New function
to add taxonomic information to the output ofbold_identify()
and replacebold_identify_parents()
. Instead of taking the taxon names from thebold_identify()
output, and usebold_tax_name()
to get the taxonomic ID to then pass it tobold_tax_id()
to get the parent names, we take the process ids from thebold_identify()
output and then pass them tobold_specimens()
. This has the advantages of being faster and, more importantly, making sure the correct taxonomy is returned. The function has less arguments since the filtering of the result isn't necessary anymore. Since the result now has only one line per row of input, the output is always in 'wide' format (like when usingbold_identify_parents()
). There is one new argumenttaxOnly
which isTRUE
by default and return only the taxonomic data. However, sincebold_specimens()
also returns other data (habitat, country, image_url, etc), setting this argument toFALSE
will also join that data to the input. -
New function
which will eventually replacebold_tax_id()
. The main changes are in the format of the output. For thedataTypes
'basic', 'stats', 'images' and 'thirdparty', the output doesn't change. For thedataTypes
'sequencinglabs', 'geo' and 'depository', instead of having one (sometimes very) wide data.frame, the result is now in 'long' format, with the columns 'input', 'taxid', 'sequencinglabs|country|depository' and 'count'. For thedataTypes
'all' or when selecting more than one dataTypes, the output is a list for each data types containing their respective data.frame. When setting includeTree toTRUE
, the parents' data is rbinded to their respective data.frame. The function also check that all arguments are the correct type and that thedataTypes
chosen are valid. -
The now deprecated
has the same argument checks asbold_tax_id2()
but will throw warnings instead of errors to not affect existing workflows. Also, if a chosendataTypes
is invalid, it gets removed to not make unnecessary requests. -
Similarly, the now deprecated
has new argument checks and will throw warnings to not affect existing workflows. -
, when querying multiple taxa, if one fails, the loop won't break and will instead throw the API error as a warning. The output object will also have 2 new attributes "errors" and "params" that will let you see what errors occurred for with request and what parameters were use for the request. To make it easy to retrieve these attributes, 3 new functions have been created:bold_get_attr()
will return a list of the two attributesbold_get_errors()
will return a list of the errorsbold_get_params()
will return a list of parameters used
have a new parametercleanData
which, when set toTRUE
, replaces empty strings ("") by NAs and strings containing only duplicated values by their unique value (ex : "COI-5P|COI-5P|COI-5P" becomes "COI-5P"). -
New function
to replaceread_trace()
. Can read one or multiple trace files from aboldtrace
object or provided file path(s). -
New function
to use after a call tobold_seqspec()
wasn't set toTRUE
- made tests for the new functions
- made tests for the
function - added test to existing functions to improved test coverage
- added/completed argument checks for every functions
can now also return partial output likebold_seq()
- using
when possible, removeddplyr
dependencies - using
instead ofstringr
which removedstringr
's other dependencies - added more details to the documentation of some functions
- changed how http responses are read so they throw warnings and return NAs instead of errors. This prevents a long request to stop and fail, loosing the already fetched data. (#74)
- added a note in the documentation of
that if thetaxon
doesn't have public records, if using another parameter will return all data for that parameter. Users can verify the availability of public records withbold_stats()
. A note was also added inbold_tax_name()
that the column 'specimenrecords' relate to the records in the taxonomy browser and not in the public data portal. (#76) - fixed output of bold_seq() (#79)
- changed the function used to encode to UTF-8 (#81, #86)
- contacted bold so they would fix their typo in 'depository' which prevented fetching related data with
(#83). Added a line in the function to change 'depositories' to 'depository' in case people had been using that. - added a check for 'name' in
to double escape single quotes. Otherwise it doesn't return the data (#84, #85). Since it's related to the API, this means that the data that comes back also contains errors. So I added a function to repair the names of 'taxon', 'taxonrep' and 'parentname' in the returned object. The function is also used inpipe_params()
(which is used bybold_seq()
) to repair thetaxon
parameter in case users use results from previous versions. - changed the way the response of
is read (#87, #88) thanks @cjfields - added a note in
documentation to specify that the record counts include all gene markers (#90).
