A Kodi addon simplifying the installation of pulseaudio equalizer on OSMC systems.
Tested on raspberry pi 3b.
It installs pulseaudio together with the required modules and the Linux Addon Repository. It further configures the system to run with pulseaudio.
Version 1.0.1
- Download latest zip from releases.
- In OSMC, select install from zip and install this addon.
- Now it is possible to select different scripts in the OSMC Equalizer Setup settings.
settings -> Add-on browser -> Install from zip file
settings -> Add-on brower -> My add-ons -> Program add-ons -> Equalizer Setup -> Configure
Install -> Prepare System with Pulseaudio
Reboot is important to start OSMC with pulseaudio.
settings -> Add-on browser -> My add-ons -> Add-on repository -> Linux Addon Repository -> enable
settings -> Add-on browser -> Install from repository -> Linux Addon Repository -> Program add-ons -> Pulse Equalizer
settings -> System -> Audio -> Audio output device -> Pulseaudio Sound Server
Pulseaudio is in conflict with ALSA if it comes to bluetooth devices. Therefore alsa-bluetooth needs to be disabled, when bluetooth shall be used with pulseaudio equalizer.
settings -> Add-on browser -> My add-ons -> Program add-ons -> Equalizer Setup -> Configure
Install -> Disable Alsa Bluetooth
settings -> Add-on brower -> My add-ons -> Program add-ons -> Equalizer Setup -> Configure
Remove -> Remove Pulseaudio from System
settings -> Add-on brower -> My add-ons -> Program add-ons -> Equalizer Setup -> Configure
Remove -> Enable Alsa Bluetooth
There are five shell scripts that also could be launched from command line. They are located in
install_equalizer: Install pulseaudio, pulseaudio-equalizer, swh-plugins,pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, alters the OSMC startup script, downloads and installs the Linux Addon Repository
remove_equalizer: removes pulseaudio, pulseaudio-equalizer, swh-plugins,pulseaudio-module-bluetooth from the system, recovers original OSMC startup script
disable_alsa_blue: stops and disables bluealsa.service
enable_alsa_blue: enables and starts bluealsa.service
restore_pa_setting: restores the pulseaudio settings to default
Those script are launched with sudo -u osmc, obviously they need root access to make the changes to the system. Currently there is no password request by osmc for sudo, this might change in the future. In this case this addon needs to be altered.
2022 wastis