git clone
All releases are merged to master and tagged.
If fixes to a previous version are necessary the tag should be checked out from master into a topic branch, then merged to a release branch matching the new version. The release branch should then be merged into master and tagged as before.
make deps-up
# development database is configured in project.clj :repl profile
# may override with profiles.clj
lein repl
user=> (init)
# run Nemo from lein
lein run
# run Nemo from repl
lein repl
user=> (start)
# stop Nemo if necessary
user=> (stop)
The repl will automatically import most Nemo namespaces using short aliases
See user.clj
# uses the test profile in project.clj
# warnings and stack traces are expected as long as all tests pass
make tests
# may also use make uberjar
user@machine:~/lcmap-nemo$ lein uberjar
Compiling lcmap.nemo.config
Compiling lcmap.nemo.http
Compiling lcmap.nemo.util
Compiling lcmap.nemo.jmx
Compiling lcmap.nemo.tables
Compiling lcmap.nemo.db
Compiling lcmap.nemo.main
Created /home/user/lcmap-nemo/target/nemo-3.4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Created /home/user/lcmap-nemo/target/nemo-3.4.1-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
See Running
Travis-CI automatically builds each commit and pushes a built Docker image to Dockerhub tagged with the version and branchname.
To deploy manually, see the Makefile.