2;\n }\n if (exponent + eBias >= eMax) {\n mantissa = 0;\n exponent = eMax;\n } else if (exponent + eBias >= 1) {\n mantissa = (number * c - 1) * pow(2, mantissaLength);\n exponent = exponent + eBias;\n } else {\n mantissa = number * pow(2, eBias - 1) * pow(2, mantissaLength);\n exponent = 0;\n }\n }\n for (; mantissaLength >= 8; buffer[index++] = mantissa & 255, mantissa /= 256, mantissaLength -= 8);\n exponent = exponent << mantissaLength | mantissa;\n exponentLength += mantissaLength;\n for (; exponentLength > 0; buffer[index++] = exponent & 255, exponent /= 256, exponentLength -= 8);\n buffer[--index] |= sign * 128;\n return buffer;\n};\n\nvar unpack = function (buffer, mantissaLength) {\n var bytes = buffer.length;\n var exponentLength = bytes * 8 - mantissaLength - 1;\n var eMax = (1 << exponentLength) - 1;\n var eBias = eMax >> 1;\n var nBits = exponentLength - 7;\n var index = bytes - 1;\n var sign = buffer[index--];\n var exponent = sign & 127;\n var mantissa;\n sign >>= 7;\n for (; nBits > 0; exponent = exponent * 256 + buffer[index], index--, nBits -= 8);\n mantissa = exponent & (1 << -nBits) - 1;\n exponent >>= -nBits;\n nBits += mantissaLength;\n for (; nBits > 0; mantissa = mantissa * 256 + buffer[index], index--, nBits -= 8);\n if (exponent === 0) {\n exponent = 1 - eBias;\n } else if (exponent === eMax) {\n return mantissa ? NaN : sign ? -Infinity : Infinity;\n } else {\n mantissa = mantissa + pow(2, mantissaLength);\n exponent = exponent - eBias;\n } return (sign ? -1 : 1) * mantissa * pow(2, exponent - mantissaLength);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n pack: pack,\n unpack: unpack\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar toAbsoluteIndex = require('../internals/to-absolute-index');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\n\n// `Array.prototype.fill` method implementation\n//\nmodule.exports = function fill(value /* , start = 0, end = @length */) {\n var O = toObject(this);\n var length = toLength(O.length);\n var argumentsLength = arguments.length;\n var index = toAbsoluteIndex(argumentsLength > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, length);\n var end = argumentsLength > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;\n var endPos = end === undefined ? length : toAbsoluteIndex(end, length);\n while (endPos > index) O[index++] = value;\n return O;\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER = require('../internals/array-buffer-native');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar redefineAll = require('../internals/redefine-all');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar anInstance = require('../internals/an-instance');\nvar toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar toIndex = require('../internals/to-index');\nvar IEEE754 = require('../internals/ieee754');\nvar getPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of');\nvar setPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-set-prototype-of');\nvar getOwnPropertyNames = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names').f;\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\nvar arrayFill = require('../internals/array-fill');\nvar setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag');\nvar InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state');\n\nvar getInternalState = InternalStateModule.get;\nvar setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;\nvar ARRAY_BUFFER = 'ArrayBuffer';\nvar DATA_VIEW = 'DataView';\nvar PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\nvar WRONG_LENGTH = 'Wrong length';\nvar WRONG_INDEX = 'Wrong index';\nvar NativeArrayBuffer = global[ARRAY_BUFFER];\nvar $ArrayBuffer = NativeArrayBuffer;\nvar $DataView = global[DATA_VIEW];\nvar $DataViewPrototype = $DataView && $DataView[PROTOTYPE];\nvar ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;\nvar RangeError = global.RangeError;\n\nvar packIEEE754 = IEEE754.pack;\nvar unpackIEEE754 = IEEE754.unpack;\n\nvar packInt8 = function (number) {\n return [number & 0xFF];\n};\n\nvar packInt16 = function (number) {\n return [number & 0xFF, number >> 8 & 0xFF];\n};\n\nvar packInt32 = function (number) {\n return [number & 0xFF, number >> 8 & 0xFF, number >> 16 & 0xFF, number >> 24 & 0xFF];\n};\n\nvar unpackInt32 = function (buffer) {\n return buffer[3] << 24 | buffer[2] << 16 | buffer[1] << 8 | buffer[0];\n};\n\nvar packFloat32 = function (number) {\n return packIEEE754(number, 23, 4);\n};\n\nvar packFloat64 = function (number) {\n return packIEEE754(number, 52, 8);\n};\n\nvar addGetter = function (Constructor, key) {\n defineProperty(Constructor[PROTOTYPE], key, { get: function () { return getInternalState(this)[key]; } });\n};\n\nvar get = function (view, count, index, isLittleEndian) {\n var intIndex = toIndex(index);\n var store = getInternalState(view);\n if (intIndex + count > store.byteLength) throw RangeError(WRONG_INDEX);\n var bytes = getInternalState(store.buffer).bytes;\n var start = intIndex + store.byteOffset;\n var pack = bytes.slice(start, start + count);\n return isLittleEndian ? pack : pack.reverse();\n};\n\nvar set = function (view, count, index, conversion, value, isLittleEndian) {\n var intIndex = toIndex(index);\n var store = getInternalState(view);\n if (intIndex + count > store.byteLength) throw RangeError(WRONG_INDEX);\n var bytes = getInternalState(store.buffer).bytes;\n var start = intIndex + store.byteOffset;\n var pack = conversion(+value);\n for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) bytes[start + i] = pack[isLittleEndian ? i : count - i - 1];\n};\n\nif (!NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER) {\n $ArrayBuffer = function ArrayBuffer(length) {\n anInstance(this, $ArrayBuffer, ARRAY_BUFFER);\n var byteLength = toIndex(length);\n setInternalState(this, {\n bytes: Array(byteLength), 0),\n byteLength: byteLength\n });\n if (!DESCRIPTORS) this.byteLength = byteLength;\n };\n\n $DataView = function DataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength) {\n anInstance(this, $DataView, DATA_VIEW);\n anInstance(buffer, $ArrayBuffer, DATA_VIEW);\n var bufferLength = getInternalState(buffer).byteLength;\n var offset = toInteger(byteOffset);\n if (offset < 0 || offset > bufferLength) throw RangeError('Wrong offset');\n byteLength = byteLength === undefined ? bufferLength - offset : toLength(byteLength);\n if (offset + byteLength > bufferLength) throw RangeError(WRONG_LENGTH);\n setInternalState(this, {\n buffer: buffer,\n byteLength: byteLength,\n byteOffset: offset\n });\n if (!DESCRIPTORS) {\n this.buffer = buffer;\n this.byteLength = byteLength;\n this.byteOffset = offset;\n }\n };\n\n if (DESCRIPTORS) {\n addGetter($ArrayBuffer, 'byteLength');\n addGetter($DataView, 'buffer');\n addGetter($DataView, 'byteLength');\n addGetter($DataView, 'byteOffset');\n }\n\n redefineAll($DataView[PROTOTYPE], {\n getInt8: function getInt8(byteOffset) {\n return get(this, 1, byteOffset)[0] << 24 >> 24;\n },\n getUint8: function getUint8(byteOffset) {\n return get(this, 1, byteOffset)[0];\n },\n getInt16: function getInt16(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) {\n var bytes = get(this, 2, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n return (bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0]) << 16 >> 16;\n },\n getUint16: function getUint16(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) {\n var bytes = get(this, 2, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n return bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0];\n },\n getInt32: function getInt32(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) {\n return unpackInt32(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined));\n },\n getUint32: function getUint32(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) {\n return unpackInt32(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined)) >>> 0;\n },\n getFloat32: function getFloat32(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) {\n return unpackIEEE754(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined), 23);\n },\n getFloat64: function getFloat64(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) {\n return unpackIEEE754(get(this, 8, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined), 52);\n },\n setInt8: function setInt8(byteOffset, value) {\n set(this, 1, byteOffset, packInt8, value);\n },\n setUint8: function setUint8(byteOffset, value) {\n set(this, 1, byteOffset, packInt8, value);\n },\n setInt16: function setInt16(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) {\n set(this, 2, byteOffset, packInt16, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined);\n },\n setUint16: function setUint16(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) {\n set(this, 2, byteOffset, packInt16, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined);\n },\n setInt32: function setInt32(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) {\n set(this, 4, byteOffset, packInt32, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined);\n },\n setUint32: function setUint32(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) {\n set(this, 4, byteOffset, packInt32, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined);\n },\n setFloat32: function setFloat32(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) {\n set(this, 4, byteOffset, packFloat32, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined);\n },\n setFloat64: function setFloat64(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) {\n set(this, 8, byteOffset, packFloat64, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined);\n }\n });\n} else {\n /* eslint-disable no-new -- required for testing */\n if (!fails(function () {\n NativeArrayBuffer(1);\n }) || !fails(function () {\n new NativeArrayBuffer(-1);\n }) || fails(function () {\n new NativeArrayBuffer();\n new NativeArrayBuffer(1.5);\n new NativeArrayBuffer(NaN);\n return != ARRAY_BUFFER;\n })) {\n /* eslint-enable no-new -- required for testing */\n $ArrayBuffer = function ArrayBuffer(length) {\n anInstance(this, $ArrayBuffer);\n return new NativeArrayBuffer(toIndex(length));\n };\n var ArrayBufferPrototype = $ArrayBuffer[PROTOTYPE] = NativeArrayBuffer[PROTOTYPE];\n for (var keys = getOwnPropertyNames(NativeArrayBuffer), j = 0, key; keys.length > j;) {\n if (!((key = keys[j++]) in $ArrayBuffer)) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty($ArrayBuffer, key, NativeArrayBuffer[key]);\n }\n }\n ArrayBufferPrototype.constructor = $ArrayBuffer;\n }\n\n // WebKit bug - the same parent prototype for typed arrays and data view\n if (setPrototypeOf && getPrototypeOf($DataViewPrototype) !== ObjectPrototype) {\n setPrototypeOf($DataViewPrototype, ObjectPrototype);\n }\n\n // iOS Safari 7.x bug\n var testView = new $DataView(new $ArrayBuffer(2));\n var $setInt8 = $DataViewPrototype.setInt8;\n testView.setInt8(0, 2147483648);\n testView.setInt8(1, 2147483649);\n if (testView.getInt8(0) || !testView.getInt8(1)) redefineAll($DataViewPrototype, {\n setInt8: function setInt8(byteOffset, value) {\n $, byteOffset, value << 24 >> 24);\n },\n setUint8: function setUint8(byteOffset, value) {\n $, byteOffset, value << 24 >> 24);\n }\n }, { unsafe: true });\n}\n\nsetToStringTag($ArrayBuffer, ARRAY_BUFFER);\nsetToStringTag($DataView, DATA_VIEW);\n\nmodule.exports = {\n ArrayBuffer: $ArrayBuffer,\n DataView: $DataView\n};\n", "'use strict';\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\n\nvar SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');\n\nmodule.exports = function (CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) {\n var Constructor = getBuiltIn(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);\n var defineProperty = definePropertyModule.f;\n\n if (DESCRIPTORS && Constructor && !Constructor[SPECIES]) {\n defineProperty(Constructor, SPECIES, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () { return this; }\n });\n }\n};\n", "var aFunction = require('../internals/a-function');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar IndexedObject = require('../internals/indexed-object');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\n\n// `Array.prototype.{ reduce, reduceRight }` methods implementation\nvar createMethod = function (IS_RIGHT) {\n return function (that, callbackfn, argumentsLength, memo) {\n aFunction(callbackfn);\n var O = toObject(that);\n var self = IndexedObject(O);\n var length = toLength(O.length);\n var index = IS_RIGHT ? length - 1 : 0;\n var i = IS_RIGHT ? -1 : 1;\n if (argumentsLength < 2) while (true) {\n if (index in self) {\n memo = self[index];\n index += i;\n break;\n }\n index += i;\n if (IS_RIGHT ? index < 0 : length <= index) {\n throw TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');\n }\n }\n for (;IS_RIGHT ? index >= 0 : length > index; index += i) if (index in self) {\n memo = callbackfn(memo, self[index], index, O);\n }\n return memo;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // `Array.prototype.reduce` method\n //\n left: createMethod(false),\n // `Array.prototype.reduceRight` method\n //\n right: createMethod(true)\n};\n", "var classof = require('../internals/classof-raw');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\n\nmodule.exports = classof(global.process) == 'process';\n", "import $ from \"jquery\";\n\nfunction disableFormSubmission() {\n // disable form submissions\n $(document).on(\"submit\", \"form:not([action])\", function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n });\n}\n\nexport { disableFormSubmission };", "import $ from \"jquery\";\n\nfunction trackHistory() {\n var origPushState = window.history.pushState;\n\n window.history.pushState = function () {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n var result = origPushState.apply(this, args);\n $(document).trigger(\"pushstate\");\n return result;\n };\n}\n\nexport { trackHistory };", "'use strict';\n/* eslint-disable es/no-array-prototype-indexof -- required for testing */\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar $indexOf = require('../internals/array-includes').indexOf;\nvar arrayMethodIsStrict = require('../internals/array-method-is-strict');\n\nvar nativeIndexOf = [].indexOf;\n\nvar NEGATIVE_ZERO = !!nativeIndexOf && 1 / [1].indexOf(1, -0) < 0;\nvar STRICT_METHOD = arrayMethodIsStrict('indexOf');\n\n// `Array.prototype.indexOf` method\n//\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: NEGATIVE_ZERO || !STRICT_METHOD }, {\n indexOf: function indexOf(searchElement /* , fromIndex = 0 */) {\n return NEGATIVE_ZERO\n // convert -0 to +0\n ? nativeIndexOf.apply(this, arguments) || 0\n : $indexOf(this, searchElement, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n }\n});\n", "var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar parseIntImplementation = require('../internals/number-parse-int');\n\n// `parseInt` method\n//\n$({ global: true, forced: parseInt != parseIntImplementation }, {\n parseInt: parseIntImplementation\n});\n", "import \"core-js/modules/es.array.index-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.parse-int.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { isIE, setIsQt, setIsIE, setIEVersion } from \"../utils/browser\";\nimport { userAgent } from \"../utils/userAgent\";\n\nfunction getIEVersion() {\n var msie = userAgent.indexOf(\"MSIE \");\n\n if (isIE() && msie > 0) {\n // IE 10 or older => return version number\n return parseInt(userAgent.substring(msie + 5, userAgent.indexOf(\".\", msie)), 10);\n }\n\n var trident = userAgent.indexOf(\"Trident/\");\n\n if (trident > 0) {\n // IE 11 => return version number\n var rv = userAgent.indexOf(\"rv:\");\n return parseInt(userAgent.substring(rv + 3, userAgent.indexOf(\".\", rv)), 10);\n }\n\n return -1;\n}\n\nfunction determineBrowserInfo() {\n // For easy handling of Qt quirks using CSS\n if (/\\bQt\\//.test(userAgent)) {\n $(document.documentElement).addClass(\"qt\");\n setIsQt(true);\n } else {\n setIsQt(false);\n } // For Qt on Mac. Note that the target string as of RStudio 1.4.173\n // is \"QtWebEngine\" and does not have a trailing slash.