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RESTest is a framework for automated black-box testing of RESTful web APIs. It follows a model-based approach, where test cases are automatically derived from the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) of the API under test. No access to the source code is required, which makes it possible to test APIs written in any programming language, running in local or remote servers.

RESTest Wiki

In this page you can find a brief description of how RESTest works and an illustrating example. If you want to read the full documentation, please visit the Wiki.

How does it work?

The figure below shows how RESTest works:

  1. Test model generation: RESTest takes as input the OAS specification of the API under test, considered the system model. A test model is automatically generated from the system model including test-specific configuration data. The default test model can be manually enriched with fine-grained configuration details such as test data generation settings.

  2. Abstract test case generation: The system and the test models drive the generation of abstract test cases following user-defined test case generation strategies such as random testing. If the API under test contains inter-parameter dependencies, then constraint-based testing can be applied, specifying the dependencies in the OAS specification using the IDL4OAS extension (see examples here and here). Requests satisfying all inter-parameter dependencies are automatically generated thanks to IDLReasoner.

  3. Test case generation: The abstract test cases are instantiated into a specific programming language or testing framework using a test writer. RESTest currently supports the generation of REST Assured and Postman test cases.

  4. Test case execution: The test cases are executed and a set of reports and stats are generated. Stats are machine-readable, and the test reports can be graphically visualized thanks to Allure.

  5. Feedback collection: Test case generators can react to the test outputs (i.e., the stats generated in the previous step) to create more sophisticated test cases. An example of this is the search-based module of the RESTest framework, currently in beta.


What can I do with RESTest?

Check out the following demo video, where we discuss some of the things that you can do with RESTest, both from the user and the developer point of view. The showcase shown in the video is available at

RESTest demo video

Quickstart guide

To get started with RESTest, download the code and move to the parent directory:

git clone
cd RESTest

Setting up RESTest

Let's try RESTest with some API, for example, Bikewise. Follow these steps:

  1. Get the OAS specification of the API under test. For Bikewise, it is available at the following path: src/test/resources/Bikewise/swagger.yaml.

  2. Generate the test configuration file. From the OAS spec, we can automatically generate the test configuration file. To do so, run the CreateTestConf class, located under the package. The test configuration file will be generated at the location src/test/resources/Bikewise/testConf.yaml.

  3. (Optional) Modify the test configuration file to tailor your needs. For example, you can remove some operations you are not interested to test. For more info, visit the Wiki.

  4. Configure RESTest execution. To set things like number of test cases to generate, testing technique, etc., you need to create a RESTest configuration file. You can find the RESTest configuration file for the Bikewise API at src/test/resources/Bikewise/ With this configuration, a total of 60 test cases will be generated in three iterations, without delay between them, and the test outputs and reports will be stored under the folders target/<type_of_data>/bikewise:


# Test case generator

# Number of test cases to be generated per operation on each iteration

# OAS specification

# Test configuration file

# Directory where the test cases will be generated

# Experiment name (for naming related folders and files)

# Name of the test class to be generated

# Measure input coverage

# Measure output coverage

# Enable CSV statistics

# Maximum number of test cases to be generated

# Optional delay between each iteration (in seconds)

# Ratio of faulty test cases to be generated (negative testing)


# Ratio of faulty test cases to be generated due to broken dependencies.

# Number of test cases after which new test data will be loaded.

# Max number of data values for each parameter
  1. Run RESTest. Edit the following line of TestGenerationAndExecution to set the path to the RESTest configuration file. Then, run the TestGenerationAndExecution class, located under the package.

Generated test cases and test reports

RESTest generates REST Assured test cases like the following one:

public void test_s4p3ksipllk1_GETversionincidentsformat() {
	String testResultId = "test_s4p3ksipllk1_GETversionincidentsformat";

	nominalOrFaultyTestCaseFilter.updateFaultyData(false, true, "none");

	try {
		Response response = RestAssured
			.queryParam("per_page", "67")
			.queryParam("incident_type", "crash")
			.queryParam("apikey_2", "ghi")
			.queryParam("occurred_before", "76")
			.queryParam("occurred_after", "8")
			.queryParam("page", "12")
			.queryParam("apikey_1", "abc")

		System.out.println("Test passed.");
	} catch (RuntimeException ex) {

This test case makes a GET request to the endpoint /v2/incidents with several query parameters. Then it asserts that:

  • The status code is not 500 or higher (server error).
  • The status code is in the range 2XX if the request is valid or 4XX if the request is faulty.
  • The response conforms to the OAS specification of the API.

Finally, test failures are collected and they can be easily spotted and analyzed in a user-friendly GUI, built with Allure. To do so, open the file target/allure-reports/bikewise/index.html in your browser:


Running RESTest as a JAR

Instead of from an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA, you can also run RESTest as a fat JAR. You have two options:

Option 1: Build RESTest from source

To package RESTest as a fat JAR file, run the following command in the root directory:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Then, run the JAR file passing as argument the path to the properties file, for example:

java -jar target/restest-full.jar src/test/resources/Bikewise/

Option 2: Download the latest release

Go to the releases page and download the latest one. RESTest releases consist of ZIP files which, once uncompressed, provide the directory structure and the necessary resources to run RESTest as a JAR. You can test the same example shown in the quickstart guide by running the following command:

java -jar restest.jar src/test/resources/Folder/


RESTest is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0.

RESTest includes Allure Framework © 2019 Qameta Software OÜ. It is used under the the terms of the Apache 2.0 License, which can be obtained from

RESTest also includes MiniZinc © 2014-2020 Monash University and Data61, CSIRO. Its source code is available from GitHub under the MPL 2.0 License, which can be obtained from

Icon credits

This README and some pages of the Wiki use icons provided by Freepik, available at Flaticon.