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+# Configuration
+| key | type | default | description |
+| ------------------------- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------- |
+| endpoint | string | http://localhost:8080 | |
+| redirectLogin | string | http://localhost:3000 | |
+| redirectSignup | string | http://localhost:3000/signup | |
+| redirectMagicLinkVerify | string | http://localhost:3000/magiclink-verify | |
+| callbackUrl | string | http://localhost:3000/callback | |
+| dateFormat | string | | |
+| shortDateFormat | string | | |
+| theme | 'dark' or 'light' | 'light' | |
+| billing.successUrl | string | http://localhost:3000/success | |
+| billing.cancelUrl | string | http://localhost:3000/cancel | |
+| billing.cancelAfterTrial | boolean | true | |
+| billing.showPerMonthPrice | boolean | false | |
+| billing.supportEmail | string | '' | |
+| billing.hideDecimals | boolean | false | |
+| billing.tokenProductId | string | '' | |
diff --git a/docs/docs/sdk/introduction.md b/docs/docs/sdk/introduction.md
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+# Introduction
+Frontier SDK provides wrapper arround [Frontier Apis](/apis/frontier-administration-api) and React components which you can integrate in your web app for user and organization management.
+## Setup
+Install the sdk in your project.
+npm i @raystack/frontier
+Import the `FrontierProvider` in the root of your project and wrap your application code with it.
+import { FrontierProvider } from "@raystack/frontier/react";
+const frontierConfig = {};
+function App() {
+ return (