\n\n\n if (/\\bQt/.test(userAgent) && /\\bMacintosh/.test(userAgent)) {\n $(document.documentElement).addClass(\"qtmac\");\n } // Enable special treatment for Qt 5 quirks on Linux\n\n\n if (/\\bQt\\/5/.test(userAgent) && /Linux/.test(userAgent)) {\n $(document.documentElement).addClass(\"qt5\");\n } // Detect IE and older (pre-Chromium) Edge\n\n\n setIsIE(/MSIE|Trident|Edge/.test(userAgent));\n setIEVersion(getIEVersion());\n}\n\nexport { determineBrowserInfo };", "var isQtVal = false;\nvar isIEVal = false;\nvar versionIE = -1;\n\nfunction setIsQt(isQt) {\n isQtVal = isQt;\n}\n\nfunction setIsIE(isIE) {\n isIEVal = isIE;\n}\n\nfunction setIEVersion(versionIE_) {\n versionIE = versionIE_;\n}\n\nfunction isQt() {\n return isQtVal;\n}\n\nfunction isIE() {\n return isIEVal;\n} // (Name existed before TS conversion)\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention\n\n\nfunction IEVersion() {\n return versionIE;\n}\n\nexport { isQt, isIE, IEVersion, setIsQt, setIsIE, setIEVersion };", "var userAgent;\n\nfunction setUserAgent(userAgent_) {\n userAgent = userAgent_;\n}\n\nexport { userAgent, setUserAgent };", "function windowShiny() {\n // Use `unknown` type as we know what we are doing is _dangerous_\n // Immediately init shiny on the window\n if (!window[\"Shiny\"]) {\n window[\"Shiny\"] = {};\n }\n\n return window[\"Shiny\"];\n}\n\nexport { windowShiny };", "import $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { InputBinding, OutputBinding } from \"../bindings\";\nimport { resetBrush } from \"../imageutils/resetBrush\";\nimport { $escape, compareVersion } from \"../utils\";\nimport { showNotification, removeNotification } from \"./notifications\";\nimport { showModal, removeModal } from \"./modal\";\nimport { showReconnectDialog, hideReconnectDialog } from \"./reconnectDialog\";\nimport { renderContent, renderDependencies, renderHtml } from \"./render\";\nimport { initShiny } from \"./init\";\nimport { setFileInputBinding } from \"./initedMethods\";\nimport { addCustomMessageHandler } from \"./shinyapp\";\nimport { initInputBindings } from \"../bindings/input\";\nimport { initOutputBindings } from \"../bindings/output\";\nvar windowShiny;\n\nfunction setShiny(windowShiny_) {\n windowShiny = windowShiny_; // `process.env.SHINY_VERSION` is overwritten to the Shiny version at build time.\n // During testing, the `Shiny.version` will be `\"development\"`\n\n windowShiny.version = process.env.SHINY_VERSION || \"development\";\n\n var _initInputBindings = initInputBindings(),\n inputBindings = _initInputBindings.inputBindings,\n fileInputBinding = _initInputBindings.fileInputBinding;\n\n var _initOutputBindings = initOutputBindings(),\n outputBindings = _initOutputBindings.outputBindings; // set variable to be retrieved later\n\n\n setFileInputBinding(fileInputBinding);\n windowShiny.$escape = $escape;\n windowShiny.compareVersion = compareVersion;\n windowShiny.inputBindings = inputBindings;\n windowShiny.InputBinding = InputBinding;\n windowShiny.outputBindings = outputBindings;\n windowShiny.OutputBinding = OutputBinding;\n windowShiny.resetBrush = resetBrush;\n windowShiny.notifications = {\n show: showNotification,\n remove: removeNotification\n };\n windowShiny.modal = {\n show: showModal,\n remove: removeModal\n };\n windowShiny.addCustomMessageHandler = addCustomMessageHandler;\n windowShiny.showReconnectDialog = showReconnectDialog;\n windowShiny.hideReconnectDialog = hideReconnectDialog;\n windowShiny.renderDependencies = renderDependencies;\n windowShiny.renderContent = renderContent;\n windowShiny.renderHtml = renderHtml;\n $(function () {\n // Init Shiny a little later than document ready, so user code can\n // run first (i.e. to register bindings)\n setTimeout(function () {\n initShiny(windowShiny);\n }, 1);\n });\n}\n\nexport { windowShiny, setShiny };", "var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\n\nvar FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;\nvar FunctionPrototypeToString = FunctionPrototype.toString;\nvar nameRE = /^\\s*function ([^ (]*)/;\nvar NAME = 'name';\n\n// Function instances `.name` property\n//\nif (DESCRIPTORS && !(NAME in FunctionPrototype)) {\n defineProperty(FunctionPrototype, NAME, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n try {\n return[1];\n } catch (error) {\n return '';\n }\n }\n });\n}\n", "import \"core-js/modules/es.regexp.exec.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.replace.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.parse-float.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.concat.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.slice.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.splice.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.keys.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.split.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.parse-int.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { windowDevicePixelRatio } from \"../window/pixelRatio\";\nimport { makeBlob } from \"./blob\";\nimport { hasOwnProperty } from \"./object\";\n\nfunction escapeHTML(str) {\n var escaped = {\n \"&\": \"&\",\n \"<\": \"<\",\n \">\": \">\",\n // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier\n \"\\\"\": \""\",\n \"'\": \"'\",\n \"/\": \"/\"\n };\n return str.replace(/[&<>'\"/]/g, function (m) {\n return escaped[m];\n });\n}\n\nfunction randomId() {\n return Math.floor(0x100000000 + Math.random() * 0xf00000000).toString(16);\n}\n\nfunction strToBool(str) {\n if (!str || !str.toLowerCase) return undefined;\n\n switch (str.toLowerCase()) {\n case \"true\":\n return true;\n\n case \"false\":\n return false;\n\n default:\n return undefined;\n }\n} // A wrapper for getComputedStyle that is compatible with older browsers.\n// This is significantly faster than jQuery's .css() function.\n\n\nfunction getStyle(el, styleProp) {\n var x = undefined; // @ts-expect-error; Old, IE 5+ attribute only -\n\n if (el.currentStyle) x = el.currentStyle[styleProp];else if (window.getComputedStyle) {\n // getComputedStyle can return null when we're inside a hidden iframe on\n // Firefox; don't attempt to retrieve style props in this case.\n //\n var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null);\n if (style) x = style.getPropertyValue(styleProp);\n }\n return x;\n} // Convert a number to a string with leading zeros\n\n\nfunction padZeros(n, digits) {\n var str = n.toString();\n\n while (str.length < digits) {\n str = \"0\" + str;\n }\n\n return str;\n} // Round to a specified number of significant digits.\n\n\nfunction roundSignif(x) {\n var digits = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;\n if (digits < 1) throw \"Significant digits must be at least 1.\"; // This converts to a string and back to a number, which is inelegant, but\n // is less prone to FP rounding error than an alternate method which used\n // Math.round().\n\n return parseFloat(x.toPrecision(digits));\n} // Take a string with format \"YYYY-MM-DD\" and return a Date object.\n// IE8 and QTWebKit don't support YYYY-MM-DD, but they support YYYY/MM/DD\n\n\nfunction parseDate(dateString) {\n var date = new Date(dateString);\n\n if (date.toString() === \"Invalid Date\") {\n date = new Date(dateString.replace(/-/g, \"/\"));\n }\n\n return date;\n} // Given a Date object, return a string in yyyy-mm-dd format, using the\n// UTC date. This may be a day off from the date in the local time zone.\n\n\nfunction formatDateUTC(date) {\n if (date instanceof Date) {\n return date.getUTCFullYear() + \"-\" + padZeros(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + \"-\" + padZeros(date.getUTCDate(), 2);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n} // Given an element and a function(width, height), returns a function(). When\n// the output function is called, it calls the input function with the offset\n// width and height of the input element--but only if the size of the element\n// is non-zero and the size is different than the last time the output\n// function was called.\n//\n// Basically we are trying to filter out extraneous calls to func, so that\n// when the window size changes or whatever, we don't run resize logic for\n// elements that haven't actually changed size or aren't visible anyway.\n\n\nfunction makeResizeFilter(el, func) {\n var lastSize = {};\n return function () {\n var size = {\n w: el.offsetWidth,\n h: el.offsetHeight\n };\n if (size.w === 0 && size.h === 0) return;\n if (size.w === lastSize.w && size.h === lastSize.h) return;\n lastSize = size;\n func(size.w, size.h);\n };\n}\n\nfunction pixelRatio() {\n if (windowDevicePixelRatio()) {\n return Math.round(windowDevicePixelRatio() * 100) / 100;\n } else {\n return 1;\n }\n} // Takes a string expression and returns a function that takes an argument.\n//\n// When the function is executed, it will evaluate that expression using\n// \"with\" on the argument value, and return the result.\n\n\nfunction scopeExprToFunc(expr) {\n /*jshint evil: true */\n var exprEscaped = expr.replace(/[\\\\\"']/g, \"\\\\$&\") // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex\n .replace(/\\u0000/g, \"\\\\0\").replace(/\\n/g, \"\\\\n\").replace(/\\r/g, \"\\\\r\") // \\b has a special meaning; need [\\b] to match backspace char.\n .replace(/[\\b]/g, \"\\\\b\");\n var func;\n\n try {\n // @ts-expect-error; Do not know how to type this _dangerous_ situation\n func = new Function(\"with (this) {\\n try {\\n return (\".concat(expr, \");\\n } catch (e) {\\n console.error('Error evaluating expression: \").concat(exprEscaped, \"');\\n throw e;\\n }\\n }\"));\n } catch (e) {\n console.error(\"Error parsing expression: \" + expr);\n throw e;\n }\n\n return function (scope) {\n return;\n };\n}\n\nfunction asArray(value) {\n if (value === null || value === undefined) return [];\n if (Array.isArray(value)) return value;\n return [value];\n} // We need a stable sorting algorithm for ordering\n// bindings by priority and insertion order.\n\n\nfunction mergeSort(list, sortfunc) {\n function merge(sortfunc, a, b) {\n var ia = 0;\n var ib = 0;\n var sorted = [];\n\n while (ia < a.length && ib < b.length) {\n if (sortfunc(a[ia], b[ib]) <= 0) {\n sorted.push(a[ia++]);\n } else {\n sorted.push(b[ib++]);\n }\n }\n\n while (ia < a.length) {\n sorted.push(a[ia++]);\n }\n\n while (ib < b.length) {\n sorted.push(b[ib++]);\n }\n\n return sorted;\n } // Don't mutate list argument\n\n\n list = list.slice(0);\n\n for (var chunkSize = 1; chunkSize < list.length; chunkSize *= 2) {\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i += chunkSize * 2) {\n var listA = list.slice(i, i + chunkSize);\n var listB = list.slice(i + chunkSize, i + chunkSize * 2);\n var merged = merge(sortfunc, listA, listB);\n var args = [i, merged.length];\n Array.prototype.push.apply(args, merged);\n Array.prototype.splice.apply(list, args);\n }\n }\n\n return list;\n} // Escape jQuery selector metacharacters: !\"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~\n\n\nvar $escape = function $escape(val) {\n return val.replace(/([!\"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\\\\]^`{|}~])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}; // Maps a function over an object, preserving keys. Like the mapValues\n// function from lodash.\n\n\nfunction mapValues(obj, f) {\n var newObj = {};\n\n for (var _key in obj) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(obj, _key)) newObj[_key] = f(obj[_key], _key, obj);\n }\n\n return newObj;\n} // This is does the same as Number.isNaN, but that function unfortunately does\n// not exist in any version of IE.\n\n\nfunction isnan(x) {\n return typeof x === \"number\" && isNaN(x);\n} // Binary equality function used by the equal function.\n// (Name existed before TS conversion)\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention\n\n\nfunction _equal(x, y) {\n if ($.type(x) === \"object\" && $.type(y) === \"object\") {\n var xo = x;\n var yo = y;\n if (Object.keys(xo).length !== Object.keys(yo).length) return false;\n\n for (var prop in xo) {\n if (!hasOwnProperty(yo, prop) || !_equal(xo[prop], yo[prop])) return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n } else if ($.type(x) === \"array\" && $.type(y) === \"array\") {\n var xa = x;\n var ya = y;\n if (xa.length !== ya.length) return false;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < xa.length; i++) {\n if (!_equal(xa[i], ya[i])) return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n } else {\n return x === y;\n }\n} // Structural or \"deep\" equality predicate. Tests two or more arguments for\n// equality, traversing arrays and objects (as determined by $.type) as\n// necessary.\n//\n// Objects other than objects and arrays are tested for equality using ===.\n\n\nfunction equal() {\n if (arguments.length < 2) throw new Error(\"equal requires at least two arguments.\");\n\n for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {\n if (!_equal(i < 0 || arguments.length <= i ? undefined : arguments[i], i + 1 < 0 || arguments.length <= i + 1 ? undefined : arguments[i + 1])) return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n} // Compare version strings like \"1.0.1\", \"1.4-2\". `op` must be a string like\n// \"==\" or \"<\".\n\n\nvar compareVersion = function compareVersion(a, op, b) {\n function versionParts(ver) {\n return (ver + \"\").replace(/-/, \".\").replace(/(\\.0)+[^.]*$/, \"\").split(\".\");\n }\n\n function cmpVersion(a, b) {\n a = versionParts(a);\n b = versionParts(b);\n var len = Math.min(a.length, b.length);\n var cmp;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n cmp = parseInt(a[i], 10) - parseInt(b[i], 10);\n\n if (cmp !== 0) {\n return cmp;\n }\n }\n\n return a.length - b.length;\n }\n\n var diff = cmpVersion(a, b);\n if (op === \"==\") return diff === 0;else if (op === \">=\") return diff >= 0;else if (op === \">\") return diff > 0;else if (op === \"<=\") return diff <= 0;else if (op === \"<\") return diff < 0;else throw \"Unknown operator: \".concat(op);\n};\n\nfunction updateLabel(labelTxt, labelNode) {\n // Only update if label was specified in the update method\n if (typeof labelTxt === \"undefined\") return;\n\n if (labelNode.length !== 1) {\n throw new Error(\"labelNode must be of length 1\");\n } // Should the label be empty?\n\n\n var emptyLabel = Array.isArray(labelTxt) && labelTxt.length === 0;\n\n if (emptyLabel) {\n labelNode.addClass(\"shiny-label-null\");\n } else {\n labelNode.text(labelTxt);\n labelNode.removeClass(\"shiny-label-null\");\n }\n} // Compute the color property of an a tag, scoped within the element\n\n\nfunction getComputedLinkColor(el) {\n var a = document.createElement(\"a\");\n a.href = \"/\";\n var div = document.createElement(\"div\");\n\"position\", \"absolute\", \"important\");\n\"top\", \"-1000px\", \"important\");\n\"left\", \"0\", \"important\");\n\"width\", \"30px\", \"important\");\n\"height\", \"10px\", \"important\");\n div.appendChild(a);\n el.appendChild(div);\n var linkColor = window.getComputedStyle(a).getPropertyValue(\"color\");\n el.removeChild(div);\n return linkColor;\n}\n\nfunction isBS3() {\n // @ts-expect-error; Check if `window.bootstrap` exists\n return !window.bootstrap;\n}\n\nfunction toLowerCase(str) {\n return str.toLowerCase();\n}\n\nexport { escapeHTML, randomId, strToBool, getStyle, padZeros, roundSignif, parseDate, formatDateUTC, makeResizeFilter, pixelRatio, scopeExprToFunc, asArray, mergeSort, $escape, mapValues, isnan, _equal, equal, compareVersion, updateLabel, getComputedLinkColor, makeBlob, hasOwnProperty, isBS3, toLowerCase };", "'use strict';\nvar fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic = require('../internals/fix-regexp-well-known-symbol-logic');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer');\nvar requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible');\nvar advanceStringIndex = require('../internals/advance-string-index');\nvar getSubstitution = require('../internals/get-substitution');\nvar regExpExec = require('../internals/regexp-exec-abstract');\n\nvar max = Math.max;\nvar min = Math.min;\n\nvar maybeToString = function (it) {\n return it === undefined ? it : String(it);\n};\n\n// @@replace logic\nfixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic('replace', 2, function (REPLACE, nativeReplace, maybeCallNative, reason) {\n var REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE = reason.REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE;\n var REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 = reason.REPLACE_KEEPS_$0;\n var UNSAFE_SUBSTITUTE = REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE ? '$' : '$0';\n\n return [\n // `String.prototype.replace` method\n //\n function replace(searchValue, replaceValue) {\n var O = requireObjectCoercible(this);\n var replacer = searchValue == undefined ? undefined : searchValue[REPLACE];\n return replacer !