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Send your logs to Elasticsearch

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
host string No localhost You can specify Elasticsearch host by this parameter.
port int No 9200 You can specify Elasticsearch port by this parameter.
hosts string No - You can specify multiple Elasticsearch hosts with separator ",". If you specify hosts option, host and port options are ignored.
user string No - User for HTTP Basic authentication. This plugin will escape required URL encoded characters within %{} placeholders. e.g. %{demo+}
password *secret.Secret No - Password for HTTP Basic authentication.
path string No - Path for HTTP Basic authentication.
scheme string No http Connection scheme
ssl_verify bool Yes true Skip ssl verification (default: true)
ssl_version string No - If you want to configure SSL/TLS version, you can specify ssl_version parameter. [SSLv23, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2]
logstash_format bool No false Enable Logstash log format.
include_timestamp bool No - Adds a @timestamp field to the log, following all settings logstash_format does, except without the restrictions on index_name. This allows one to log to an alias in Elasticsearch and utilize the rollover API.
logstash_prefix string No true Set the Logstash prefix.
logstash_prefix_separator string No - Set the Logstash prefix separator.
logstash_dateformat string No %Y.%m.%d Set the Logstash date format.
pipeline string No - This param is to set a pipeline id of your elasticsearch to be added into the request, you can configure ingest node.
time_key_format string No - The format of the time stamp field (@timestamp or what you specify with time_key). This parameter only has an effect when logstash_format is true as it only affects the name of the index we write to.
time_precision string No - Should the record not include a time_key, define the degree of sub-second time precision to preserve from the time portion of the routed event.
time_key string No - By default, when inserting records in Logstash format, @timestamp is dynamically created with the time at log ingestion. If you'd like to use a custom time, include an @timestamp with your record.
utc_index bool No true By default, the records inserted into index logstash-YYMMDD with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This option allows to use local time if you describe utc_index to false.
target_index_key string No - Tell this plugin to find the index name to write to in the record under this key in preference to other mechanisms. Key can be specified as path to nested record using dot ('.') as a separator.
target_type_key string No true Similar to target_index_key config, find the type name to write to in the record under this key (or nested record). If key not found in record - fallback to type_name.
template_name string No - The name of the template to define. If a template by the name given is already present, it will be left unchanged, unless template_overwrite is set, in which case the template will be updated.
template_file string No - The path to the file containing the template to install.
templates string No - Specify index templates in form of hash. Can contain multiple templates.
customize_template string No - Specify the string and its value to be replaced in form of hash. Can contain multiple key value pair that would be replaced in the specified template_file. This setting only creates template and to add rollover index please check the rollover_index configuration.
rollover_index bool No false Specify this as true when an index with rollover capability needs to be created.
index_date_pattern string No now/d Specify this to override the index date pattern for creating a rollover index.
deflector_alias string No - Specify the deflector alias which would be assigned to the rollover index created. This is useful in case of using the Elasticsearch rollover API
index_prefix string No - Specify the index prefix for the rollover index to be created.
application_name string No default Specify the application name for the rollover index to be created.
template_overwrite bool No false Always update the template, even if it already exists.
max_retry_putting_template string No 10 You can specify times of retry putting template.
fail_on_putting_template_retry_exceed bool No true Indicates whether to fail when max_retry_putting_template is exceeded. If you have multiple output plugin, you could use this property to do not fail on fluentd statup.
max_retry_get_es_version string No 15 You can specify times of retry obtaining Elasticsearch version.
request_timeout string No 5s You can specify HTTP request timeout.
reload_connections bool No true You can tune how the elasticsearch-transport host reloading feature works.
reload_on_failure bool No false Indicates that the elasticsearch-transport will try to reload the nodes addresses if there is a failure while making the request, this can be useful to quickly remove a dead node from the list of addresses.
resurrect_after string No 60s You can set in the elasticsearch-transport how often dead connections from the elasticsearch-transport's pool will be resurrected.
include_tag_key bool No false This will add the Fluentd tag in the JSON record.
tag_key string No tag This will add the Fluentd tag in the JSON record.
id_key string No -
routing_key string No - Similar to parent_key config, will add _routing into elasticsearch command if routing_key is set and the field does exist in input event.
remove_keys_on_update string No - Remove keys on update will not update the configured keys in elasticsearch when a record is being updated. This setting only has any effect if the write operation is update or upsert.
remove_keys_on_update_key string No - This setting allows remove_keys_on_update to be configured with a key in each record, in much the same way as target_index_key works.
retry_tag string No - This setting allows custom routing of messages in response to bulk request failures. The default behavior is to emit failed records using the same tag that was provided.
write_operation string No index The write_operation can be any of: (index,create,update,upsert)
reconnect_on_error bool No false Indicates that the plugin should reset connection on any error (reconnect on next send). By default it will reconnect only on "host unreachable exceptions". We recommended to set this true in the presence of elasticsearch shield.
with_transporter_log bool No false This is debugging purpose option to enable to obtain transporter layer log.
content_type string No application/json With content_type application/x-ndjson, elasticsearch plugin adds application/x-ndjson as Content-Type in payload.
include_index_in_url bool No - With this option set to true, Fluentd manifests the index name in the request URL (rather than in the request body). You can use this option to enforce an URL-based access control.
time_parse_error_tag string No - With logstash_format true, elasticsearch plugin parses timestamp field for generating index name. If the record has invalid timestamp value, this plugin emits an error event to @ERROR label with time_parse_error_tag configured tag.
http_backend string No excon With http_backend typhoeus, elasticsearch plugin uses typhoeus faraday http backend. Typhoeus can handle HTTP keepalive.
prefer_oj_serializer bool No fqlse With default behavior, Elasticsearch client uses Yajl as JSON encoder/decoder. Oj is the alternative high performance JSON encoder/decoder. When this parameter sets as true, Elasticsearch client uses Oj as JSON encoder/decoder.
buffer *Buffer No - Buffer