A vimrc that Just Works™ for modern JavaScript development.
First, install neovim
with Python3 support.
If you're on OS X macOS and have homebrew installed,
you can issue this command: brew install python3 neovim/neovim/neovim; pip3 install neovim
While most of the features available in this project will work in regular vim, neovim's asynchronous plugin support means the editor is much faster even when dealing with complex tasks like FlowType autocomplete and linting.
The easiest way to download and use this configuration is to issue the following command.
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zperrault/vimrc.js/master/install.sh | bash
This command will download the installation script and run it
through BASH. This script will detect if you have neovim installed, install
vim-plug, clone this repo into ~/.vimrc.js
, backup your existing vim or
neovim configuration, symlink ~/.vimrc.js/vimrc
to the appropriate path,
and install plugins with vim-plug.
I understand that curl
-ing and executing random shell scripts can be scary.
You are encouraged to view the source of this file (and tell me how it can
be better).
Once installed, you can add your own plugins to ~/.vimrc.js/vimrc.plugs.local
your own settings to ~/.vimrc.js/vimrc.local
You are by no means required to use the automated installer. All used plugins
are listed in vimrc.plugs
and all settings for these plugins
are listed in vimrc
. Feel free to copy and paste pieces of these
files into your own vimrc.
Once installed, you can add your own plugins to ~/.vimrc.js/vimrc.plugs.local
your own settings to ~/.vimrc.js/vimrc.local
If you've only modified the *.local
files, you can update to the
latest version at any time by running the following:
cd ~/.vimrc.js
git pull origin master
command $(which nvim || which vim) +PlugUpdate +qall
- open project tree viewer<C-t>
- start fuzzy file finding- keybindings provided by vim-commentary and vim-surround
Unfortunately there isn't a single plugin out there that provides proper syntax highlighting for modern JavaScript development. This project uses a combination of three plugins to achieve syntax highlighting bliss.
- pangloss/vim-javascript
- mxw/vim-jsx
- gavocanov/vim-js-indent
A combination of deoplete and tern means that you'll get smart completion suggestions as you type.
Errors reported by eslint and flow are displayed inside vim so you can jump straight to the problem.
Fuzzy finding is provided by fzf
. Open the fuzzy searcher using <C-t>
(like Atom)
NERDTree provides a project viewer. Toggle it using <C-\>
similar to Atom).