== undefined\n ?, O, replaceValue)\n :, searchValue, replaceValue);\n },\n // `RegExp.prototype[@@replace]` method\n //\n function (regexp, replaceValue) {\n if (\n (!REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE && REPLACE_KEEPS_$0) ||\n (typeof replaceValue === 'string' && replaceValue.indexOf(UNSAFE_SUBSTITUTE) === -1)\n ) {\n var res = maybeCallNative(nativeReplace, regexp, this, replaceValue);\n if (res.done) return res.value;\n }\n\n var rx = anObject(regexp);\n var S = String(this);\n\n var functionalReplace = typeof replaceValue === 'function';\n if (!functionalReplace) replaceValue = String(replaceValue);\n\n var global =;\n if (global) {\n var fullUnicode = rx.unicode;\n rx.lastIndex = 0;\n }\n var results = [];\n while (true) {\n var result = regExpExec(rx, S);\n if (result === null) break;\n\n results.push(result);\n if (!global) break;\n\n var matchStr = String(result[0]);\n if (matchStr === '') rx.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S, toLength(rx.lastIndex), fullUnicode);\n }\n\n var accumulatedResult = '';\n var nextSourcePosition = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {\n result = results[i];\n\n var matched = String(result[0]);\n var position = max(min(toInteger(result.index), S.length), 0);\n var captures = [];\n // NOTE: This is equivalent to\n // captures = result.slice(1).map(maybeToString)\n // but for some reason `, 1, result.length)` (called in\n // the slice polyfill when slicing native arrays) \"doesn't work\" in safari 9 and\n // causes a crash ( when trying to debug it.\n for (var j = 1; j < result.length; j++) captures.push(maybeToString(result[j]));\n var namedCaptures = result.groups;\n if (functionalReplace) {\n var replacerArgs = [matched].concat(captures, position, S);\n if (namedCaptures !== undefined) replacerArgs.push(namedCaptures);\n var replacement = String(replaceValue.apply(undefined, replacerArgs));\n } else {\n replacement = getSubstitution(matched, S, position, captures, namedCaptures, replaceValue);\n }\n if (position >= nextSourcePosition) {\n accumulatedResult += S.slice(nextSourcePosition, position) + replacement;\n nextSourcePosition = position + matched.length;\n }\n }\n return accumulatedResult + S.slice(nextSourcePosition);\n }\n ];\n});\n", "var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require('../internals/to-string-tag-support');\nvar redefine = require('../internals/redefine');\nvar toString = require('../internals/object-to-string');\n\n// `Object.prototype.toString` method\n//\nif (!TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT) {\n redefine(Object.prototype, 'toString', toString, { unsafe: true });\n}\n", "'use strict';\nvar redefine = require('../internals/redefine');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar flags = require('../internals/regexp-flags');\n\nvar TO_STRING = 'toString';\nvar RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;\nvar nativeToString = RegExpPrototype[TO_STRING];\n\nvar NOT_GENERIC = fails(function () { return{ source: 'a', flags: 'b' }) != '/a/b'; });\n// FF44- RegExp#toString has a wrong name\nvar INCORRECT_NAME = != TO_STRING;\n\n// `RegExp.prototype.toString` method\n//\nif (NOT_GENERIC || INCORRECT_NAME) {\n redefine(RegExp.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString() {\n var R = anObject(this);\n var p = String(R.source);\n var rf = R.flags;\n var f = String(rf === undefined && R instanceof RegExp && !('flags' in RegExpPrototype) ? : rf);\n return '/' + p + '/' + f;\n }, { unsafe: true });\n}\n", "var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar parseFloatImplementation = require('../internals/number-parse-float');\n\n// `parseFloat` method\n//\n$({ global: true, forced: parseFloat != parseFloatImplementation }, {\n parseFloat: parseFloatImplementation\n});\n", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar thisNumberValue = require('../internals/this-number-value');\n\nvar nativeToPrecision = 1.0.toPrecision;\n\nvar FORCED = fails(function () {\n // IE7-\n return, undefined) !== '1';\n}) || !fails(function () {\n // V8 ~ Android 4.3-\n{});\n});\n\n// `Number.prototype.toPrecision` method\n//\n$({ target: 'Number', proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {\n toPrecision: function toPrecision(precision) {\n return precision === undefined\n ?\n :, precision);\n }\n});\n", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar isArray = require('../internals/is-array');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar createProperty = require('../internals/create-property');\nvar arraySpeciesCreate = require('../internals/array-species-create');\nvar arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require('../internals/array-method-has-species-support');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar V8_VERSION = require('../internals/engine-v8-version');\n\nvar IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE = wellKnownSymbol('isConcatSpreadable');\nvar MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF;\nvar MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_INDEX_EXCEEDED = 'Maximum allowed index exceeded';\n\n// We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes\n// deoptimization and serious performance degradation\n//\nvar IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT = V8_VERSION >= 51 || !fails(function () {\n var array = [];\n array[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE] = false;\n return array.concat()[0] !== array;\n});\n\nvar SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('concat');\n\nvar isConcatSpreadable = function (O) {\n if (!isObject(O)) return false;\n var spreadable = O[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE];\n return spreadable !== undefined ? !!spreadable : isArray(O);\n};\n\nvar FORCED = !IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT || !SPECIES_SUPPORT;\n\n// `Array.prototype.concat` method\n//\n// with adding support of @@isConcatSpreadable and @@species\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- required for `.length`\n concat: function concat(arg) {\n var O = toObject(this);\n var A = arraySpeciesCreate(O, 0);\n var n = 0;\n var i, k, length, len, E;\n for (i = -1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {\n E = i === -1 ? O : arguments[i];\n if (isConcatSpreadable(E)) {\n len = toLength(E.length);\n if (n + len > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) throw TypeError(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_INDEX_EXCEEDED);\n for (k = 0; k < len; k++, n++) if (k in E) createProperty(A, n, E[k]);\n } else {\n if (n >= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) throw TypeError(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_INDEX_EXCEEDED);\n createProperty(A, n++, E);\n }\n }\n A.length = n;\n return A;\n }\n});\n", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar isArray = require('../internals/is-array');\nvar toAbsoluteIndex = require('../internals/to-absolute-index');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar createProperty = require('../internals/create-property');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require('../internals/array-method-has-species-support');\n\nvar HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('slice');\n\nvar SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');\nvar nativeSlice = [].slice;\nvar max = Math.max;\n\n// `Array.prototype.slice` method\n//\n// fallback for not array-like ES3 strings and DOM objects\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {\n slice: function slice(start, end) {\n var O = toIndexedObject(this);\n var length = toLength(O.length);\n var k = toAbsoluteIndex(start, length);\n var fin = toAbsoluteIndex(end === undefined ? length : end, length);\n // inline `ArraySpeciesCreate` for usage native `Array#slice` where it's possible\n var Constructor, result, n;\n if (isArray(O)) {\n Constructor = O.constructor;\n // cross-realm fallback\n if (typeof Constructor == 'function' && (Constructor === Array || isArray(Constructor.prototype))) {\n Constructor = undefined;\n } else if (isObject(Constructor)) {\n Constructor = Constructor[SPECIES];\n if (Constructor === null) Constructor = undefined;\n }\n if (Constructor === Array || Constructor === undefined) {\n return, k, fin);\n }\n }\n result = new (Constructor === undefined ? Array : Constructor)(max(fin - k, 0));\n for (n = 0; k < fin; k++, n++) if (k in O) createProperty(result, n, O[k]);\n result.length = n;\n return result;\n }\n});\n", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar toAbsoluteIndex = require('../internals/to-absolute-index');\nvar toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar arraySpeciesCreate = require('../internals/array-species-create');\nvar createProperty = require('../internals/create-property');\nvar arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require('../internals/array-method-has-species-support');\n\nvar HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('splice');\n\nvar max = Math.max;\nvar min = Math.min;\nvar MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF;\nvar MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_LENGTH_EXCEEDED = 'Maximum allowed length exceeded';\n\n// `Array.prototype.splice` method\n//\n// with adding support of @@species\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {\n splice: function splice(start, deleteCount /* , ...items */) {\n var O = toObject(this);\n var len = toLength(O.length);\n var actualStart = toAbsoluteIndex(start, len);\n var argumentsLength = arguments.length;\n var insertCount, actualDeleteCount, A, k, from, to;\n if (argumentsLength === 0) {\n insertCount = actualDeleteCount = 0;\n } else if (argumentsLength === 1) {\n insertCount = 0;\n actualDeleteCount = len - actualStart;\n } else {\n insertCount = argumentsLength - 2;\n actualDeleteCount = min(max(toInteger(deleteCount), 0), len - actualStart);\n }\n if (len + insertCount - actualDeleteCount > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {\n throw TypeError(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_LENGTH_EXCEEDED);\n }\n A = arraySpeciesCreate(O, actualDeleteCount);\n for (k = 0; k < actualDeleteCount; k++) {\n from = actualStart + k;\n if (from in O) createProperty(A, k, O[from]);\n }\n A.length = actualDeleteCount;\n if (insertCount < actualDeleteCount) {\n for (k = actualStart; k < len - actualDeleteCount; k++) {\n from = k + actualDeleteCount;\n to = k + insertCount;\n if (from in O) O[to] = O[from];\n else delete O[to];\n }\n for (k = len; k > len - actualDeleteCount + insertCount; k--) delete O[k - 1];\n } else if (insertCount > actualDeleteCount) {\n for (k = len - actualDeleteCount; k > actualStart; k--) {\n from = k + actualDeleteCount - 1;\n to = k + insertCount - 1;\n if (from in O) O[to] = O[from];\n else delete O[to];\n }\n }\n for (k = 0; k < insertCount; k++) {\n O[k + actualStart] = arguments[k + 2];\n }\n O.length = len - actualDeleteCount + insertCount;\n return A;\n }\n});\n", "var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar nativeKeys = require('../internals/object-keys');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nvar FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function () { nativeKeys(1); });\n\n// `Object.keys` method\n//\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES }, {\n keys: function keys(it) {\n return nativeKeys(toObject(it));\n }\n});\n", "'use strict';\nvar fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic = require('../internals/fix-regexp-well-known-symbol-logic');\nvar isRegExp = require('../internals/is-regexp');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible');\nvar speciesConstructor = require('../internals/species-constructor');\nvar advanceStringIndex = require('../internals/advance-string-index');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar callRegExpExec = require('../internals/regexp-exec-abstract');\nvar regexpExec = require('../internals/regexp-exec');\nvar stickyHelpers = require('../internals/regexp-sticky-helpers');\n\nvar UNSUPPORTED_Y = stickyHelpers.UNSUPPORTED_Y;\nvar arrayPush = [].push;\nvar min = Math.min;\nvar MAX_UINT32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;\n\n// @@split logic\nfixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic('split', 2, function (SPLIT, nativeSplit, maybeCallNative) {\n var internalSplit;\n if (\n 'abbc'.split(/(b)*/)[1] == 'c' ||\n // eslint-disable-next-line regexp/no-empty-group -- required for testing\n 'test'.split(/(?:)/, -1).length != 4 ||\n 'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/).length != 2 ||\n '.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/).length != 4 ||\n // eslint-disable-next-line regexp/no-assertion-capturing-group, regexp/no-empty-group -- required for testing\n '.'.split(/()()/).length > 1 ||\n ''.split(/.?/).length\n ) {\n // based on es5-shim implementation, need to rework it\n internalSplit = function (separator, limit) {\n var string = String(requireObjectCoercible(this));\n var lim = limit === undefined ? MAX_UINT32 : limit >>> 0;\n if (lim === 0) return [];\n if (separator === undefined) return [string];\n // If `separator` is not a regex, use native split\n if (!isRegExp(separator)) {\n return, separator, lim);\n }\n var output = [];\n var flags = (separator.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') +\n (separator.multiline ? 'm' : '') +\n (separator.unicode ? 'u' : '') +\n (separator.sticky ? 'y' : '');\n var lastLastIndex = 0;\n // Make `global` and avoid `lastIndex` issues by working with a copy\n var separatorCopy = new RegExp(separator.source, flags + 'g');\n var match, lastIndex, lastLength;\n while (match =, string)) {\n lastIndex = separatorCopy.lastIndex;\n if (lastIndex > lastLastIndex) {\n output.push(string.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index));\n if (match.length > 1 && match.index < string.length) arrayPush.apply(output, match.slice(1));\n lastLength = match[0].length;\n lastLastIndex = lastIndex;\n if (output.length >= lim) break;\n }\n if (separatorCopy.lastIndex === match.index) separatorCopy.lastIndex++; // Avoid an infinite loop\n }\n if (lastLastIndex === string.length) {\n if (lastLength || !separatorCopy.test('')) output.push('');\n } else output.push(string.slice(lastLastIndex));\n return output.length > lim ? output.slice(0, lim) : output;\n };\n // Chakra, V8\n } else if ('0'.split(undefined, 0).length) {\n internalSplit = function (separator, limit) {\n return separator === undefined && limit === 0 ? [] :, separator, limit);\n };\n } else internalSplit = nativeSplit;\n\n return [\n // `String.prototype.split` method\n //\n function split(separator, limit) {\n var O = requireObjectCoercible(this);\n var splitter = separator == undefined ? undefined : separator[SPLIT];\n return splitter !== undefined\n ?, O, limit)\n :, separator, limit);\n },\n // `RegExp.prototype[@@split]` method\n //\n //\n // NOTE: This cannot be properly polyfilled in engines that don't support\n // the 'y' flag.\n function (regexp, limit) {\n var res = maybeCallNative(internalSplit, regexp, this, limit, internalSplit !== nativeSplit);\n if (res.done) return res.value;\n\n var rx = anObject(regexp);\n var S = String(this);\n var C = speciesConstructor(rx, RegExp);\n\n var unicodeMatching = rx.unicode;\n var flags = (rx.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') +\n (rx.multiline ? 'm' : '') +\n (rx.unicode ? 'u' : '') +\n (UNSUPPORTED_Y ? 'g' : 'y');\n\n // ^(? + rx + ) is needed, in combination with some S slicing, to\n // simulate the 'y' flag.\n var splitter = new C(UNSUPPORTED_Y ? '^(?:' + rx.source + ')' : rx, flags);\n var lim = limit === undefined ? MAX_UINT32 : limit >>> 0;\n if (lim === 0) return [];\n if (S.length === 0) return callRegExpExec(splitter, S) === null ? [S] : [];\n var p = 0;\n var q = 0;\n var A = [];\n while (q < S.length) {\n splitter.lastIndex = UNSUPPORTED_Y ? 