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92 lines (74 loc) · 2.14 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (74 loc) · 2.14 KB


Search in all files like <trace.log*> containing "mySearchString"

    grep "mySearchString" trace.log*

List of files containing "lorem ipsum" (ignore case sensitve)

    grep -li "lorem ipsum" *

Search in all files like <trace.log*> containing "mySearchString" recursively

    grep -R "mySearchString" <trace.log*> .

Search in all files like <pom.xml> containing "runtime", print the line itself and print 1 line after and 3 lines before

h - print file name n - line number

    grep --include="pom.xml" -nRHi "<scope>runtime</scope>" -A1 -B3 *

Find all files ending with <.java> containing "class? " recursively

    egrep -r "class.*?{\s+}" --include=*.java .

Find all files recursively ending with <*> and containing "org.mockito" or "org.easymock"

    grep -lR "org.mockito" --include=* * | xargs grep "org.easymock"

Find all files recursively ending with <*> and containing "EasyMockSupport" but not "replayAll"

    grep -lR "EasyMockSupport" --include=* * | xargs grep -L "replayAll"

Print lines in a file

    wc -l

Count duplicate lines in a file

    sort <file> | uniq -c

Find all files with a size of 2 bytes

    find . -type f -size 2c -exec ls {} \;

Count all files in a folder

    ls -1 ./ | wc -l

Print last lines of file and color lines containing "ERROR" red

tail -f /opt/tomcat-instances/logs/catalina.out | perl -pe 's/.ERROR./\e[1;31m$&\e[0m/g'

Print the nth column of a file

    awk -v x=2 '{print $x}' <file>

Print all but the first 2 columns

    awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}' <file>

Execute command and print on console AND into a file

    ls 2>&1 | tee /tmp/ls.txt

Copy all pom.xml and there folder content into a new destination folder

    find . -name pom.xml | pax -0 -rw /targetFolder

Build checkSum on all WAR files and validate (later on)

    find . -regex ".*war$" -print0 | xargs -0 shasum -b > shasum.original
    shasum -c shasum.original

Show all PIDs and the used ports

    sudo netstat -pltun