All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
1.13.0 (2025-02-26)
- remove unnecessary GitHub templates (14e216c)
- github-actions disable unecessary step publishing upstream assets (0b8c1b1)
- konflux disable sast-coverity-check (c24ab9e)
- drop commit lint action (fc00c43)
- konflux make snyk results available on ui (d5d28b8)
- creating a Source should not create a connect-type ScanJob (febb083)
- deps update konflux references (5f66368)
- deps update docker digest to e73b92e (19708c2)
- deps update docker digest to a2cc112 (b558539)
- deps update konflux references (49a2d16)
- deps update docker digest to 07c63a0 (f6a4532)
- deps update docker digest to 069d130 (cc21f71)
- deps update docker digest to c6cb099 (608d58f)
- bump node version to 22 (8db9cd2)
- undo change made by mistake (df9c133)
1.12.0 (2025-02-04)
- add ouiaId to make reports downloading easier (d1e533a)
- konflux upgrade arm build to a instance with more memory (eb6d142)
- konflux multi-arch support (3c1936a)
- konflux add missing versions to tekton tasks (3f5b000)
- konflux update tekton tasks (53238d6)
- konflux make labels customizable (8e94966)
- konflux build source image (5d82175)
- konflux setup prefetch-dependencies step (36508d7)
- konflux disable update of dnf packages (61883bb)
- konflux enable hermetic build (bf53cef)
- konflux use branded version (5bdc5c1)
- konflux add labels (d390733)
- konflux add /licenses folder for konflux (10ab37f)
- deps update konflux references (e5ca59a)
- deps update konflux references (4151525)
- build ds-748 use correct container label (d270259)
- deps bump path-to-regexp and express (f249d2b)
- deps bump axios (63aa8d9)
- konflux lock base image by digest (70c033e)
- add a utility script to make development easier (72347e7)
- onboard to konflux (cac26fd)
1.11.0 (2024-12-02)
- ds-767 lower coverage thresholds (b9a82b8)
- ds-523 introduce Camayoc PR testing (db649bb)
- addSourceModal ds-767 lint, test updates (#446) (cc533bc)
- addSourcesScanModal ds-767 lint, test updates (#450) (62bbd97)
- ds-767 ignore views from coverage (#447) (d527630)
- showSourceConnectionsModal ds-742 lint, add tests (#431) (87ae466)
- showScansModal ds-742 lint, simplify test (#430) (3c65718)
- typeaheadCheckboxes ds-742 lint, basic test (#429) (f3b2d85)
- actionMenu ds-742 lint, test updates (#426) (55df3b0)
- helpers ds-742 snapshot, update link click error (#424) (302e131)
- ds-742 remove typings, constants from coverage (#423) (481aa9a)
- ds-356 adjust mock i18next to output string (#422) (bd111cf)
- ds-680 unit tests to hooks/useScanApi (#381) (4af0050)
- ds-680 unit tests to hooks/useSourceApi (cd8abe9)
- ds-680 unit tests to hooks/useCredentialApi (#379) (92f4b7d)
- ds-680 add unit tests to hooks/useAlerts (#377) (ce068c2)
- ds-662 add unit tests to helpers module (#368) (b27b830)
- credentials ds-438 fix inconsistent style (#456) (d0a7b69)
- cred,source,scan ds-438 popup style fix (#454) (1db100d)
- ds-647 file, linting consistency (#390) (e340035)
- file, linting consistency (#390) (64ac3c4)
- credential ds-438 edit credential (#507) (8412af8)
- ActionMenu ds-437 add download report button (#513) (23546f0)
- login ds-805 Display proper message on 403 response (3d49861)
- errorMessage ds-809 creds, scans, sources messaging (#490) (154014c)
- aboutModal ds-808 display user, status info (#488) (1bc3c89)
- scans ds-437 add close button to modal (#478) (859471a)
- ds-356 exclusively serve the current UI (9a0211d)
- ds-504 add credential feature (#414) (ef7cab9)
- ds-647 adjust gh workflow job names (#396) (f3a4ac0)
- ds-647 favor jest coverage report, remove codecov (#391) (e9667f2)
- ds-647 reorder lint, build, test actions (#391) (b81fb52)
- ds-438 display items alphabetical order (#486) (baf4808)
- addSourceModal align form state with credential form (#460) (dcab39d)
