Welcome to FLAM-Seq, nice to see you again.
The analysis pipeline is implemented in Python3 and requires STARlong and featureCounts as addtional software. Packages and Software Versions used are listed below:
python 3.6.7 Anaconda, Inc.
STARlong 2.5.4b
FeatureCounts 1.6.0
regex 2018.2.21
pysam 0.14
pandas 0.23.4
yaml 0.1.7
-h: Show help
-p, --parameters: Parameter YAML file specifying configurations for analysis
all Run complete FLAM-Seq Analysis Pipeline. This includes all steps listed below:
preprocess, quantTail, mapQuant, cleanGenomic, result
preprocess Preprocess input fastq reads. Check if reads contain adapters and place reads in correct orientation.
This step creates /preprocessDir and creates *_preprocessed_filtered.fq files
containing preprocessed reads and *_preprocessed_filtered_error.fq, containing reads without
adapters/poly(A) tails.
quantTail Quantify poly(A) tail length and sequence from preprocessed reads. This step uses 2 Algorithms
with different parameter combinations in order to extract putative poly(A) tail sequences from
reads. This step creates /quantTailDir with *_trimmed_tail.fq, containing reads with
poly(A) tail trimmed for later mapping, *_umis.txt, containing read names and read UMIs,
*_tail_length.txt containing poly(A) tail length, sequence and read name and
*_no_tail.fq containing reads without detectable poly(A) sequence.
mapQuant Map trimmed reads and assign reads to genes. This step maps reads with trimmed poly(A) tail
sequences using STARLong to genome index specified in parameters.yaml. Next aligned reads
are assigned to gene models using FeatureCounts and GTF file specified in parameters.yaml.
This step creates /mapQuantGeneDir with *__Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam containing
mapped read BAM file (sorted), *_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.featureCounts containing read names
tagged with gene-of-origin.
cleanGenomic cleanGenomic compares the sequences derived from putative poly(A) tail with the genomic sequence
of the mapping location of the respective read. This step 'cleans' nucleotides from 5'ends of putative
poly(A) sequences from nucleotides which are encoded in the genome.
This step requires genome fasta file specified in parameters.yaml.
It creates /cleanGenomicDir with *_cleaned.bam conataining aligned reads filtered by
reads with valid poly(A) tail, *_clean_genomic_tail_length.txt, containing cleaned poly(A)
length/sequence and *_genomic_non_temp_tails.txt containing parts of each read that are not
templated by genome.
result Aggregate data from above steps into *_gene_polyA_length.csv. This file contains for each
read poly(A) tail length and sequence, UMI and gene the read maps to. This step creates
Before running this analysis pipeline, PacBio or Nanopore sequencing data need to ne converted to .fastq
This can be done using default software of respective sequencing systems.
The obtained .fastq
file is the starting point for the analysis.
Running the pipeline requires only configuration of the .parameters.yaml
file. This file specifies all relevant
parameters for the analysis, such as path to input files, output directory, mapping index, etc.
It is recommended to generate a new parameters.yaml
file for each sample to be analyzed and store it in the
respective output folder.
The pipeline can the simply be run using the FLAMSeqAnalysis.py
python3 /path/to/FLAMSeqAnalysis.py command -p /path/to/parameter.yaml
e.g. for running the complete pipeline
python3 /path/to/FLAMSeqAnalysis.py all -p /path/to/parameter.yaml
or for mapping and quantifying the reads
python3 /path/to/FLAMSeqAnalysis.py mapQuant -p /path/to/parameter.yaml
A template parameters.yaml
file is provided with the pipeline. The file can be renamed but structure of keywords withing the
file (everything before the ':') must not be changed. All paths need to be adapted to user requirements. An example is
shown below:
experimentName: "FLAMSeq_1" # Name of Experiment. This will be prefix for generated analysis files.
rawFastq: "/path/to/pacbioreads.fq" # Define Path to Input PacBio / Nanopore Reads in fastq format
outputDir: "/path/to/outputDir" # Define Path to Output dir for writing analysis results. Pipeline will generate of dir is not present.
genomeIndexDir: "/path/to/STARIndex" # Define Dir for STARLong Index for Mapping
annotationGTF: "/path/to/GTFFile" # GTF File containing gene annotations for assigning reads to genes
genomeFasta: "/path/to/genomeFasta" # Genome Fasta File containing genome sequence (that the index was generated from)
STARlong: "/path/to/STARlong" # Path to STARlong executable
featureCounts: "/path/to/featureCounts" # Path to FeatureCounts executable
nThreads: 8 # Number of threads for mapping reads
We recommend continuing your analysis with the *_gene_polyA_length.csv
file generated in the /resultDir
after running the complete pipeline. This file can easily be loaded into R or Pandas for downstream analysis on poly(A)
FLAM-Seq has beed developed by Ivano Legnini, Salah Ayoub, Nikos Karaiskos and Jonathan Alles as members of the Nikolaus Rajewsky Lab at the Max Delbruck Center Berlin. FLAM-Seq allows for sequencing of entire RNA molecules. A preprint describing the FLAM-Seq method can be found here.