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Releases: risingwavelabs/risingwave


11 Jan 07:30
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For installation and running instructions, see Get started.

Main changes

SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Allows NOW in upper bound condition for temporal filters. #13985
    • Supports temporal filters with multiple OR expressions. #14382
    • Supports <expr> [ NOT ] SIMILAR TO <pat> [ ESCAPE <esc_text> ] clause. #14000
    • Breaking change: Fixes the correctness of SOME, ALL, and ANY expressions. Drop and recreate any materialized views that use these expressions. #14221
    • Supports array subquery and \du command. #14044
    • Supports SET PARALLELISM clause for ALTER commands. #14240
  • SQL commands:
    • Technical preview feature: Supports CREATE SINK INTO TABLE. Multiple sinks can use the same table as the target. #13185, #13659
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Breaking change: 0b10 is now interpreted as binary 10 instead of 0 as b10. Integer literals can be given in hex 0x, oct 0o and bin 0b. #14262
    • Supports interval type as input for to_char(). #14071
  • System catalog:
    • Add system view rw_streaming_parallelism. #14261


  • Adds CDC backfill support for Postgres so users can ingest multiple PostgreSQL tables with a single replication slot. #13958
  • Support multi-table transaction from upstream MySQL & Postgres CDC. Specify transactional = true in the WITH options to enabled it. #14375
  • Renames scan.startup.timestamp_millis to scan.startup.timestamp.millis for Kafka, Pulsar and NATS source. #13656
  • Adds properties.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm parameter for Kafka source and sink.#13990
  • Supports FORMAT PLAIN ENCODE PROTOBUF syntax for Kafka sink. #12858
  • Supports GCS file source. #13414
  • Breaking change: For ClickHouse sinks, timestamptz can be sinked to DateTime64timestamp cannot be sinked and has to be converted to timestamptz first before being sinked. #13672
  • For Elasticsearch sinks, the default es.type is set as _doc for Elasticsearch 6.x and 7.x. #14273
  • connector = 'iceberg_java' is deprecated, and users can only Iceberg sinks with the Rust version of Iceberg. Similarly, the DeltaLake sink will also use the Rust version implementation. #14277
  • Supports StarRocks sink. #12681

Installation and deployment

  • Allows for storage.prefetch_buffer_capacity_mb to be configured in the TOML file to prevent out of memory issues. #13558
  • Supports Huawei Cloud OBS as the storage backend. #13844

Cluster configuration changes

  • Supports setting statement_timeout value for queries. #13933
  • Exposes SSL functionality through RW_SSL_CERT and RW_SSL_KEY environment variables to configure SSL certificates and key file location. #14062

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0


28 Dec 05:01
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release v1.5.4


25 Dec 10:35
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release v1.5.3


22 Dec 02:10
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release v1.5.2


19 Dec 01:55
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release v1.5.1


11 Dec 09:00
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For installation and running instructions, see Get started.

Main changes

SQL features

  • SQL Commands:
    • Supports SET SCHEMA syntax for ALTER {TABLE t | [MATERIALIZED] VIEW (m)v | SOURCE src | SINK sink | CONNECTION c | FUNCTION f( argument_type [, ...] )}. #13341
    • Supports RENAME TO syntax for ALTER { DATABASE db | SCHEMA s}. #13713
    • Supports KILL command. #13434
    • Supports SHOW PROCESSLIST command. #13287
    • Supports SET TO DEFAULT command. #13693
    • Supports SHOW COLUMNS and DESCRIBE from sinks and views. #13626
  • SQL functions & operators
    • Supports list and struct types for jsonb_agg and jsonb_object_agg. #13299
    • Supports jsonb_build_array and jsonb_build_object. #13198
    • Supports to_jsonb. #13161
    • Supports json path operators and functions. #13568
    • Supports array operators @> and <@. #13253
  • System catalog
    • Adds columns rw_version, total_memory_bytes, total_cpu_cores and started_at, and all nodes in system table rw_worker_nodes. #13487
    • Adds system table rw_internal_tables. #13272

Sources & sink

  • The load generator can generate timestamptz columns. #13451
  • Adds option []( for Kafka source. #13321
  • Supports creating multiple CDC tables that share the same source, which allows for incremental and lock-free snapshot loading. #12535
  • CREATE SINK statements no longer need to wait for backfill to complete. #13665


  • Adds a docker-compose file for standalone mode. #13233

Cluster configuration changes

  • Adds support for system parameter pause_on_next_bootstrap. #11936

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0


10 Nov 03:23
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For installation and running instructions, see Get started.