- testing DISCOVERY-523 Add attributes to aid UI tests (#463) (c1a548a)
- ds-775 dotenv params for branding display (#459) (b00c770)
- i18n ds-742 component, test updates (#428) (1b0ac5e)
- simpleDropdown ds-742 simplify props, test updates (#427) (7e05f7e)
- notFound ds-742 test, simplify, add translation (#425) (c8aa20a)
- login ds-356 migrate login to api hooks (#420) (75a1ac1)
- ds-716 delete unused locale strings (#388) (cdb6819)
- useSearchParam ds-680 remove unused hook (#382) (8d294ad)
- base rewrite for typescript (#390) (0750f54)
- ds-783 remove unused empty logo assets (737289d)
- deps lock reset (#520) (085d09a)
- bump quay.expires-after from 5d to 7d (4c7cdc2)
- deps lock reset, update weldable from 3.1.3 to 3.2.0 (#501) (7bd4e0d)
- ds-776 move required packages to prod deps (#449) (82cd550)
- ds-775 integration checks moved to ci run only (#448) (8d3bee9)
- ds-356 set default value for QUIPUCORDS_APP_PORT (a0b5d7f)
- deps lock reset (#438) (aea9b3c)
- deps-dev bump group with 12 updates (#437) (ed07593)
- deps bump group with 2 updates (#435) (74c0731)
- apiStage update out-of-date scripting (#417) (1b35dd6)
- deps-dev bump weldable from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (#416) (0d2a07b)
- deps bump group with 4 updates (#412) (a5658ba)
- deps-dev bump cspell from 8.13.3 to 8.14.1 (#408) (f563dee)
- deps bump group with 2 updates (#407) (9dac7fe)
- deps-dev bump group with 6 updates (#404) (d72d78d)
- deps bump group with 2 updates (#406) (88bc83f)
- deps bump axios from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 (#403) (8d772d3)
- deps-dev bump group with 5 updates (#400) (bb1d29a)
- deps bump group with 14 updates (#398) (29ee457)
- deps-dev bump group with 9 updates (#395) (7d93fad)
- ds-627 prepare workflow for main branch (#394) (488c012)
- Containerfile,Makefile container build support (#391) (a14637d)
- ds-665 update, reset for refactor (#389) (9260de1)
- ds-839 block modal form submissions (#517) (e9a6a5e)
- views ds-832 unselect items upon deletion (5fb3a2d)
- sources ds-436 wrap scan not run message in Button (a1949dc)
- sources ds-436 accept wider range of directories values (756fb7d)
- addSourcesScanModal ds-436 deselect deep scan on close (7fb5b1f)
- showScansModal ds-437 sort last scanned headers (#502) (6fefc72)
- scans ds-437 Prevent empty modal (#499) (55efded)
- showScansModal ds-437 sort latest first (20a6e00)
- ds-437 display start_time if no end_time (e43a836)
- sources ds-436 display message if scan has not run yet (#497) (995cc26)
- viewSourcesList ds-813 useShowConnectionsApi catch errors (#494) (92603dd)
- ds-437 remove untreated errors (#489) (dcd4f7e)
- ds-441 use correct API field when sorting scans (#491) (6a077df)
- sources ds-503 accept wider range of hosts values (b1909a7)
- typeaheadCheckboxes ds-436 Sync state w prop (#476) (30cd594)
- ds-438 add refetch interval to query helper (#485) (21d441f)
- scans,source ds-437 ds-436 name filter, cred name (#487) (9181f5e)
- ds-436 Add OCP default port in form logic (#484) (c5c83b7)
- scans ds-675 remove decision manager check (#479) (6a08ef7)
- creds ds-438 use consistent naming (#477) (b3b5198)
- ds-356 login loading, error messages (#469) (454c4ad)
- test ds-783 update title SVG assets (21c9802)
- ds-783 update title SVG assets (b74f413)
- creds,sources ds-438 names inconsistency (#457) (831cc78)
- scans ds-437 remove redudant toast from scan (#458) (3465306)
- ds-356 axios response interceptors (#442) (29ed194)
- credential ds-438 use auth_type sent from api (#455) (7dc6e10)
- creds,sources,scans ds-438 update instructional text (#444) (b53fdb0)
- credential ds-391 correct rendered fields (#441) (f156f8b)
- credentials ds-391 SSH key placeholder text (#443) (6978a70)
- ds-391 render correct fields to add-cred network (#436) (642a48e)
- ds-680 apply type on import (#381) (743d86b)