- vignettes fix (#77)
- fix a failing test (#73)
- change base url for all requests to https from http (#70)
- fixed a warning arising from use of
- we now set the encoding to "UTF-8" before parsing the string to XML (#71) bold_seqspec()
fix: capture "Fatal errors" returned by BOLD servers and pass that along to the user with advice (#66)- add "Marker" and "Large requests" documentation sections to both
. the marker section details that the marker parameter doesn't actually filter results that you get - but you can filter them yourself. the large requests section gives some caveats associated with large data requests and outlines how to sort it out (#61)
- improved test coverage (#58)
- allow curl options to be passed into
(#64) - fix instructions in README for package
- instructions depend on which version of R is being used (#65) thanks @KevCaz
- fixes in package for
(#57) bold_identify()
fix: ampersands needed to be escaped (#62) thanks @devonorourke
- tests that make HTTP requests now use package
to cache responses, speeds up tests significantly, and no longer relies on an internet connection (#55) (#56) bold_seq()
: sometimes on large requests, the BOLD servers time out, and give back partial output but don't indicate that there was an error. We catch this kind of error now, throw a message for the user, and the function gives back the partial output given by the server. Also added to the documentation forbold_seq()
and in the README that if you run into this problem try to do many queries that will result in smaller set of results instead of one or fewer larger queries (#52) (#53)bold_seq()
: remove return characters (\r
) from sequences (#54)
- link to taxize bookdown book in readme and vignette (#51)
gains many new parameters (taxid
) to filter parents based on any of a number of fields - should solve problem where multiple parents found for a single taxon, often in different kingdoms (#50)- add note in docs of
that the function useslapply
internally, so queries with lots of sequences can take a long time
- fix
: userawToChar()
on raw bytes instead ofparse()
- Now using BOLD's v4 API throughout the package. This was essentially just a change of the BASE URL for each request (#30)
- Now using
for HTTP requests. Only really affects users in that specifying curl options works slightly differenlty (#42)
parameter inbold_seqspec
was and maybe still is not working, in the sense that using the parameter doesn't always limit results to the marker you specify. Not really fixed - watch out for it, and filter after you get results back to get markers you want. (#25)- Fixed bug in
- was failing when no match for a parent name. (#41) thx @VascoElbrecht tsv
results were erroring inbold_specimens
and other fxns (#46) - fixed by switching to new BOLD v4 API (#30)
- Namespace calls to base pkgs for
- replacedis
- New function
to add taxonomic information to the output ofbold_identify()
. We take the taxon names frombold_identify
output, and usebold_tax_name
to get the taxonomic ID, passing it tobold_tax_id
to get the parent names, then attaches those to the input data. There are two options given what you put for thewide
parameter. IfTRUE
you get data.frames of the same dimensions with parent rank name and ID as new columns (for each name going up the hierarchy) - while ifFALSE
you get a long data.frame. thanks @dougwyu for inspiring this (#36)
- replace
(#33) - Fix description of
options inbold_identify
man file - COX1 and COX1_SPECIES were switched (#37) thanks for pointing that out @dougwyu
- Fix to
for when some elements returned from the BOLD API were empty/NULL
(#32) thanks @fmichonneau !!
- Added more tests to the test suite (#28)
- Fixed a bug in an internal data parser (#27)
- Added a code of conduct
- Switched to
as the XML parser for this package (#26) - Fixes to
to create dir and tar file when it doesn't already exist
- Fixed odd problem where sometimes resulting data from HTTP request
was garbled on
content(x, "text")
, so now usingrawToChar(content(x))
, which works (#24)
- Explicitly import non-base R functions (#22)
- Better package level manual file
package now in Suggests for reading trace files, and is only used inbold_trace()
function.- General code tidying, reduction of code duplication.
gains two new parameters:overwrite
to choose whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name or not,progress
to show a progress bar for downloading or not.bold_trace()
gains a print method to show a tidy summary of the trace file downloaded.
- Fixed similar bugs in
(#17) andbold_tax_id()
(#18) in which species that were missing from the BOLD database returned empty arrays but 200 status codes. Parsing those as failed attempts now. Also fixes problem in taxize inbold_search()
that use these two functions.
- Package gains two new functions for working with the BOLD taxonomy APIs:
, which search for taxonomic data from BOLD using either names or BOLD identifiers, respectively. (#11) - Two new packages in Imports:
- Added new taxonomy API functions to the vignette (#14)
- Added reference URLS to all function doc files to allow easy reference for the appropriate API docs.
parameter changed to...
throughout the package, so that passing on options tohttr::GET
is done via named parameters, e.g.,config=verbose()
. (#13)- Added examples of doing curl debugging throughout man pages.
- Improved the vignette (#8)
- Added small function to print helpful message when user inputs no parameters or zero length parameter values.
- Fixed some broken tests with the new
(v0.4) (#9), and added a few more tests (#7)
- released to CRAN