0 : q;\n var z = callRegExpExec(splitter, UNSUPPORTED_Y ? S.slice(q) : S);\n var e;\n if (\n z === null ||\n (e = min(toLength(splitter.lastIndex + (UNSUPPORTED_Y ? q : 0)), S.length)) === p\n ) {\n q = advanceStringIndex(S, q, unicodeMatching);\n } else {\n A.push(S.slice(p, q));\n if (A.length === lim) return A;\n for (var i = 1; i <= z.length - 1; i++) {\n A.push(z[i]);\n if (A.length === lim) return A;\n }\n q = p = e;\n }\n }\n A.push(S.slice(p));\n return A;\n }\n ];\n}, UNSUPPORTED_Y);\n", "function windowDevicePixelRatio() {\n return window.devicePixelRatio;\n}\n\nexport { windowDevicePixelRatio };", "import $ from \"jquery\";\nvar blobBuilderClass;\n\nfunction setBlobBuilder(blobBuilderClass_) {\n blobBuilderClass = blobBuilderClass_;\n return;\n}\n\nfunction makeBlob(parts) {\n // Browser compatibility is a mess right now. The code as written works in\n // a variety of modern browsers, but sadly gives a deprecation warning\n // message on the console in current versions (as of this writing) of\n // Chrome.\n // Safari 6.0 (8536.25) on Mac OS X 10.8.1:\n // Has Blob constructor but it doesn't work with ArrayBufferView args\n // Google Chrome 21.0.1180.81 on Xubuntu 12.04:\n // Has Blob constructor, accepts ArrayBufferView args, accepts ArrayBuffer\n // but with a deprecation warning message\n // Firefox 15.0 on Xubuntu 12.04:\n // Has Blob constructor, accepts both ArrayBuffer and ArrayBufferView args\n // Chromium 18.0.1025.168 (Developer Build 134367 Linux) on Xubuntu 12.04:\n // No Blob constructor. Has WebKitBlobBuilder.\n try {\n return new Blob(parts);\n } catch (e) {\n var blobBuilder = new blobBuilderClass();\n $.each(parts, function (i, part) {\n blobBuilder.append(part);\n });\n return blobBuilder.getBlob();\n }\n}\n\nexport { makeBlob, setBlobBuilder };", "function hasOwnProperty(x, y) {\n return, y);\n}\n\nexport { hasOwnProperty };", "import \"core-js/modules/\";\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeSort } from \"../utils\";\n\nvar BindingRegistry = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function BindingRegistry() {\n _classCallCheck(this, BindingRegistry);\n\n _defineProperty(this, \"name\", void 0);\n\n _defineProperty(this, \"bindings\", []);\n\n _defineProperty(this, \"bindingNames\", {});\n }\n\n _createClass(BindingRegistry, [{\n key: \"register\",\n value: function register(binding, bindingName) {\n var priority = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;\n var bindingObj = {\n binding: binding,\n priority: priority\n };\n this.bindings.unshift(bindingObj);\n\n if (bindingName) {\n this.bindingNames[bindingName] = bindingObj;\n = bindingName;\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setPriority\",\n value: function setPriority(bindingName, priority) {\n var bindingObj = this.bindingNames[bindingName];\n if (!bindingObj) throw \"Tried to set priority on unknown binding \" + bindingName;\n bindingObj.priority = priority || 0;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getPriority\",\n value: function getPriority(bindingName) {\n var bindingObj = this.bindingNames[bindingName];\n if (!bindingObj) return false;\n return bindingObj.priority;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getBindings\",\n value: function getBindings() {\n // Sort the bindings. The ones with higher priority are consulted\n // first; ties are broken by most-recently-registered.\n return mergeSort(this.bindings, function (a, b) {\n return b.priority - a.priority;\n });\n }\n }]);\n\n return BindingRegistry;\n}();\n\nexport { BindingRegistry };", "function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nvar InputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function InputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, InputBinding);\n\n _defineProperty(this, \"name\", void 0);\n }\n\n _createClass(InputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: // Returns a jQuery object or element array that contains the\n // descendants of scope that match this binding\n function find(scope) {\n throw \"Not implemented\"; // add so that typescript isn't mad about an unused var\n\n scope;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getId\",\n value: function getId(el) {\n return el.getAttribute(\"data-input-id\") ||;\n } // Gives the input a type in case the server needs to know it\n // to deserialize the JSON correctly\n\n }, {\n key: \"getType\",\n value: function getType(el) {\n return false;\n el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n throw \"Not implemented\";\n el; // unused var\n } // The callback method takes one argument, whose value is boolean. If true,\n // allow deferred (debounce or throttle) sending depending on the value of\n // getRatePolicy. If false, send value immediately. Default behavior is `false`\n\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n // empty\n el;\n callback;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n // empty\n el;\n } // This is used for receiving messages that tell the input object to do\n // things, such as setting values (including min, max, and others).\n // 'data' should be an object with elements corresponding to value, min,\n // max, etc., as appropriate for the type of input object. It also should\n // trigger a change event.\n\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n throw \"Not implemented\";\n el;\n data;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n throw \"Not implemented\";\n el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getRatePolicy\",\n value: function getRatePolicy(el) {\n return null;\n el;\n } // Some input objects need initialization before being bound. This is\n // called when the document is ready (for statically-added input objects),\n // and when new input objects are added to the document with\n // htmlOutputBinding.renderValue() (for dynamically-added input objects).\n // This is called before the input is bound.\n\n }, {\n key: \"initialize\",\n value: function initialize(el) {\n //empty\n el;\n } // This is called after unbinding the output.\n\n }, {\n key: \"dispose\",\n value: function dispose(el) {\n //empty\n el;\n }\n }]);\n\n return InputBinding;\n}(); //// NOTES FOR FUTURE DEV\n// Turn register systemin into something that is intialized for every instance.\n// \"Have a new instance for every item, not an instance that does work on every item\"\n//\n// * Keep register as is for historical purposes\n// make a new register function that would take a class\n// these class could be constructed at build time\n// store the constructed obj on the ele and retrieve\n// Then the classes could store their information within their local class, rather than on the element\n// VERY CLEAN!!!\n// to invoke methods, it would be something like `el.shinyClass.METHOD(x,y,z)`\n// * See\n// these methods would be added using a new method like `inputBindings.registerClass(ClassObj, name)`\n// things to watch out for:\n// * unbind, then rebind. Maybe we stash the local content.\n// Updates:\n// * Feel free to alter method names on classes. (And make them private)\n//// END NOTES FOR FUTURE DEV\n\n\nexport { InputBinding };", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar $find = require('../internals/array-iteration').find;\nvar addToUnscopables = require('../internals/add-to-unscopables');\n\nvar FIND = 'find';\nvar SKIPS_HOLES = true;\n\n// Shouldn't skip holes\nif (FIND in []) Array(1)[FIND](function () { SKIPS_HOLES = false; });\n\n// `Array.prototype.find` method\n//\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: SKIPS_HOLES }, {\n find: function find(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) {\n return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n }\n});\n\n//\naddToUnscopables(FIND);\n", "var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar setPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-set-prototype-of');\n\n// `Object.setPrototypeOf` method\n//\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true }, {\n setPrototypeOf: setPrototypeOf\n});\n", "var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar nativeGetPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of');\nvar CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER = require('../internals/correct-prototype-getter');\n\nvar FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function () { nativeGetPrototypeOf(1); });\n\n// `Object.getPrototypeOf` method\n//\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES, sham: !CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER }, {\n getPrototypeOf: function getPrototypeOf(it) {\n return nativeGetPrototypeOf(toObject(it));\n }\n});\n\n", "var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar aFunction = require('../internals/a-function');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar create = require('../internals/object-create');\nvar bind = require('../internals/function-bind');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nvar nativeConstruct = getBuiltIn('Reflect', 'construct');\n\n// `Reflect.construct` method\n//\n// MS Edge supports only 2 arguments and argumentsList argument is optional\n// FF Nightly sets third argument as ``, but does not create `this` from it\nvar NEW_TARGET_BUG = fails(function () {\n function F() { /* empty */ }\n return !(nativeConstruct(function () { /* empty */ }, [], F) instanceof F);\n});\nvar ARGS_BUG = !fails(function () {\n nativeConstruct(function () { /* empty */ });\n});\nvar FORCED = NEW_TARGET_BUG || ARGS_BUG;\n\n$({ target: 'Reflect', stat: true, forced: FORCED, sham: FORCED }, {\n construct: function construct(Target, args /* , newTarget */) {\n aFunction(Target);\n anObject(args);\n var newTarget = arguments.length < 3 ? Target : aFunction(arguments[2]);\n if (ARGS_BUG && !NEW_TARGET_BUG) return nativeConstruct(Target, args, newTarget);\n if (Target == newTarget) {\n // w/o altered newTarget, optimization for 0-4 arguments\n switch (args.length) {\n case 0: return new Target();\n case 1: return new Target(args[0]);\n case 2: return new Target(args[0], args[1]);\n case 3: return new Target(args[0], args[1], args[2]);\n case 4: return new Target(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);\n }\n // w/o altered newTarget, lot of arguments case\n var $args = [null];\n $args.push.apply($args, args);\n return new (bind.apply(Target, $args))();\n }\n // with altered newTarget, not support built-in constructors\n var proto = newTarget.prototype;\n var instance = create(isObject(proto) ? proto : Object.prototype);\n var result =, instance, args);\n return isObject(result) ? result : instance;\n }\n});\n", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/native-symbol');\nvar USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = require('../internals/use-symbol-as-uid');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar isArray = require('../internals/is-array');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive');\nvar createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor');\nvar nativeObjectCreate = require('../internals/object-create');\nvar objectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys');\nvar getOwnPropertyNamesModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names');\nvar getOwnPropertyNamesExternal = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names-external');\nvar getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols');\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\nvar propertyIsEnumerableModule = require('../internals/object-property-is-enumerable');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar redefine = require('../internals/redefine');\nvar shared = require('../internals/shared');\nvar sharedKey = require('../internals/shared-key');\nvar hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys');\nvar uid = require('../internals/uid');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule = require('../internals/well-known-symbol-wrapped');\nvar defineWellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/define-well-known-symbol');\nvar setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag');\nvar InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state');\nvar $forEach = require('../internals/array-iteration').forEach;\n\nvar HIDDEN = sharedKey('hidden');\nvar SYMBOL = 'Symbol';\nvar PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\nvar TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol('toPrimitive');\nvar setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;\nvar getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(SYMBOL);\nvar ObjectPrototype = Object[PROTOTYPE];\nvar $Symbol = global.Symbol;\nvar $stringify = getBuiltIn('JSON', 'stringify');\nvar nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f;\nvar nativeDefineProperty = definePropertyModule.f;\nvar nativeGetOwnPropertyNames = getOwnPropertyNamesExternal.f;\nvar nativePropertyIsEnumerable = propertyIsEnumerableModule.f;\nvar AllSymbols = shared('symbols');\nvar ObjectPrototypeSymbols = shared('op-symbols');\nvar StringToSymbolRegistry = shared('string-to-symbol-registry');\nvar SymbolToStringRegistry = shared('symbol-to-string-registry');\nvar WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks');\nvar QObject = global.QObject;\n// Don't use setters in Qt Script,\nvar USE_SETTER = !QObject || !QObject[PROTOTYPE] || !QObject[PROTOTYPE].findChild;\n\n// fallback for old Android,\nvar setSymbolDescriptor = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function () {\n return nativeObjectCreate(nativeDefineProperty({}, 'a', {\n get: function () { return nativeDefineProperty(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a; }\n })).a != 7;\n}) ? function (O, P, Attributes) {\n var ObjectPrototypeDescriptor = nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(ObjectPrototype, P);\n if (ObjectPrototypeDescriptor) delete ObjectPrototype[P];\n nativeDefineProperty(O, P, Attributes);\n if (ObjectPrototypeDescriptor && O !== ObjectPrototype) {\n nativeDefineProperty(ObjectPrototype, P, ObjectPrototypeDescriptor);\n }\n} : nativeDefineProperty;\n\nvar wrap = function (tag, description) {\n var symbol = AllSymbols[tag] = nativeObjectCreate($Symbol[PROTOTYPE]);\n setInternalState(symbol, {\n type: SYMBOL,\n tag: tag,\n description: description\n });\n if (!DESCRIPTORS) symbol.description = description;\n return symbol;\n};\n\nvar isSymbol = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? function (it) {\n return typeof it == 'symbol';\n} : function (it) {\n return Object(it) instanceof $Symbol;\n};\n\nvar $defineProperty = function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) {\n if (O === ObjectPrototype) $defineProperty(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, P, Attributes);\n anObject(O);\n var key = toPrimitive(P, true);\n anObject(Attributes);\n if (has(AllSymbols, key)) {\n if (!Attributes.enumerable) {\n if (!has(O, HIDDEN)) nativeDefineProperty(O, HIDDEN, createPropertyDescriptor(1, {}));\n O[HIDDEN][key] = true;\n } else {\n if (has(O, HIDDEN) && O[HIDDEN][key]) O[HIDDEN][key] = false;\n Attributes = nativeObjectCreate(Attributes, { enumerable: createPropertyDescriptor(0, false) });\n } return setSymbolDescriptor(O, key, Attributes);\n } return nativeDefineProperty(O, key, Attributes);\n};\n\nvar $defineProperties = function defineProperties(O, Properties) {\n anObject(O);\n var properties = toIndexedObject(Properties);\n var keys = objectKeys(properties).concat($getOwnPropertySymbols(properties));\n $forEach(keys, function (key) {\n if (!DESCRIPTORS || $, key)) $defineProperty(O, key, properties[key]);\n });\n return O;\n};\n\nvar $create = function create(O, Properties) {\n return Properties === undefined ? nativeObjectCreate(O) : $defineProperties(nativeObjectCreate(O), Properties);\n};\n\nvar $propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(V) {\n var P = toPrimitive(V, true);\n var enumerable =, P);\n if (this === ObjectPrototype && has(AllSymbols, P) && !has(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, P)) return false;\n return enumerable || !has(this, P) || !has(AllSymbols, P) || has(this, HIDDEN) && this[HIDDEN][P] ? enumerable : true;\n};\n\nvar $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {\n var it = toIndexedObject(O);\n var key = toPrimitive(P, true);\n if (it === ObjectPrototype && has(AllSymbols, key) && !has(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, key)) return;\n var descriptor = nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key);\n if (descriptor && has(AllSymbols, key) && !