Avoid the warning raised by clang on aarch64-mingw-ucrt
Avoid the warning raised by clang on aarch64-mingw-ucrt
Add -Wall and -Werror to rcd_test compiler options
Add -Wall and -Werror to rcd_test compiler options
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Force push
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Force push
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Force push
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Force push
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Force push
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
Add new platform aarch64-mingw-ucrt aka Windows on ARM
feat: allow easier selection of the ruby run in the container
feat: allow easier selection of the ruby run in the container
Force push
feat: allow easier selection of the ruby run in the container
feat: allow easier selection of the ruby run in the container
feat: introduce RakeCompilerDock.set_ruby_cc_version
feat: introduce RakeCompilerDock.set_ruby_cc_version
Bump cross-ruby 3.3 to 3.3.7 (from 3.3.5)
Bump cross-ruby 3.3 to 3.3.7 (from 3.3.5)
Force push
Bump cross-ruby to v3.3.6 (from v3.3.5)
Bump cross-ruby to v3.3.6 (from v3.3.5)
mri: build 3.x rubies with ruby 3.4.1
mri: build 3.x rubies with ruby 3.4.1
Add Ruby 3.4.1 as a "host" rbenv ruby, and make it the default.
Add Ruby 3.4.1 as a "host" rbenv ruby, and make it the default.