Main changes

SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Supports using subqueries in UPDATE and DELETE statements. (#12995)
  • SQL commands
    • Supports COMMENT ON clause for tables and columns. (#12849)
    • Supports persistent background materialized views. (#12167)
    • Exposes hidden columns and distribution keys when using SHOW COLUMNS FROM command. (#12839)
    • Exposes hidden columns when using DESCRIBE command. (#12839)
  • SQL functions & operators
    • Supports substring and substr functions for bytea data type. (#13088)
    • Supports functions jsonb_pretty,  jsonb_object, jsonb_strip_nulls, and jsonb_extract_path. (#13050), (#13036), (#13169), (#13143)
    • Supports jsonb @><@??|, ?&, #>,  #>>, - and #- operators. (#13056), (#13110), (#13118)
    • Supports greatest and least functions. (#12838)
    • Supports regexp_split_to_array function. (#12844)
    • Supports bit_and and bit_or aggregate functions in materialized views. (#12758)
    • Supports jsonb_agg and jsonb_object_agg in streaming mode. (#12836)
    • Supports general rank and dense_rank window functions. (#13183)
  • System catalog
    • Adds column parallelism in system table rw_fragments. (#12901)
    • Adds columns is_hiddenis_primary_key and is_distribution_key in rw_columns system table. (#12839)

Sources & sinks

  • Adds google.protobuf.Any support for Protobuf sources. (#12291)
  • Adds schemas.enable support for Kafka sinks with upsert json. (#12113)
  • Adds support for Kafka sinks with Upsert Avro using schema registry. (#13007)
  • option is now optional for MySQL CDC source. (#13031)
  • Enables timestamptz.handling.mode option to control the timestamptz output format for certain sinks. (#13109)
  • Adds the stream field and support for multiple inputs for the subject field for NATS source connector. (#12799)
  • Adds new option for Kafka sink. (#12766)
  • Adds support for s3_v2 source connector, a more efficient version of the S3 source. (#12595)
  • Adds support for Google BigQuery sink. (#12873)
  • Adds support for Redis sink. (#11999)


  • Release RisingWave all-in-one binary with connector libraries. (#13133)

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0


18 Oct 10:02
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For installation and running instructions, see Get started.

Main changes

SQL features

  • SQL commands
    • Experimental: Variable BACKGROUND_DDL can be set to true when creating a materialized view. #12355
    • ALTER COLUMN command can be used for tables with non-schema-registry source. #12164
  • SQL functions & operators
    • Supports array_min. #12071
    • Supports array_max. #12100
    • Supports array_sort. #12189
    • Supports array_sum. #12162
    • format function supports variable inputs. #12178
    • Regular expression functions support back reference, positive, negative lookahead, and positive, negative lookbehind. #12329
    • Supports || operator for concatenating JSONB data. #12502
    • Supports bool_and and bool_or in materialized views. #11956
  • Query syntax:
    • Supports WITH ORDINALITY clause. #12273
  • System catalog
    • Adds new system function pg_sleep. #12294
    • Adds new system function _pg_expandarray. #12448
    • Adds new storage related system tables:
      • rw_hummock_sstables #12532
      • rw_hommock_pinned_versions, rw_hommock_pinned_snapshots #12285
      • rw_hummock_branched_objects , rw_hummock_current_version , rw_hummock_checkpoint_version , rw_hummock_version_deltas #12309
      • rw_hummock_meta_configs, rw_hummock_compaction_group_configs #12337