(has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key])) {\n descriptor.enumerable = true;\n }\n return descriptor;\n};\n\nvar $getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(O) {\n var names = nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(toIndexedObject(O));\n var result = [];\n $forEach(names, function (key) {\n if (!has(AllSymbols, key) && !has(hiddenKeys, key)) result.push(key);\n });\n return result;\n};\n\nvar $getOwnPropertySymbols = function getOwnPropertySymbols(O) {\n var IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE = O === ObjectPrototype;\n var names = nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE ? ObjectPrototypeSymbols : toIndexedObject(O));\n var result = [];\n $forEach(names, function (key) {\n if (has(AllSymbols, key) && (!IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE || has(ObjectPrototype, key))) {\n result.push(AllSymbols[key]);\n }\n });\n return result;\n};\n\n// `Symbol` constructor\n//\nif (!NATIVE_SYMBOL) {\n $Symbol = function Symbol() {\n if (this instanceof $Symbol) throw TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor');\n var description = !arguments.length || arguments[0] === undefined ? undefined : String(arguments[0]);\n var tag = uid(description);\n var setter = function (value) {\n if (this === ObjectPrototype), value);\n if (has(this, HIDDEN) && has(this[HIDDEN], tag)) this[HIDDEN][tag] = false;\n setSymbolDescriptor(this, tag, createPropertyDescriptor(1, value));\n };\n if (DESCRIPTORS && USE_SETTER) setSymbolDescriptor(ObjectPrototype, tag, { configurable: true, set: setter });\n return wrap(tag, description);\n };\n\n redefine($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], 'toString', function toString() {\n return getInternalState(this).tag;\n });\n\n redefine($Symbol, 'withoutSetter', function (description) {\n return wrap(uid(description), description);\n });\n\n propertyIsEnumerableModule.f = $propertyIsEnumerable;\n definePropertyModule.f = $defineProperty;\n getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f = getOwnPropertyNamesExternal.f = $getOwnPropertyNames;\n getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f = $getOwnPropertySymbols;\n\n wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule.f = function (name) {\n return wrap(wellKnownSymbol(name), name);\n };\n\n if (DESCRIPTORS) {\n //\n nativeDefineProperty($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], 'description', {\n configurable: true,\n get: function description() {\n return getInternalState(this).description;\n }\n });\n if (!IS_PURE) {\n redefine(ObjectPrototype, 'propertyIsEnumerable', $propertyIsEnumerable, { unsafe: true });\n }\n }\n}\n\n$({ global: true, wrap: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL, sham: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, {\n Symbol: $Symbol\n});\n\n$forEach(objectKeys(WellKnownSymbolsStore), function (name) {\n defineWellKnownSymbol(name);\n});\n\n$({ target: SYMBOL, stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, {\n // `Symbol.for` method\n //\n 'for': function (key) {\n var string = String(key);\n if (has(StringToSymbolRegistry, string)) return StringToSymbolRegistry[string];\n var symbol = $Symbol(string);\n StringToSymbolRegistry[string] = symbol;\n SymbolToStringRegistry[symbol] = string;\n return symbol;\n },\n // `Symbol.keyFor` method\n //\n keyFor: function keyFor(sym) {\n if (!isSymbol(sym)) throw TypeError(sym + ' is not a symbol');\n if (has(SymbolToStringRegistry, sym)) return SymbolToStringRegistry[sym];\n },\n useSetter: function () { USE_SETTER = true; },\n useSimple: function () { USE_SETTER = false; }\n});\n\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {\n // `Object.create` method\n //\n create: $create,\n // `Object.defineProperty` method\n //\n defineProperty: $defineProperty,\n // `Object.defineProperties` method\n //\n defineProperties: $defineProperties,\n // `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method\n //\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getOwnPropertyDescriptor\n});\n\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, {\n // `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method\n //\n getOwnPropertyNames: $getOwnPropertyNames,\n // `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols` method\n //\n getOwnPropertySymbols: $getOwnPropertySymbols\n});\n\n// Chrome 38 and 39 `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols` fails on primitives\n//\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: fails(function () { getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f(1); }) }, {\n getOwnPropertySymbols: function getOwnPropertySymbols(it) {\n return getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f(toObject(it));\n }\n});\n\n// `JSON.stringify` method behavior with symbols\n//\nif ($stringify) {\n var FORCED_JSON_STRINGIFY = !NATIVE_SYMBOL || fails(function () {\n var symbol = $Symbol();\n // MS Edge converts symbol values to JSON as {}\n return $stringify([symbol]) != '[null]'\n // WebKit converts symbol values to JSON as null\n || $stringify({ a: symbol }) != '{}'\n // V8 throws on boxed symbols\n || $stringify(Object(symbol)) != '{}';\n });\n\n $({ target: 'JSON', stat: true, forced: FORCED_JSON_STRINGIFY }, {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- required for `.length`\n stringify: function stringify(it, replacer, space) {\n var args = [it];\n var index = 1;\n var $replacer;\n while (arguments.length > index) args.push(arguments[index++]);\n $replacer = replacer;\n if (!isObject(replacer) && it === undefined || isSymbol(it)) return; // IE8 returns string on undefined\n if (!isArray(replacer)) replacer = function (key, value) {\n if (typeof $replacer == 'function') value = $, key, value);\n if (!isSymbol(value)) return value;\n };\n args[1] = replacer;\n return $stringify.apply(null, args);\n }\n });\n}\n\n// `Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive]` method\n//\nif (!$Symbol[PROTOTYPE][TO_PRIMITIVE]) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], TO_PRIMITIVE, $Symbol[PROTOTYPE].valueOf);\n}\n// `Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag]` property\n//\nsetToStringTag($Symbol, SYMBOL);\n\nhiddenKeys[HIDDEN] = true;\n", "// `Symbol.prototype.description` getter\n//\n'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\nvar copyConstructorProperties = require('../internals/copy-constructor-properties');\n\nvar NativeSymbol = global.Symbol;\n\nif (DESCRIPTORS && typeof NativeSymbol == 'function' && (!('description' in NativeSymbol.prototype) ||\n // Safari 12 bug\n NativeSymbol().description !== undefined\n)) {\n var EmptyStringDescriptionStore = {};\n // wrap Symbol constructor for correct work with undefined description\n var SymbolWrapper = function Symbol() {\n var description = arguments.length < 1 || arguments[0] === undefined ? undefined : String(arguments[0]);\n var result = this instanceof SymbolWrapper\n ? new NativeSymbol(description)\n // in Edge 13, String(Symbol(undefined)) === 'Symbol(undefined)'\n : description === undefined ? NativeSymbol() : NativeSymbol(description);\n if (description === '') EmptyStringDescriptionStore[result] = true;\n return result;\n };\n copyConstructorProperties(SymbolWrapper, NativeSymbol);\n var symbolPrototype = SymbolWrapper.prototype = NativeSymbol.prototype;\n symbolPrototype.constructor = SymbolWrapper;\n\n var symbolToString = symbolPrototype.toString;\n var native = String(NativeSymbol('test')) == 'Symbol(test)';\n var regexp = /^Symbol\\((.*)\\)[^)]+$/;\n defineProperty(symbolPrototype, 'description', {\n configurable: true,\n get: function description() {\n var symbol = isObject(this) ? this.valueOf() : this;\n var string =;\n if (has(EmptyStringDescriptionStore, symbol)) return '';\n var desc = native ? string.slice(7, -1) : string.replace(regexp, '$1');\n return desc === '' ? undefined : desc;\n }\n });\n\n $({ global: true, forced: true }, {\n Symbol: SymbolWrapper\n });\n}\n", "var defineWellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/define-well-known-symbol');\n\n// `Symbol.iterator` well-known symbol\n//\ndefineWellKnownSymbol('iterator');\n", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { InputBinding } from \"./inputBinding\";\nimport { hasOwnProperty } from \"../../utils\";\n\nvar CheckboxInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_InputBinding) {\n _inherits(CheckboxInputBinding, _InputBinding);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(CheckboxInputBinding);\n\n function CheckboxInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, CheckboxInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(CheckboxInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find('input[type=\"checkbox\"]');\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n return el.checked;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n el.checked = value;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n $(el).on(\"change.checkboxInputBinding\", function () {\n callback(true);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n $(el).off(\".checkboxInputBinding\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n return {\n label: $(el).parent().find(\"span\").text(),\n value: el.checked\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) el.checked = data.value; // checkboxInput()'s label works different from other\n // input labels...the label container should always exist\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"label\")) $(el).parent().find(\"span\").text(data.label);\n $(el).trigger(\"change\");\n }\n }]);\n\n return CheckboxInputBinding;\n}(InputBinding);\n\nexport { CheckboxInputBinding };", "'use strict';\nvar charAt = require('../internals/string-multibyte').charAt;\nvar InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state');\nvar defineIterator = require('../internals/define-iterator');\n\nvar STRING_ITERATOR = 'String Iterator';\nvar setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;\nvar getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(STRING_ITERATOR);\n\n// `String.prototype[@@iterator]` method\n//\ndefineIterator(String, 'String', function (iterated) {\n setInternalState(this, {\n type: STRING_ITERATOR,\n string: String(iterated),\n index: 0\n });\n// `` method\n//\n}, function next() {\n var state = getInternalState(this);\n var string = state.string;\n var index = state.index;\n var point;\n if (index >= string.length) return { value: undefined, done: true };\n point = charAt(string, index);\n state.index += point.length;\n return { value: point, done: false };\n});\n", "var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar DOMIterables = require('../internals/dom-iterables');\nvar ArrayIteratorMethods = require('../modules/es.array.iterator');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\nvar TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag');\nvar ArrayValues = ArrayIteratorMethods.values;\n\nfor (var COLLECTION_NAME in DOMIterables) {\n var Collection = global[COLLECTION_NAME];\n var CollectionPrototype = Collection && Collection.prototype;\n if (CollectionPrototype) {\n // some Chrome versions have non-configurable methods on DOMTokenList\n if (CollectionPrototype[ITERATOR] !== ArrayValues) try {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(CollectionPrototype, ITERATOR, ArrayValues);\n } catch (error) {\n CollectionPrototype[ITERATOR] = ArrayValues;\n }\n if (!CollectionPrototype[TO_STRING_TAG]) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(CollectionPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG, COLLECTION_NAME);\n }\n if (DOMIterables[COLLECTION_NAME]) for (var METHOD_NAME in ArrayIteratorMethods) {\n // some Chrome versions have non-configurable methods on DOMTokenList\n if (CollectionPrototype[METHOD_NAME] !== ArrayIteratorMethods[METHOD_NAME]) try {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(CollectionPrototype, METHOD_NAME, ArrayIteratorMethods[METHOD_NAME]);\n } catch (error) {\n CollectionPrototype[METHOD_NAME] = ArrayIteratorMethods[METHOD_NAME];\n }\n }\n }\n}\n", "'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar $trim = require('../internals/string-trim').trim;\nvar forcedStringTrimMethod = require('../internals/string-trim-forced');\n\n// `String.prototype.trim` method\n//\n$({ target: 'String', proto: true, forced: forcedStringTrimMethod('trim') }, {\n trim: function trim() {\n return $trim(this);\n }\n});\n", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.trim.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { InputBinding } from \"./inputBinding\";\nimport { $escape, hasOwnProperty, updateLabel } from \"../../utils\";\n\n// Get the DOM element that contains the top-level label\nfunction getLabelNode(el) {\n return $(el).find('label[for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n} // Given an input DOM object, get the associated label. Handles labels\n// that wrap the input as well as labels associated with 'for' attribute.\n\n\nfunction getLabel(obj) {\n // If \n if (obj.parentNode.tagName === \"LABEL\") {\n return $(obj.parentNode).find(\"span\").text().trim();\n }\n\n return null;\n} // Given an input DOM object, set the associated label. Handles labels\n// that wrap the input as well as labels associated with 'for' attribute.\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n\n\nfunction setLabel(obj, value) {\n // If \n if (obj.parentNode.tagName === \"LABEL\") {\n $(obj.parentNode).find(\"span\").text(value);\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar CheckboxGroupInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_InputBinding) {\n _inherits(CheckboxGroupInputBinding, _InputBinding);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(CheckboxGroupInputBinding);\n\n function CheckboxGroupInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, CheckboxGroupInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(CheckboxGroupInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find(\".shiny-input-checkboxgroup\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n // Select the checkbox objects that have name equal to the grouping div's id\n var $objs = $('input:checkbox[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"]:checked');\n var values = new Array($objs.length);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < $objs.length; i++) {\n values[i] = $objs[i].value;\n }\n\n return values;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n // Clear all checkboxes\n $('input:checkbox[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"]').prop(\"checked\", false); // Accept array\n\n if (value instanceof Array) {\n for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {\n $('input:checkbox[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"][value=\"' + $escape(value[i]) + '\"]').prop(\"checked\", true);\n } // Else assume it's a single value\n\n } else {\n $('input:checkbox[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"][value=\"' + $escape(value) + '\"]').prop(\"checked\", true);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n var $objs = $('input:checkbox[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"]'); // Store options in an array of objects, each with with value and label\n\n var options = new Array($objs.length);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n options[i] = {\n value: $objs[i].value,\n label: getLabel($objs[i])\n };\n }\n\n return {\n label: getLabelNode(el).text(),\n value: this.getValue(el),\n options: options\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n var $el = $(el); // This will replace all the options\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"options\")) {\n // Clear existing options and add each new one\n $el.find(\"div.shiny-options-group\").remove(); // Backward compatibility: for HTML generated by shinybootstrap2 package\n\n $el.find(\"label.checkbox\").remove();\n $el.append(data.options);\n }\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) this.setValue(el, data.value);\n