Sometimes it is not enough to just prefix a property, but you also need to prefix the value or even transform the property and value completely. Plugins are used to tackle browser incompatibilities. File an issue or submit a PR if a plugin you need is missing (these are roughly equivalent to Autoprefixer's hacks). The following plugins are included by default:
Plugin | Description |
calc | Adds support for prefixed calc() values on any property. |
crossFade | Adds support for prefixed cross-fade() values. |
cursor | Adds support for prefixed cursor values grab , grabbing , zoom-in and zoom-out . |
filter | Adds support for prefixed filter() values. |
flex | Adds support for prefixed display values using display: flex or display: inline-flex . |
flexboxIE | Adds trasformators for the early 2012 flexbox specification used in IE 10 and IE Mobile 10. |
flexboxOld | Adds trasformators for the old 2009 flexbox specification used in old Webkit-based browsers. |
gradient | Adds support for prefixed background and backgroundImage values linear-gradient() , radial-gradient() , repeating-linear-gradient() and repeating-radial-gradient() . |
imagetSet | Adds support for prefixed imaget-set() values. |
logical | Adds support for prefixed CSS logical properties. |
position | Adds support for the prefixed position value on sticky . |
sizing | Adds support for prefixed maxHeight , maxWidth , width , height , columnWidth ,minWidth , minHeight intrinsic & extrinsic sizing values min-content , max-content , fill-available , fit-content , contain-floats . |
transition | Adds support for prefixed CSS properties on transition and transitionProperty values. |