- Client version updated on 5.0.21
- Empty interrupted suite in case of duplicate step
- Table parameter handling for different reporters
- Missed javadocs
- Missed annotations
- A protected method
to ease Feature creation customization
- Client version updated on 5.0.15
- 'CHILD_START_TIME_EARLIER_THAN_PARENT' Exception in some cases
- Double error message reporting
- Docstring parameter handling
- Many static methods from Util class were moved to AbstractReporter class and made protected to ease extension
- Client version updated
- Callback reporting
- Test step parameters handling
- Mime type processing for data embedding was improved
- Manually-reported nested steps now correctly fail all parents
- Scenario Outline iteration number in item names, to not break re-runs
- A bug when ambiguous item cases a Null Pointer Exception
- Incorrect item type settings
- Nested steps support
- multi-thread execution support
- Test Case ID support
- codeRef reporting was added for every item in an item tree
- cucumber status mapping