- Create working full package
- Convert static methods into calls to an instantiated AlarmDb. This will save constructor call and might increase performance.
- Improve performance of AlarmDb calls.
- Add offset alert time functionality to AlarmManager.
- Add Snooze Time functionality to AlarmManager.
- Add Snooze Time functionality to AlarmCli.
- Change AlarmDb init to check for specifc snooze and offset alert columns instdead of just checking if the db is empty.
- Test switch functionality.
- Finish HardwareThread unit test.
- We only use a small subset of the Phue library, which can be easily replicated using HTTP requests, so could write a small class to control the hue light bulb brightness and ON/OFF state.
- Add offset alert time functionality.
- Add Snooze time functionality.
- Create Web interface using Angular Angular bootstrap
- Nothing yet