- ds-716 errant comma, activate eslint for json (#397) (f88fb84)
1.9.0 (2024-12-02)
- ds-767 lower coverage thresholds (b9a82b8)
- ds-523 introduce Camayoc PR testing (db649bb)
- addSourceModal ds-767 lint, test updates (#446) (cc533bc)
- addSourcesScanModal ds-767 lint, test updates (#450) (62bbd97)
- ds-767 ignore views from coverage (#447) (d527630)
- showSourceConnectionsModal ds-742 lint, add tests (#431) (87ae466)
- showScansModal ds-742 lint, simplify test (#430) (3c65718)
- typeaheadCheckboxes ds-742 lint, basic test (#429) (f3b2d85)
- actionMenu ds-742 lint, test updates (#426) (55df3b0)
- helpers ds-742 snapshot, update link click error (#424) (302e131)
- ds-742 remove typings, constants from coverage (#423) (481aa9a)
- ds-356 adjust mock i18next to output string (#422) (bd111cf)
- ds-680 unit tests to hooks/useScanApi (#381) (4af0050)
- ds-680 unit tests to hooks/useSourceApi (cd8abe9)
- ds-680 unit tests to hooks/useCredentialApi (#379) (92f4b7d)
- ds-680 add unit tests to hooks/useAlerts (#377) (ce068c2)
- ds-662 add unit tests to helpers module (#368) (b27b830)
- credentials ds-438 fix inconsistent style (#456) (d0a7b69)
- cred,source,scan ds-438 popup style fix (#454) (1db100d)
- ds-647 file, linting consistency (#390) (e340035)
- file, linting consistency (#390) (64ac3c4)
- credential ds-438 edit credential (#507) (8412af8)
- ActionMenu ds-437 add download report button (#513) (23546f0)
- login ds-805 Display proper message on 403 response (3d49861)
- errorMessage ds-809 creds, scans, sources messaging (#490) (154014c)
- aboutModal ds-808 display user, status info (#488) (1bc3c89)
- scans ds-437 add close button to modal (#478) (859471a)
- ds-356 exclusively serve the current UI (9a0211d)
- ds-504 add credential feature (#414) (ef7cab9)
- ds-647 adjust gh workflow job names (#396) (f3a4ac0)
- ds-647 favor jest coverage report, remove codecov (#391) (e9667f2)
- ds-647 reorder lint, build, test actions (#391) (b81fb52)
- ds-438 display items alphabetical order (#486) (baf4808)
- addSourceModal align form state with credential form (#460) (dcab39d)
- testing DISCOVERY-523 Add attributes to aid UI tests (#463) (c1a548a)
- ds-775 dotenv params for branding display (#459) (b00c770)
- i18n ds-742 component, test updates (#428) (1b0ac5e)
- simpleDropdown ds-742 simplify props, test updates (#427) (7e05f7e)
- notFound ds-742 test, simplify, add translation (#425) (c8aa20a)
- login ds-356 migrate login to api hooks (#420) (75a1ac1)
- ds-716 delete unused locale strings (#388) (cdb6819)
- useSearchParam ds-680 remove unused hook (#382) (8d294ad)
- base rewrite for typescript (#390) (0750f54)
- ds-783 remove unused empty logo assets (737289d)
- deps lock reset (#520) (085d09a)
- bump quay.expires-after from 5d to 7d (4c7cdc2)
- deps lock reset, update weldable from 3.1.3 to 3.2.0 (#501) (7bd4e0d)
- ds-776 move required packages to prod deps (#449) (82cd550)
- ds-775 integration checks moved to ci run only (#448) (8d3bee9)
- ds-356 set default value for QUIPUCORDS_APP_PORT (a0b5d7f)
- deps lock reset (#438) (aea9b3c)
- deps-dev bump group with 12 updates (#437) (ed07593)
- deps bump group with 2 updates (#435) (74c0731)
- apiStage update out-of-date scripting (#417) (1b35dd6)
- deps-dev bump weldable from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (#416) (0d2a07b)
- deps bump group with 4 updates (#412) (a5658ba)
- deps-dev bump cspell from 8.13.3 to 8.14.1 (#408) (f563dee)
- deps bump group with 2 updates (#407) (9dac7fe)
- deps-dev bump group with 6 updates (#404) (d72d78d)
- deps bump group with 2 updates (#406) (88bc83f)
- deps bump axios from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 (#403) (8d772d3)
- deps-dev bump group with 5 updates (#400) (bb1d29a)
- deps bump group with 14 updates (#398) (29ee457)
- deps-dev bump group with 9 updates (#395) (7d93fad)
