aws_key_id |
*secret.Secret |
No |
- |
AWS access key id Secret
aws_sec_key |
*secret.Secret |
No |
- |
AWS secret key. Secret
check_apikey_on_start |
string |
No |
- |
Check AWS key on start
grant_read |
string |
No |
- |
Allows grantee to read the object data and its metadata
overwrite |
string |
No |
- |
Overwrite already existing path
path |
string |
No |
- |
Path prefix of the files on S3
grant_write_acp |
string |
No |
- |
Allows grantee to write the ACL for the applicable object
check_bucket |
string |
No |
- |
Check bucket if exists or not
sse_customer_key |
string |
No |
- |
Specifies the customer-provided encryption key for Amazon S3 to use in encrypting data
sse_customer_key_md5 |
string |
No |
- |
Specifies the 128-bit MD5 digest of the encryption key according to RFC 1321
compute_checksums |
string |
No |
- |
AWS SDK uses MD5 for API request/response by default
warn_for_delay |
string |
No |
- |
Given a threshold to treat events as delay, output warning logs if delayed events were put into s3
use_bundled_cert |
string |
No |
- |
Use aws-sdk-ruby bundled cert
s3_endpoint |
string |
No |
- |
Custom S3 endpoint (like minio)
ssekms_key_id |
string |
No |
- |
Specifies the AWS KMS key ID to use for object encryption
s3_metadata |
string |
No |
- |
Arbitrary S3 metadata headers to set for the object
force_path_style |
string |
No |
- |
If true, the bucket name is always left in the request URI and never moved to the host as a sub-domain
auto_create_bucket |
string |
No |
- |
Create S3 bucket if it does not exists
index_format |
string |
No |
- |
sprintf format for %{index}
signature_version |
string |
No |
- |
Signature version for API Request (s3,v4)
enable_transfer_acceleration |
string |
No |
- |
If true, S3 Transfer Acceleration will be enabled for uploads. IMPORTANT: You must first enable this feature on your destination S3 bucket
ssl_verify_peer |
string |
No |
- |
If false, the certificate of endpoint will not be verified
proxy_uri |
string |
No |
- |
URI of proxy environment
grant_read_acp |
string |
No |
- |
Allows grantee to read the object ACL
check_object |
string |
No |
- |
Check object before creation
sse_customer_algorithm |
string |
No |
- |
Specifies the algorithm to use to when encrypting the object
use_server_side_encryption |
string |
No |
- |
The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3 (AES256, aws:kms)
s3_region |
string |
No |
- |
S3 region name
acl |
string |
No |
- |
Permission for the object in S3
grant_full_control |
string |
No |
- |
Allows grantee READ, READ_ACP, and WRITE_ACP permissions on the object
hex_random_length |
string |
No |
- |
The length of %{hex_random} placeholder(4-16)
s3_object_key_format |
string |
No |
%{path}%{time_slice}_%{index}.%{file_extension} |
The format of S3 object keys
s3_bucket |
string |
Yes |
- |
S3 bucket name
store_as |
string |
No |
- |
Archive format on S3
storage_class |
string |
No |
- |
The type of storage to use for the object(STANDARD,REDUCED_REDUNDANCY,STANDARD_IA)
aws_iam_retries |
string |
No |
- |
The number of attempts to load instance profile credentials from the EC2 metadata service using IAM role
buffer |
*Buffer |
No |
- |
format |
*Format |
No |
- |
assume_role_credentials |
*S3AssumeRoleCredentials |
No |
- |
Assume Role Credentials
instance_profile_credentials |
*S3InstanceProfileCredentials |
No |
- |
Instance Profile Credentials
shared_credentials |
*S3SharedCredentials |
No |
- |
Shared Credentials