Project of creating a program that uses a Raspberry Pi and a compatible RFID card scanner to create and demonstrate the sue of RFID to access a Database and to control access based on the RFID
In the folder there are many files but a few are the key files Project.Py is the main file that starts the whole program witth a simple GUI as well Is the main power of the program it is the script when ran by main program and conencted to a proper sql server will start the RFID scanner. The scanner will look for a card to be scanned when it finds one it takes a randomly created key from the card and key saved to thedatabase. It checks to see if the keys match IF they match The program continues with access and runs a key random generator and saves ther new to the card and database. More info is in the documentation file with diagrams, full progrress documents and a final project paper.
THis program is not intended to be used in the real world and was made to show off my skill in programming. Do not use this code in any way, shape or form without talking to me first.