updateLabel(data.label, getLabelNode(el));\n $(el).trigger(\"change\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n $(el).on(\"change.checkboxGroupInputBinding\", function () {\n callback(false);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n $(el).off(\".checkboxGroupInputBinding\");\n }\n }]);\n\n return CheckboxGroupInputBinding;\n}(InputBinding);\n\nexport { CheckboxGroupInputBinding };", "'use strict';\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar isForced = require('../internals/is-forced');\nvar redefine = require('../internals/redefine');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar classof = require('../internals/classof-raw');\nvar inheritIfRequired = require('../internals/inherit-if-required');\nvar toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar create = require('../internals/object-create');\nvar getOwnPropertyNames = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names').f;\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor').f;\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\nvar trim = require('../internals/string-trim').trim;\n\nvar NUMBER = 'Number';\nvar NativeNumber = global[NUMBER];\nvar NumberPrototype = NativeNumber.prototype;\n\n// Opera ~12 has broken Object#toString\nvar BROKEN_CLASSOF = classof(create(NumberPrototype)) == NUMBER;\n\n// `ToNumber` abstract operation\n//\nvar toNumber = function (argument) {\n var it = toPrimitive(argument, false);\n var first, third, radix, maxCode, digits, length, index, code;\n if (typeof it == 'string' && it.length > 2) {\n it = trim(it);\n first = it.charCodeAt(0);\n if (first === 43 || first === 45) {\n third = it.charCodeAt(2);\n if (third === 88 || third === 120) return NaN; // Number('+0x1') should be NaN, old V8 fix\n } else if (first === 48) {\n switch (it.charCodeAt(1)) {\n case 66: case 98: radix = 2; maxCode = 49; break; // fast equal of /^0b[01]+$/i\n case 79: case 111: radix = 8; maxCode = 55; break; // fast equal of /^0o[0-7]+$/i\n default: return +it;\n }\n digits = it.slice(2);\n length = digits.length;\n for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {\n code = digits.charCodeAt(index);\n // parseInt parses a string to a first unavailable symbol\n // but ToNumber should return NaN if a string contains unavailable symbols\n if (code < 48 || code > maxCode) return NaN;\n } return parseInt(digits, radix);\n }\n } return +it;\n};\n\n// `Number` constructor\n//\nif (isForced(NUMBER, !NativeNumber(' 0o1') || !NativeNumber('0b1') || NativeNumber('+0x1'))) {\n var NumberWrapper = function Number(value) {\n var it = arguments.length < 1 ? 0 : value;\n var dummy = this;\n return dummy instanceof NumberWrapper\n // check on 1..constructor(foo) case\n && (BROKEN_CLASSOF ? fails(function () {; }) : classof(dummy) != NUMBER)\n ? inheritIfRequired(new NativeNumber(toNumber(it)), dummy, NumberWrapper) : toNumber(it);\n };\n for (var keys = DESCRIPTORS ? getOwnPropertyNames(NativeNumber) : (\n // ES3:\n 'MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,' +\n // ES2015 (in case, if modules with ES2015 Number statics required before):\n 'EPSILON,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,' +\n 'MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,parseFloat,parseInt,isInteger,' +\n // ESNext\n 'fromString,range'\n ).split(','), j = 0, key; keys.length > j; j++) {\n if (has(NativeNumber, key = keys[j]) && !has(NumberWrapper, key)) {\n defineProperty(NumberWrapper, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(NativeNumber, key));\n }\n }\n NumberWrapper.prototype = NumberPrototype;\n NumberPrototype.constructor = NumberWrapper;\n redefine(global, NUMBER, NumberWrapper);\n}\n", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.number.constructor.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { $escape, hasOwnProperty, updateLabel } from \"../../utils\";\nimport { TextInputBindingBase } from \"./text\";\n\nfunction getLabelNode(el) {\n return $(el).parent().find('label[for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n}\n\nvar NumberInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_TextInputBindingBase) {\n _inherits(NumberInputBinding, _TextInputBindingBase);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(NumberInputBinding);\n\n function NumberInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, NumberInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(NumberInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find('input[type=\"number\"]');\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n var numberVal = $(el).val();\n\n if (typeof numberVal == \"string\") {\n if (/^\\s*$/.test(numberVal)) // Return null if all whitespace\n return null;\n } // If valid Javascript number string, coerce to number\n\n\n var numberValue = Number(numberVal);\n\n if (!isNaN(numberValue)) {\n return numberValue;\n }\n\n return numberVal; // If other string like \"1e6\", send it unchanged\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n el.value = \"\" + value;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getType\",\n value: function getType(el) {\n return \"shiny.number\";\n el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) el.value = data.value;\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"min\")) el.min = data.min;\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"max\")) el.max = data.max;\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"step\")) el.step = data.step;\n updateLabel(data.label, getLabelNode(el));\n $(el).trigger(\"change\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n return {\n label: getLabelNode(el).text(),\n value: this.getValue(el),\n min: Number(el.min),\n max: Number(el.max),\n step: Number(el.step)\n };\n }\n }]);\n\n return NumberInputBinding;\n}(TextInputBindingBase);\n\nexport { NumberInputBinding };", "var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar has = require('../internals/has');\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor');\nvar getPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of');\n\n// `Reflect.get` method\n//\nfunction get(target, propertyKey /* , receiver */) {\n var receiver = arguments.length < 3 ? target : arguments[2];\n var descriptor, prototype;\n if (anObject(target) === receiver) return target[propertyKey];\n if (descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f(target, propertyKey)) return has(descriptor, 'value')\n ? descriptor.value\n : descriptor.get === undefined\n ? undefined\n :;\n if (isObject(prototype = getPrototypeOf(target))) return get(prototype, propertyKey, receiver);\n}\n\n$({ target: 'Reflect', stat: true }, {\n get: get\n});\n", "var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor').f;\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\n\nvar FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function () { nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(1); });\nvar FORCED = !DESCRIPTORS || FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES;\n\n// `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method\n//\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: FORCED, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key) {\n return nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(toIndexedObject(it), key);\n }\n});\n", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _get(target, property, receiver) { if (typeof Reflect !== \"undefined\" && Reflect.get) { _get = Reflect.get; } else { _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = _superPropBase(target, property); if (!base) return; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); if (desc.get) { return; } return desc.value; }; } return _get(target, property, receiver || target); }\n\nfunction _superPropBase(object, property) { while (!, property)) { object = _getPrototypeOf(object); if (object === null) break; } return object; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.get.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-descriptor.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { $escape, updateLabel, hasOwnProperty } from \"../../utils\";\nimport { InputBinding } from \"./inputBinding\"; // interface TextHTMLElement extends NameValueHTMLElement {\n// placeholder: any;\n// }\n\nfunction getLabelNode(el) {\n return $(el).parent().find('label[for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n}\n\nvar TextInputBindingBase = /*#__PURE__*/function (_InputBinding) {\n _inherits(TextInputBindingBase, _InputBinding);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(TextInputBindingBase);\n\n function TextInputBindingBase() {\n _classCallCheck(this, TextInputBindingBase);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(TextInputBindingBase, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n var $inputs = $(scope).find('input[type=\"text\"], input[type=\"search\"], input[type=\"url\"], input[type=\"email\"]'); // selectize.js 0.12.4 inserts a hidden text input with an\n // id that ends in '-selectized'. The .not() selector below\n // is to prevent textInputBinding from accidentally picking up\n // this hidden element as a shiny input (#2396)\n\n return $inputs.not('input[type=\"text\"][id$=\"-selectized\"]');\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getId\",\n value: function getId(el) {\n return _get(_getPrototypeOf(TextInputBindingBase.prototype), \"getId\", this).call(this, el) ||; // return, el) ||;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n throw \"not implemented\";\n el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n throw \"not implemented\";\n el;\n value;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n $(el).on(\"keyup.textInputBinding input.textInputBinding\", // event: Event\n function () {\n callback(true);\n });\n $(el).on(\"change.textInputBinding\", // event: Event\n function () {\n callback(false);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n $(el).off(\".textInputBinding\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n throw \"not implemented\";\n el;\n data;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n throw \"not implemented\";\n el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getRatePolicy\",\n value: function getRatePolicy(el) {\n return {\n policy: \"debounce\",\n delay: 250\n };\n el;\n }\n }]);\n\n return TextInputBindingBase;\n}(InputBinding);\n\nvar TextInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_TextInputBindingBase) {\n _inherits(TextInputBinding, _TextInputBindingBase);\n\n var _super2 = _createSuper(TextInputBinding);\n\n function TextInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, TextInputBinding);\n\n return _super2.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(TextInputBinding, [{\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n el.value = value;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n return el.value;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n return {\n label: getLabelNode(el).text(),\n value: el.value,\n placeholder: el.placeholder\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) this.setValue(el, data.value);\n updateLabel(data.label, getLabelNode(el));\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"placeholder\")) el.placeholder = data.placeholder;\n $(el).trigger(\"change\");\n }\n }]);\n\n return TextInputBinding;\n}(TextInputBindingBase);\n\nexport { TextInputBinding, TextInputBindingBase };", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { TextInputBinding } from \"./text\";\n\nvar PasswordInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_TextInputBinding) {\n _inherits(PasswordInputBinding, _TextInputBinding);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(PasswordInputBinding);\n\n function PasswordInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, PasswordInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(PasswordInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find('input[type=\"password\"]');\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getType\",\n value: function getType(el) {\n return \"shiny.password\";\n el;\n }\n }]);\n\n return PasswordInputBinding;\n}(TextInputBinding);\n\nexport { PasswordInputBinding };", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { TextInputBinding } from \"./text\";\n\nvar TextareaInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_TextInputBinding) {\n _inherits(TextareaInputBinding, _TextInputBinding);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(TextareaInputBinding);\n\n function TextareaInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, TextareaInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(TextareaInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find(\"textarea\");\n }\n }]);\n\n return TextareaInputBinding;\n}(TextInputBinding);\n\nexport { TextareaInputBinding };", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.trim.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { InputBinding } from \"./inputBinding\";\nimport { $escape, hasOwnProperty, updateLabel } from \"../../utils\";\n\n// Get the DOM element that contains the top-level label\nfunction getLabelNode(el) {\n return $(el).parent().find('label[for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n} // Given an input DOM object, get the associated label. Handles labels\n// that wrap the input as well as labels associated with 'for' attribute.\n\n\nfunction getLabel(obj) {\n // If \n if (obj.parentNode.tagName === \"LABEL\") {\n return $(obj.parentNode).find(\"span\").text().trim();\n }\n\n return null;\n} // Given an input DOM object, set the associated label. Handles labels\n// that wrap the input as well as labels associated with 'for' attribute.\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n\n\nfunction setLabel(obj, value) {\n // If \n if (obj.parentNode.tagName === \"LABEL\") {\n $(obj.parentNode).find(\"span\").text(value);\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar RadioInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_InputBinding) {\n _inherits(RadioInputBinding, _InputBinding);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(RadioInputBinding);\n\n function RadioInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, RadioInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(RadioInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find(\".shiny-input-radiogroup\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n // Select the radio objects that have name equal to the grouping div's id\n var checkedItems = $('input:radio[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"]:checked');\n\n if (checkedItems.length === 0) {\n // If none are checked, the input will return null (it's the default on load,\n // but it wasn't emptied when calling updateRadioButtons with character(0)\n return null;\n }\n\n return checkedItems.val();\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n if ($.