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232 lines (178 loc) · 8.95 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (178 loc) · 8.95 KB

cffr 1.1.1

  • Adapt extraction of orcid to R > 4.4.1.

cffr 1.1.0

  • Now cffr adds automatically dois to packages on CRAN (e.g.
    • If the package has a CITATION file providing a doi, the CITATION doi would be used as the main CITATION.cff doi and the CRAN doi would be added as an identifier.
    • Otherwise, CRAN doi would be used as doi.
    • When extracting dependencies (e.g cff_create(dependencies = TRUE) and the package dependency is on CRAN, the CRAN doi would be used for the dependency in the references key.
  • Extract commit from RemoteSha.
  • Update cran_to_spdx dataset.

cffr 1.0.1

  • Update cff_write() to add a new encoding argument to make it work with different encodings, see iconv().
  • Fix NOTEs due to empty lines in docs.

cffr 1.0.0

This is a major release with some notable changes. The change mainly affects to non-core functions, hence the natural workflow (cff_create()cff_write()cff_validate()) shouldn't be affected.

Major changes

Classes and methods

Now cffr implements a new class system for definitions.reference, definitions.person and definitions.entity objects:

  • List of definitions.reference (e.g, references) has class cff_ref_lst, cff and individual elements (e.g preferred-citation or each member of references) has class cff_ref, cff.
  • List of definitions.person or definitions.entity (e.g. authors, contact) has class cff_pers_lst, cff and individual elements (e.g publisher or each member of authors) has class cff_pers, cff.

This change allow to write specific S3 Methods and extend the capabilities of the package.

  • New as_cff() S3 generic method (replacing as.cff()): This method coerces R objects to cff class format. Current methods provided are:
    • as_cff.Bibtex().
    • as_cff.bibentry(), replacing cff_parse_citation().
    • as_cff.person(), similar to as_cff_person() but only for person objects. We recommend using as_cff_person() since it can coerce also string representing authors in BibTeX markup ("{von Neumen}, James"), that can't be captured properly via methods.
  • New as_bibentry() method for a variety of classes (character, list, NULL and classes defined by cffr).
  • New as_cff_person() method.
  • The following base and utils methods supports now cff class:
    • as.person(), although only for definitions.person or definitions.entity (e.g. authors, contacts, editors, publisher, etc.).
    • head.cff(), tail.cff().
    • toBibtex.cff().


The API has been completely reviewed to provide more clarity on functions naming and to facilitate internal maintenance. This change only affects to non-core functions. Now each function does less things but does it better. The old API has been deprecated and it would warn when used, providing advice on the replacement function.


  • cff_to_bibtex() and cff_extract_to_bibtex(): replaced by as_bibentry() S3 generic.
  • cff_parse_person() and cff_parse_person_bibtex(): replaced by as_cff_person() S3 generic.
  • cff_parse_citation(): replaced by as_cff() S3 generic.
  • cff_from_bibtex(): replaced by cff_read_bib() (for *.bib files) and cff_read_bib_text() (for character strings).
  • write_bib() and write_citation() : replaced by cff_write_bib() and cff_write_citation() respectively.
  • Argument path in cff() is also deprecated, use cff_read() instead.

New capabilities

  • Now reading from external files is performed exclusively by cff_read() (that is designed to fit all supported file types on a single entry point) and the new specific readers (that are used under the hood by cff_read()), namely:
    • cff_read_cff_citation(),
    • cff_read_description(),
    • cff_read_citation()
    • cff_read_bib().
  • New cff_modify() function for updating and modifying cff objects easily.

Other changes

  • Minimum R version required now is 4.0.0.
  • Update of BibTeX crosswalk (see vignette("bibtex_cff", package = "cffr")) and consequently changes in the mapping performed by as_bibtex() cff_parse_citation():
    • @inbook and @book gains a new value on [CFF]{.underline} when series is provided: [collection-type: book-series.]{.underline}
    • Can handle BibLaTeX @inbook, that differs significantly from BibTeX @inbook.

cffr 0.5.0


  • Function cff_to_bibtex() and cff_extract_to_bibtex() have been merged, the latter (cff_extract_to_bibtex()) is now soft-deprecated.

New features

  • New function write_citation() that can generate a inst/CITATION file from a cff object (#51).


  • Additional authors of a R package can be now included based on the role on the DESCRIPTION file, via the parameter authors_roles (#49).

  • New message interface based on cli capabilities.

  • Now the (invisible) result of cff_validate() includes the summary of errors (if any) as an attributes() named "error", as jsonvalidate::json_validate() does when verbose = TRUE:

    Be verbose? If TRUE, then an attribute "errors" will list validation failures as a data.frame

  • Improvements in the extraction of `date-release`.

cffr 0.4.1

  • Replace crayon dependency for cli (#46).
  • Improvements on the performance of cff_validate().

cffr 0.4.0

  • Fix typo (#40) by @dpprdan
  • Add new function cff_from_bibtex().
  • Consistent behavior on dependency urls when RSPM is the default repo (i.e. on GitHub Actions or RStudio Cloud).

cffr 0.3.0

  • preferred-citation is only produced when a CITATION R file has been provided with the package (#37).
  • Improve email handling on authors.
  • Add cff_read() function. This functionality was already implemented on cff() but new function added in order to provide clarity.

cffr 0.2.3

  • Fix HTML5 issue as per CRAN request

cffr 0.2.2

  • cffr now uses a local copy of the schema.json for validating. (#33).

cffr 0.2.1

  • GitHub Action now runs only on master or mainbranch.
  • Better handling of references

cffr 0.2.0

  • Now cffr extracts also information of the package dependencies and adds the main citation of the dependencies to the references field, using citation(auto = TRUE).
    • New dependencies parameter on cff_create() and cff_write().
  • Other improvements on cff_parse_citation():
    • cff_parse_citation() extracts more information of authors, based on the fields provided on the DESCRIPTION file.
    • cff_parse_citation() does a better job extracting information from bibentry() /BibTeX and mapping it to preferred-citation/references fields of CFF.
  • Add new functions for working with git pre-commit hooks Experimental:
    • cff_git_hook_install()
    • cff_git_hook_remove()
  • New BibTeX functions:
    • cff_extract_to_bibtex()
    • cff_to_bibtex()
    • cff_parse_person_bibtex()
    • write_bib()
  • Add a new dependency: lifecycle.

cffr 0.1.1

  • Accepted on JOSS DOI
  • Include pages on cff_parse_citation() .
  • New gh_keywords parameter on cff_create() /cff_write(). If TRUE, it would include GitHub repo topics as keywords.

cffr 0.1.0

  • First CRAN release

cffr 0.0.2

  • cffr is part now of rOpenSci.
  • Update on docs and README.
  • Add fuzzy match on keys parameter.
  • New dataset: cran_to_spdx.
  • Add DOI
  • Citation of installed packages extracted using citation().
  • Auto-generating preferred-citation key from DESCRIPTION.
  • Rename cff_schema_definitions_reference() to cff_schema_definitions_refs().
  • repository key is supported.
  • Added vignette: vignette("crosswalk", package = "cffr").
  • Add support to Bioconductor packages.
  • New function: cff_gha_update().

cffr 0.0.1

  • First stable release