Sources & sinks

  • Generated columns defined with non-deterministic functions cannot be part of the primary key. #12181
  • Adds new parameter for the Kafka consumer, which sets the parameter for the Kafka client. #12223
  • Adds privatelink.endpoint parameter to the WITH clause, to support private link for Kafka connector on GCP and AWS. #12266
  • Adds parameters []( and for Kafka sources. #12574
  • Allows Kinesis source to start ingesting data from a specific timestamp. sequence_number is no longer supported as a startup mode option. #12241
  • Allow optional FORMAT DEBEZIUM ENCODE JSON after the connector definition of CDC tables. Allow optional FORMAT NATIVE ENCODE NATIVE after the connector definition of Nexmark sources or tables. #12306
  • Allows multiple URLs when defining schema registries. #11982
  • Adds support for sinking data to versions 7 and 8 of Elasticsearch. #10357,
  • Adds support for sinking append-only data to the NATS messaging system. #11924
  • Adds support for sinking data to Doris. #12336
  • Adds support for sinking data to Apache Pulsar. #12286
  • Adds support for sinking data to Cassandra and ScyllaDB. #11878
  • Adds support for creating upsert Iceberg sinks. #12576
  • Supports specifying the sink_decouple session variable as default, true and enable, or false and disable. #12544
  • varchar column in RisingWave can sink into a uuid column in Postgres. #12704
  • New syntaxes for specifying data format and data encode when creating a Kafka, Kinesis, and Pulsar sink. #12556

Administration & observability

Adds information_schema.views, which contains information about views defined in the database.

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0


11 Sep 02:54
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For installation and running instructions, see Get started.

Main changes

SQL features

  • SQL commands:

    • Breaking change: Syntax of emit-on-window-close has changed. If your application contains integration code, please update your code accordingly. #11363
      In v1.1:


      In v1.2 and onwards:

    • Privileges for tables can now be granted or revoked. #11725

    • The default DISTRIBUTED BY columns have been changed from the whole index columns into the first index column. #11865

    • Supports ALTER SOURCE ADD COLUMN. #11350

    • Supports SHOW JOBS and CANCEL JOBS , with which you can show the in-progress streaming jobs and cancel jobs by their IDs. #11854

    • Supports [I]LIKE in SHOW commands. #11791

  • SQL functions & operators

    • Supports lambda functions via array_transform. #11888 #11937
    • to_date() #11241
    • The to_char() function now supports timestamptz input. #11778
    • scalemin_scale , and trim_scale #11663
    • Supports regexp_replace . #11819
    • Supports regexp_count . #11975
    • Supports [NOT] ILIKE expressions. #11743
    • Adds support for [!]~~[*] operators. They’ll be parsed to [NOT] [I]LIKE expressions. #11748
    • Supports IS JSON predicate. #11831
  • Query syntax:

    • Adds support for LIMIT clauses in streaming queries. #11566
    • Supports LATERAL subqueries. #11780
  • System catalog

    • A new group of system catalogs (rw_relations, rw_system_tables, rw_types, rw_user_secrets, and rw_columns) are available for you to retrieve system data and metadata. #11334
    • Adds new system function pg_relation_size() . #11687
  • Adds support for transactions for single-table CDC data. #11453

Sources & sinks

  • Adds a new parameter to the Kafka connector, with with you can specify naming strategies for schema registries. #11384
  • Breaking Change: Implements a Rust-native Iceberg sink connector to improve stability and performance. The connector introduces new parameters. Applications that rely on the previous version of the feature (specifically, the version included in RisingWave v1.0.0 and v1.1) may no longer function correctly. To restore functionality to your applications, please carefully review the syntax and parameters outlined on this page and make any necessary revisions to your code. Please refer to Sink data to Iceberg for details. #11326
  • Adds support for sinking data to ClickHouse. #11240
  • Experimental: An enhancement has been made to the mysql-cdc connector to improve data ingestion performance. It achieves so by optimizing the data backfilling logic for CDC tables. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, run this command: SET cdc_backfill="true"; #11707
  • Adds a parameter for Kafka sources. #11911


  • Supports HDFS as the storage backend for deployments via Docker Compose. #11632

Administration & observability

  • Adds a new system parameter max_concurrent_creating_streaming_jobs, with which users can specify the maximum number of streaming jobs that can be created concurrently. #11601
  • Improves the calculation logic of the Mem Table Size (Max) metric in RisingWave Dashboard. #11442
  • Adds new metrics to RisingWave Dashboard:
    • Materialized View Memory Usage #10958
    • Materialized View Read Size, Materialized View Write Size #11054
    • Active Sessions #11688

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0


05 Sep 08:23
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release v1.1.4