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) {\n // Removing all checked item if the sent data is empty\n $('input:radio[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"]').prop(\"checked\", false);\n } else {\n $('input:radio[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"][value=\"' + $escape(value) + '\"]').prop(\"checked\", true);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n var $objs = $('input:radio[name=\"' + $escape( + '\"]'); // Store options in an array of objects, each with with value and label\n\n var options = new Array($objs.length);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n options[i] = {\n value: $objs[i].value,\n label: getLabel($objs[i])\n };\n }\n\n return {\n label: getLabelNode(el).text(),\n value: this.getValue(el),\n options: options\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n var $el = $(el); // This will replace all the options\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"options\")) {\n // Clear existing options and add each new one\n $el.find(\"div.shiny-options-group\").remove(); // Backward compatibility: for HTML generated by shinybootstrap2 package\n\n $el.find(\"\").remove(); // @ts-expect-error; TODO-barret; IDK what this line is doing\n\n $el.append(data.options);\n }\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) this.setValue(el, data.value);\n updateLabel(data.label, getLabelNode(el));\n $(el).trigger(\"change\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n $(el).on(\"change.radioInputBinding\", function () {\n callback(false);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n $(el).off(\".radioInputBinding\");\n }\n }]);\n\n return RadioInputBinding;\n}(InputBinding);\n\nexport { RadioInputBinding };", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { InputBinding } from \"./inputBinding\";\nimport { formatDateUTC, updateLabel, $escape, parseDate, hasOwnProperty } from \"../../utils\";\n\nvar DateInputBindingBase = /*#__PURE__*/function (_InputBinding) {\n _inherits(DateInputBindingBase, _InputBinding);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(DateInputBindingBase);\n\n function DateInputBindingBase() {\n _classCallCheck(this, DateInputBindingBase);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(DateInputBindingBase, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find(\".shiny-date-input\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getType\",\n value: function getType(el) {\n return \"\";\n el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n $(el).on(\"keyup.dateInputBinding input.dateInputBinding\", // event: Event\n function () {\n // Use normal debouncing policy when typing\n callback(true);\n });\n $(el).on(\"changeDate.dateInputBinding change.dateInputBinding\", // event: Event\n function () {\n // Send immediately when clicked\n callback(false);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n $(el).off(\".dateInputBinding\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getRatePolicy\",\n value: function getRatePolicy() {\n return {\n policy: \"debounce\",\n delay: 250\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, data) {\n throw \"not implemented\";\n el;\n data;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"initialize\",\n value: function initialize(el) {\n var $input = $(el).find(\"input\"); // The challenge with dates is that we want them to be at 00:00 in UTC so\n // that we can do comparisons with them. However, the Date object itself\n // does not carry timezone information, so we should call _floorDateTime()\n // on Dates as soon as possible so that we know we're always working with\n // consistent objects.\n\n var date = $\"initial-date\"); // If initial_date is null, set to current date\n\n if (date === undefined || date === null) {\n // Get local date, but normalized to beginning of day in UTC.\n date = this._floorDateTime(this._dateAsUTC(new Date()));\n }\n\n this.setValue(el, date); // Set the start and end dates, from min-date and max-date. These always\n // use yyyy-mm-dd format, instead of bootstrap-datepicker's built-in\n // support for date-startdate and data-enddate, which use the current\n // date format.\n\n if ($\"min-date\") !== undefined) {\n this._setMin($input[0], $\"min-date\"));\n }\n\n if ($\"max-date\") !== undefined) {\n this._setMax($input[0], $\"max-date\"));\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_getLabelNode\",\n value: function _getLabelNode(el) {\n return $(el).find('label[for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n } // Given a format object from a date picker, return a string\n\n }, {\n key: \"_formatToString\",\n value: function _formatToString(format) {\n // Format object has structure like:\n // { parts: ['mm', 'dd', 'yy'], separators: ['', '/', '/' ,''] }\n var str = \"\";\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i <; i++) {\n str += format.separators[i] +[i];\n }\n\n str += format.separators[i];\n return str;\n } // Given an unambiguous date string or a Date object, set the min (start) date.\n // null will unset. undefined will result in no change,\n\n }, {\n key: \"_setMin\",\n value: function _setMin(el, date) {\n if (date === undefined) return;\n\n if (date === null) {\n $(el).bsDatepicker(\"setStartDate\", null);\n return;\n }\n\n var parsedDate = this._newDate(date); // If date parsing fails, do nothing\n\n\n if (parsedDate === null) return; // (Assign back to date as a Date object)\n\n date = parsedDate;\n if (isNaN(date.valueOf())) return; // Workarounds for\n //\n\n var curValue = $(el).bsDatepicker(\"getUTCDate\"); // Note that there's no `setUTCStartDate`, so we need to convert this Date.\n // It starts at 00:00 UTC, and we convert it to 00:00 in local time, which\n // is what's needed for `setStartDate`.\n\n $(el).bsDatepicker(\"setStartDate\", this._utcDateAsLocal(date)); // If the new min is greater than the current date, unset the current date.\n\n if (date && curValue && date.getTime() > curValue.getTime()) {\n $(el).bsDatepicker(\"clearDates\");\n } else {\n // Setting the date needs to be done AFTER `setStartDate`, because the\n // datepicker has a bug where calling `setStartDate` will clear the date\n // internally (even though it will still be visible in the UI) when a\n // 2-digit year format is used.\n //\n $(el).bsDatepicker(\"setUTCDate\", curValue);\n }\n } // Given an unambiguous date string or a Date object, set the max (end) date\n // null will unset.\n\n }, {\n key: \"_setMax\",\n value: function _setMax(el, date) {\n if (date === undefined) return;\n\n if (date === null) {\n $(el).bsDatepicker(\"setEndDate\", null);\n return;\n }\n\n var parsedDate = this._newDate(date); // If date parsing fails, do nothing\n\n\n if (parsedDate === null) return;\n date = parsedDate;\n if (isNaN(date.valueOf())) return; // Workaround for same issue as in _setMin.\n\n var curValue = $(el).bsDatepicker(\"getUTCDate\");\n $(el).bsDatepicker(\"setEndDate\", this._utcDateAsLocal(date)); // If the new min is greater than the current date, unset the current date.\n\n if (date && curValue && date.getTime() < curValue.getTime()) {\n $(el).bsDatepicker(\"clearDates\");\n } else {\n $(el).bsDatepicker(\"setUTCDate\", curValue);\n }\n } // Given a date string of format yyyy-mm-dd, return a Date object with\n // that date at 12AM UTC.\n // If date is a Date object, return it unchanged.\n\n }, {\n key: \"_newDate\",\n value: function _newDate(date) {\n if (date instanceof Date) return date;\n if (!date) return null; // Get Date object - this will be at 12AM in UTC, but may print\n // differently at the Javascript console.\n\n var d = parseDate(date); // If invalid date, return null\n\n if (isNaN(d.valueOf())) return null;\n return d;\n } // A Date can have any time during a day; this will return a new Date object\n // set to 00:00 in UTC.\n\n }, {\n key: \"_floorDateTime\",\n value: function _floorDateTime(date) {\n date = new Date(date.getTime());\n date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n return date;\n } // Given a Date object, return a Date object which has the same \"clock time\"\n // in UTC. For example, if input date is 2013-02-01 23:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST),\n // output will be 2013-02-01 23:00:00 UTC. Note that the JS console may\n // print this in local time, as \"Sat Feb 02 2013 05:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)\".\n\n }, {\n key: \"_dateAsUTC\",\n value: function _dateAsUTC(date) {\n return new Date(date.getTime() - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);\n } // The inverse of _dateAsUTC. This is needed to adjust time zones because\n // some bootstrap-datepicker methods only take local dates as input, and not\n // UTC.\n\n }, {\n key: \"_utcDateAsLocal\",\n value: function _utcDateAsLocal(date) {\n return new Date(date.getTime() + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);\n }\n }]);\n\n return DateInputBindingBase;\n}(InputBinding);\n\nvar DateInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_DateInputBindingBase) {\n _inherits(DateInputBinding, _DateInputBindingBase);\n\n var _super2 = _createSuper(DateInputBinding);\n\n function DateInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, DateInputBinding);\n\n return _super2.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(DateInputBinding, [{\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: // Return the date in an unambiguous format, yyyy-mm-dd (as opposed to a\n // format like mm/dd/yyyy)\n function getValue(el) {\n var date = $(el).find(\"input\").bsDatepicker(\"getUTCDate\");\n return formatDateUTC(date);\n } // value must be an unambiguous string like '2001-01-01', or a Date object.\n\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n // R's NA, which is null here will remove current value\n if (value === null) {\n $(el).find(\"input\").val(\"\").bsDatepicker(\"update\");\n return;\n }\n\n var date = this._newDate(value);\n\n if (date === null) {\n return;\n } // If date is invalid, do nothing\n\n\n if (isNaN(date.valueOf())) return;\n $(el).find(\"input\").bsDatepicker(\"setUTCDate\", date);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var $input = $el.find(\"input\");\n var min = $\"datepicker\").startDate;\n var max = $\"datepicker\").endDate; // Stringify min and max. If min and max aren't set, they will be\n // -Infinity and Infinity; replace these with null.\n\n min = min === -Infinity ? null : formatDateUTC(min);\n max = max === Infinity ? null : formatDateUTC(max); // startViewMode is stored as a number; convert to string\n\n var startview = $\"datepicker\").startViewMode;\n if (startview === 2) startview = \"decade\";else if (startview === 1) startview = \"year\";else if (startview === 0) startview = \"month\";\n return {\n label: this._getLabelNode(el).text(),\n value: this.getValue(el),\n valueString: $input.val(),\n min: min,\n max: max,\n language: $\"datepicker\").language,\n weekstart: $\"datepicker\").weekStart,\n format: this._formatToString($\"datepicker\").format),\n startview: startview\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n var $input = $(el).find(\"input\");\n updateLabel(data.label, this._getLabelNode(el));\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"min\")) this._setMin($input[0], data.min);\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"max\")) this._setMax($input[0], data.max); // Must set value only after min and max have been set. If new value is\n // outside the bounds of the previous min/max, then the result will be a\n // blank input.\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) this.setValue(el, data.value);\n $(el).trigger(\"change\");\n }\n }]);\n\n return DateInputBinding;\n}(DateInputBindingBase);\n\nexport { DateInputBinding, DateInputBindingBase };", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.number.constructor.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.regexp.exec.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.split.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.replace.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\"; // import { NameValueHTMLElement } from \".\";\n\nimport { formatDateUTC, updateLabel, $escape, hasOwnProperty } from \"../../utils\";\nimport { TextInputBindingBase } from \"./text\"; // interface SliderHTMLElement extends NameValueHTMLElement {\n// checked?: any;\n// }\n\n// Necessary to get hidden sliders to send their updated values\nfunction forceIonSliderUpdate(slider) {\n if (slider.$cache && slider.$cache.input) slider.$cache.input.trigger(\"change\");else console.log(\"Couldn't force ion slider to update\");\n}\n\nfunction getTypePrettifyer(dataType, timeFormat, timezone) {\n var timeFormatter;\n var prettify;\n\n if (dataType === \"date\") {\n timeFormatter = window.strftime.utc();\n\n prettify = function prettify(num) {\n return timeFormatter(timeFormat, new Date(num));\n };\n } else if (dataType === \"datetime\") {\n if (timezone) timeFormatter = window.strftime.timezone(timezone);else timeFormatter = window.strftime;\n\n prettify = function prettify(num) {\n return timeFormatter(timeFormat, new Date(num));\n };\n } else {\n // The default prettify function for ion.rangeSlider adds thousands\n // separators after the decimal mark, so we have our own version here.\n // (#1958)\n prettify = function prettify(num) {\n // When executed, `this` will refer to the `IonRangeSlider.options`\n // object.\n return formatNumber(num, this.prettify_separator);\n };\n }\n\n return prettify;\n}\n\nfunction getLabelNode(el) {\n return $(el).parent().find('label[for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n} // Number of values; 1 for single slider, 2 for range slider\n\n\nfunction numValues(el) {\n if ($(el).data(\"ionRangeSlider\").options.type === \"double\") return 2;else return 1;\n}\n\nvar SliderInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_TextInputBindingBase) {\n _inherits(SliderInputBinding, _TextInputBindingBase);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(SliderInputBinding);\n\n function SliderInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, SliderInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(SliderInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n // Check if ionRangeSlider plugin is loaded\n if (!$.fn.ionRangeSlider) {\n // Return empty set of _found_ items\n return $();\n }\n\n return $(scope).find(\"input.js-range-slider\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getType\",\n value: function getType(el) {\n var dataType = $(el).data(\"data-type\");\n if (dataType === \"date\") return \"\";else if (dataType === \"datetime\") return \"shiny.datetime\";else return false;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var result = $(el).data(\"ionRangeSlider\").result; // Function for converting numeric value from slider to appropriate type.\n\n var convert;\n var dataType = $\"data-type\");\n\n if (dataType === \"date\") {\n convert = function convert(val) {\n return formatDateUTC(new Date(Number(val)));\n };\n } else if (dataType === \"datetime\") {\n convert = function convert(val) {\n // Convert ms to s\n return Number(val) / 1000;\n };\n } else {\n convert = function convert(val) {\n return Number(val);\n };\n }\n\n if (numValues(el) === 2) {\n return [convert(result.from), convert(];\n } else {\n return convert(result.from);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var slider = $\"ionRangeSlider\");\n $\"immediate\", true);\n\n try {\n if (numValues(el) === 2 && value instanceof Array) {\n slider.update({\n from: value[0],\n to: value[1]\n });\n } else {\n slider.update({\n from: value\n });\n }\n\n forceIonSliderUpdate(slider);\n } finally {\n $\"immediate\", false);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n $(el).on(\"change.sliderInputBinding\", function () {\n callback(!$(el).data(\"immediate\") && !$(el).data(\"animating\"));\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n $(el).off(\".sliderInputBinding\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var slider = $\"ionRangeSlider\");\n var msg = {};\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) {\n if (numValues(el) === 2 && data.value instanceof Array) {\n msg.from = data.value[0];\n = data.value[1];\n } else {\n msg.from = data.value;\n }\n }\n\n var sliderFeatures = [\"min\", \"max\", \"step\"];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < sliderFeatures.length; i++) {\n var feats = sliderFeatures[i];\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, feats)) {\n msg[feats] = data[feats];\n }\n }\n\n updateLabel(data.label, getLabelNode(el)); // (maybe) update data elements\n\n var domElements = [\"data-type\", \"time-format\", \"timezone\"];\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < domElements.length; _i++) {\n var elem = domElements[_i];\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, elem)) {\n $, data[elem]);\n }\n } // retrieve latest data values\n\n\n var dataType = $\"data-type\");\n var timeFormat = $\"time-format\");\n var timezone = $\"timezone\");\n msg.prettify = getTypePrettifyer(dataType, timeFormat, timezone);\n $\"immediate\", true);\n\n try {\n slider.update(msg);\n forceIonSliderUpdate(slider);\n } finally {\n $\"immediate\", false);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getRatePolicy\",\n value: function getRatePolicy(el) {\n return {\n policy: \"debounce\",\n delay: 250\n };\n el;\n } // TODO-barret Why not implemented?\n\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n // empty\n el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"initialize\",\n value: function initialize(el) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var dataType = $\"data-type\");\n var timeFormat = $\"time-format\");\n var timezone = $\"timezone\");\n var opts = {\n prettify: getTypePrettifyer(dataType, timeFormat, timezone)\n };\n $el.ionRangeSlider(opts);\n }\n }]);\n\n return SliderInputBinding;\n}(TextInputBindingBase); // Format numbers for nicer output.\n// formatNumber(1234567.12345) === \"1,234,567.12345\"\n// formatNumber(1234567.12345, \".\", \",\") === \"1.234.567,12345\"\n// formatNumber(1000, \" \") === \"1 000\"\n// formatNumber(20) === \"20\"\n// formatNumber(1.2345e24) === \"1.2345e+24\"\n\n\nfunction formatNumber(num) {\n var thousandSep = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : \",\";\n var decimalSep = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : \".\";\n var parts = num.toString().split(\".\"); // Add separators to portion before decimal mark.\n\n parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/(\\d{1,3}(?=(?:\\d\\d\\d)+(?!\\d)))/g, \"$1\" + thousandSep);\n if (parts.length === 1) return parts[0];else if (parts.length === 2) return parts[0] + decimalSep + parts[1];else return \"\";\n} // TODO-barret ; this should be put in the \"init\" areas, correct?\n\n\n$(document).on(\"click\", \".slider-animate-button\", function (evt) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n var self = $(this);\n var target = $(\"#\" + $escape(self.attr(\"data-target-id\")));\n var startLabel = \"Play\";\n var stopLabel = \"Pause\";\n var loop = self.attr(\"data-loop\") !== undefined && !/^\\s*false\\s*$/i.test(self.attr(\"data-loop\"));\n var animInterval = self.attr(\"data-interval\");\n if (isNaN(animInterval)) animInterval = 1500;else animInterval = Number(animInterval);\n\n if (!\"animTimer\")) {\n var timer; // Separate code paths:\n // Backward compatible code for old-style jsliders (Shiny <=,\n // and new-style ionsliders.\n\n if (target.hasClass(\"jslider\")) {\n var slider = target.slider(); // If we're currently at the end, restart\n\n if (!slider.canStepNext()) slider.resetToStart();\n timer = setInterval(function () {\n if (loop && !slider.canStepNext()) {\n slider.resetToStart();\n } else {\n slider.stepNext();\n\n if (!loop && !slider.canStepNext()) {\n // TODO-barret replace with self.trigger(\"click\")\n; // stop the animation\n }\n }\n }, animInterval);\n } else {\n var _slider =\"ionRangeSlider\"); // Single sliders have slider.options.type == \"single\", and only the\n // `from` value is used. Double sliders have type == \"double\", and also\n // use the `to` value for the right handle.\n\n\n var sliderCanStep = function sliderCanStep() {\n if (_slider.options.type === \"double\") return < _slider.result.max;else return _slider.result.from < _slider.result.max;\n };\n\n var sliderReset = function sliderReset() {\n var val = {\n from: _slider.result.min\n }; // Preserve the current spacing for double sliders\n\n if (_slider.options.type === \"double\") = val.from + ( - _slider.result.from);\n\n _slider.update(val);\n\n forceIonSliderUpdate(_slider);\n };\n\n var sliderStep = function sliderStep() {\n // Don't overshoot the end\n var val = {\n from: Math.min(_slider.result.max, _slider.result.from + _slider.options.step)\n };\n if (_slider.options.type === \"double\") = Math.min(_slider.result.max, + _slider.options.step);\n\n _slider.update(val);\n\n forceIonSliderUpdate(_slider);\n }; // If we're currently at the end, restart\n\n\n if (!sliderCanStep()) sliderReset();\n timer = setInterval(function () {\n if (loop && !sliderCanStep()) {\n sliderReset();\n } else {\n sliderStep();\n\n if (!loop && !sliderCanStep()) {\n; // stop the animation\n }\n }\n }, animInterval);\n }\n\n\"animTimer\", timer);\n self.attr(\"title\", stopLabel);\n self.addClass(\"playing\");\n\"animating\", true);\n } else {\n clearTimeout(\"animTimer\"));\n target.removeData(\"animTimer\");\n self.attr(\"title\", startLabel);\n self.removeClass(\"playing\");\n target.removeData(\"animating\");\n }\n});\nexport { SliderInputBinding };", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { $escape, formatDateUTC, hasOwnProperty, updateLabel } from \"../../utils\";\nimport { DateInputBindingBase } from \"./date\";\n\nfunction getLabelNode(el) {\n return $(el).find('label[for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n}\n\nvar DateRangeInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_DateInputBindingBase) {\n _inherits(DateRangeInputBinding, _DateInputBindingBase);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(DateRangeInputBinding);\n\n function DateRangeInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, DateRangeInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(DateRangeInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find(\".shiny-date-range-input\");\n } // Return the date in an unambiguous format, yyyy-mm-dd (as opposed to a\n // format like mm/dd/yyyy)\n\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n var $inputs = $(el).find(\"input\");\n var start = $inputs.eq(0).bsDatepicker(\"getUTCDate\");\n var end = $inputs.eq(1).bsDatepicker(\"getUTCDate\");\n return [formatDateUTC(start), formatDateUTC(end)];\n } // value must be an object, with optional fields `start` and `end`. These\n // should be unambiguous strings like '2001-01-01', or Date objects.\n\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n if (!(value instanceof Object)) {\n return;\n } // Get the start and end input objects\n\n\n var $inputs = $(el).find(\"input\"); // If value is undefined, don't try to set\n // null will remove the current value\n\n if (value.start !== undefined) {\n if (value.start === null) {\n $inputs.eq(0).val(\"\").bsDatepicker(\"update\");\n } else {\n var start = this._newDate(value.start);\n\n $inputs.eq(0).bsDatepicker(\"setUTCDate\", start);\n }\n }\n\n if (value.end !== undefined) {\n if (value.end === null) {\n $inputs.eq(1).val(\"\").bsDatepicker(\"update\");\n } else {\n var end = this._newDate(value.end);\n\n $inputs.eq(1).bsDatepicker(\"setUTCDate\", end);\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var $inputs = $el.find(\"input\");\n var $startinput = $inputs.eq(0);\n var $endinput = $inputs.eq(1); // For many of the properties, assume start and end have the same values\n\n var min = $startinput.bsDatepicker(\"getStartDate\");\n var max = $startinput.bsDatepicker(\"getEndDate\"); // Stringify min and max. If min and max aren't set, they will be\n // -Infinity and Infinity; replace these with null.\n\n var minStr = min === -Infinity ? null : formatDateUTC(min);\n var maxStr = max === Infinity ? null : formatDateUTC(max); // startViewMode is stored as a number; convert to string\n\n var startview = $\"datepicker\").startView;\n if (startview === 2) startview = \"decade\";else if (startview === 1) startview = \"year\";else if (startview === 0) startview = \"month\";\n return {\n label: getLabelNode(el).text(),\n value: this.getValue(el),\n valueString: [$startinput.val(), $endinput.val()],\n min: minStr,\n max: maxStr,\n weekstart: $\"datepicker\").weekStart,\n format: this._formatToString($\"datepicker\").format),\n language: $\"datepicker\").language,\n startview: startview\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var $inputs = $el.find(\"input\");\n var $startinput = $inputs.eq(0);\n var $endinput = $inputs.eq(1);\n updateLabel(data.label, getLabelNode(el));\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"min\")) {\n this._setMin($startinput[0], data.min);\n\n this._setMin($endinput[0], data.min);\n }\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"max\")) {\n this._setMax($startinput[0], data.max);\n\n this._setMax($endinput[0], data.max);\n } // Must set value only after min and max have been set. If new value is\n // outside the bounds of the previous min/max, then the result will be a\n // blank input.\n\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) this.setValue(el, data.value);\n $el.trigger(\"change\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"initialize\",\n value: function initialize(el) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var $inputs = $el.find(\"input\");\n var $startinput = $inputs.eq(0);\n var $endinput = $inputs.eq(1);\n var start = $\"initial-date\");\n var end = $\"initial-date\"); // If empty/null, use local date, but as UTC\n\n if (start === undefined || start === null) start = this._dateAsUTC(new Date());\n if (end === undefined || end === null) end = this._dateAsUTC(new Date());\n this.setValue(el, {\n start: start,\n end: end\n }); // // Set the start and end dates, from min-date and max-date. These always\n // // use yyyy-mm-dd format, instead of bootstrap-datepicker's built-in\n // // support for date-startdate and data-enddate, which use the current\n // // date format.\n\n this._setMin($startinput[0], $\"min-date\"));\n\n this._setMin($endinput[0], $\"min-date\"));\n\n this._setMax($startinput[0], $\"max-date\"));\n\n this._setMax($endinput[0], $\"max-date\"));\n }\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n $(el).on(\"keyup.dateRangeInputBinding input.dateRangeInputBinding\", // event: Event\n function () {\n // Use normal debouncing policy when typing\n callback(true);\n });\n $(el).on(\"changeDate.dateRangeInputBinding change.dateRangeInputBinding\", // event: Event\n function () {\n // Send immediately when clicked\n callback(false);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n $(el).off(\".dateRangeInputBinding\");\n }\n }]);\n\n return DateRangeInputBinding;\n}(DateInputBindingBase);\n\nexport { DateRangeInputBinding };", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.find.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js\";\nimport \"core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js\";\nimport $ from \"jquery\";\nimport { InputBinding } from \"./inputBinding\";\nimport { $escape, hasOwnProperty, updateLabel } from \"../../utils\";\nimport { indirectEval } from \"../../utils/eval\";\n\nfunction getLabelNode(el) {\n var escapedId = $escape(;\n\n if (isSelectize(el)) {\n escapedId += \"-selectized\";\n }\n\n return $(el).parent().parent().find('label[for=\"' + escapedId + '\"]');\n} // Return true if it's a selectize input, false if it's a regular select input.\n// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase\n\n\nfunction isSelectize(el) {\n var config = $(el).parent().find('script[data-for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n return config.length > 0;\n}\n\nvar SelectInputBinding = /*#__PURE__*/function (_InputBinding) {\n _inherits(SelectInputBinding, _InputBinding);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(SelectInputBinding);\n\n function SelectInputBinding() {\n _classCallCheck(this, SelectInputBinding);\n\n return _super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n _createClass(SelectInputBinding, [{\n key: \"find\",\n value: function find(scope) {\n return $(scope).find(\"select\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getType\",\n value: function getType(el) {\n var $el = $(el);\n\n if (!$el.hasClass(\"symbol\")) {\n // default character type\n return null;\n }\n\n if ($el.attr(\"multiple\") === \"multiple\") {\n return \"shiny.symbolList\";\n } else {\n return \"shiny.symbol\";\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getId\",\n value: function getId(el) {\n return, el) ||;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValue\",\n value: function getValue(el) {\n return $(el).val();\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setValue\",\n value: function setValue(el, value) {\n if (!isSelectize(el)) {\n $(el).val(value);\n } else {\n var selectize = this._selectize(el);\n\n if (selectize) {\n selectize.setValue(value);\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getState\",\n value: function getState(el) {\n // Store options in an array of objects, each with with value and label\n var options = new Array(el.length);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {\n options[i] = {\n // TODO-barret; Is this a safe assumption?; Are there no Option Groups?\n value: el[i].value,\n label: el[i].label\n };\n }\n\n return {\n label: getLabelNode(el),\n value: this.getValue(el),\n options: options\n };\n }\n }, {\n key: \"receiveMessage\",\n value: function receiveMessage(el, data) {\n var $el = $(el);\n var selectize; // This will replace all the options\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"options\")) {\n selectize = this._selectize(el); // Must destroy selectize before appending new options, otherwise\n // selectize will restore the original select\n\n if (selectize) selectize.destroy(); // Clear existing options and add each new one\n\n $el.empty().append(data.options);\n\n this._selectize(el);\n } // re-initialize selectize\n\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"config\")) {\n $el.parent().find('script[data-for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]').replaceWith(data.config);\n\n this._selectize(el, true);\n } // use server-side processing for selectize\n\n\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"url\")) {\n selectize = this._selectize(el);\n selectize.clearOptions();\n var loaded = false;\n\n selectize.settings.load = function (query, callback) {\n var settings = selectize.settings;\n $.ajax({\n url: data.url,\n data: {\n query: query,\n field: JSON.stringify([settings.searchField]),\n value: settings.valueField,\n conju: settings.searchConjunction,\n maxop: settings.maxOptions\n },\n type: \"GET\",\n error: function error() {\n callback();\n },\n success: function success(res) {\n // res = [{label: '1', value: '1', group: '1'}, ...]\n // success is called after options are added, but\n // groups need to be added manually below\n $.each(res, function (index, elem) {\n // Call selectize.addOptionGroup once for each optgroup; the\n // first argument is the group ID, the second is an object with\n // the group's label and value. We use the current settings of\n // the selectize object to decide the fieldnames of that obj.\n var optgroupId = elem[settings.optgroupField || \"optgroup\"];\n var optgroup = {};\n optgroup[settings.optgroupLabelField || \"label\"] = optgroupId;\n optgroup[settings.optgroupValueField || \"value\"] = optgroupId;\n selectize.addOptionGroup(optgroupId, optgroup);\n });\n callback(res);\n\n if (!loaded) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) {\n selectize.setValue(data.value);\n } else if (settings.maxItems === 1) {\n // first item selected by default only for single-select\n selectize.setValue(res[0].value);\n }\n }\n\n loaded = true;\n }\n });\n }; // perform an empty search after changing the `load` function\n\n\n selectize.load(function (callback) {\n selectize.settings.load.apply(selectize, [\"\", callback]);\n });\n } else if (hasOwnProperty(data, \"value\")) {\n this.setValue(el, data.value);\n }\n\n updateLabel(data.label, getLabelNode(el));\n $(el).trigger(\"change\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"subscribe\",\n value: function subscribe(el, callback) {\n var _this = this;\n\n $(el).on(\"change.selectInputBinding\", // event: Event\n function () {\n //\n // Prevent spurious events that are gonna be squelched in\n // a second anyway by the onItemRemove down below\n if (el.nonempty && _this.getValue(el) === \"\") {\n return;\n }\n\n callback(false);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"unsubscribe\",\n value: function unsubscribe(el) {\n $(el).off(\".selectInputBinding\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"initialize\",\n value: function initialize(el) {\n this._selectize(el);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_selectize\",\n value: function _selectize(el) {\n var update = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n if (!$.fn.selectize) return undefined;\n var $el = $(el);\n var config = $el.parent().find('script[data-for=\"' + $escape( + '\"]');\n if (config.length === 0) return undefined;\n var options = $.extend({\n labelField: \"label\",\n valueField: \"value\",\n searchField: [\"label\"]\n }, JSON.parse(config.html())); // selectize created from selectInput()\n\n if (typeof\"nonempty\") !== \"undefined\") {\n el.nonempty = true;\n options = $.extend(options, {\n onItemRemove: function onItemRemove(value) {\n if (this.getValue() === \"\") $(\"select#\" + $escape($(\"