- ds-627 prepare workflow for main branch (#394) (488c012)
- Containerfile,Makefile container build support (#391) (a14637d)
- ds-665 update, reset for refactor (#389) (9260de1)
- ds-839 block modal form submissions (#517) (e9a6a5e)
- views ds-832 unselect items upon deletion (5fb3a2d)
- sources ds-436 wrap scan not run message in Button (a1949dc)
- sources ds-436 accept wider range of directories values (756fb7d)
- addSourcesScanModal ds-436 deselect deep scan on close (7fb5b1f)
- showScansModal ds-437 sort last scanned headers (#502) (6fefc72)
- scans ds-437 Prevent empty modal (#499) (55efded)
- showScansModal ds-437 sort latest first (20a6e00)
- ds-437 display start_time if no end_time (e43a836)
- sources ds-436 display message if scan has not run yet (#497) (995cc26)
- viewSourcesList ds-813 useShowConnectionsApi catch errors (#494) (92603dd)
- ds-437 remove untreated errors (#489) (dcd4f7e)
- ds-441 use correct API field when sorting scans (#491) (6a077df)
- sources ds-503 accept wider range of hosts values (b1909a7)
- typeaheadCheckboxes ds-436 Sync state w prop (#476) (30cd594)
- ds-438 add refetch interval to query helper (#485) (21d441f)
- scans,source ds-437 ds-436 name filter, cred name (#487) (9181f5e)
- ds-436 Add OCP default port in form logic (#484) (c5c83b7)
- scans ds-675 remove decision manager check (#479) (6a08ef7)
- creds ds-438 use consistent naming (#477) (b3b5198)
- ds-356 login loading, error messages (#469) (454c4ad)
- test ds-783 update title SVG assets (21c9802)
- ds-783 update title SVG assets (b74f413)
- creds,sources ds-438 names inconsistency (#457) (831cc78)
- scans ds-437 remove redudant toast from scan (#458) (3465306)
- ds-356 axios response interceptors (#442) (29ed194)
- credential ds-438 use auth_type sent from api (#455) (7dc6e10)
- creds,sources,scans ds-438 update instructional text (#444) (b53fdb0)
- credential ds-391 correct rendered fields (#441) (f156f8b)
- credentials ds-391 SSH key placeholder text (#443) (6978a70)
- ds-391 render correct fields to add-cred network (#436) (642a48e)
- ds-680 apply type on import (#381) (743d86b)
- ds-716 errant comma, activate eslint for json (#397) (f88fb84)
1.8.0 (2024-05-30)
- createScanDialog ds-674 drop support for brms (91dd7eb)
- ds-390 remove pause, restart scans (#350) (d040f9a)
- deps bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (e7b89b2)
- ds-663 https for local staging (#350) (c2bcac7)
- deps ds-661 move to i18next-http-backend (#362) (f8815d1)
- deps-dev bump group with 2 updates (#364) (8776248)
- deps bump react-redux (#363) (879a6a7)
- deps ds-661 pf5 package updates (#349) (92c48b2)
- deps ds-661 npm updates (#347) (0ec60db)
- deps ds-661 migrate to react 18 (#347) (90a6be3)
- ds-663 update local run, staging run for podman (#345) (88b3dd5)
- credentials ds-681 hide token in network (#369) (766c02a)
- viewToolbar dsc-682 add missing types to filter (6863500)
- credentials ds-205 disable edit for encrypted fields (#367) (9a87cd4)
- scans ds-98 disable expandable sources (#365) (f9f0305)
- add 'yarn audit' GitHub workflow (3f79bc9)
- deps-dev bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 2.7.6 to 2.7.7 (#307) (3277868)
- deps bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.4 to 4.0.0 (#309) (4a7d81f)
- credentials DISCOVERY-534 Don't try to update ro fields (6533547)
- add .noai to disable Jetbrains AI Assistant (40f06a8)
- deps bump redux from 4.2.1 to 5.0.1 (#279) (14901ba)
- deps-dev bump npm-check-updates from 16.13.1 to 16.14.12 (#280) (41406a0)
- deps-dev bump @babel/preset-env from 7.22.10 to 7.23.5 (#264) (3d66168)
- deps-dev bump glob from 10.3.3 to 10.3.10 (#256) (352fe42)
- deps bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 (#255) (d73828d)
- deps bump actions/github-script from 6 to 7 (#262) (73585fd)
- deps-dev bump sass from 1.66.1 to 1.69.5 (#257) (00a285f)
- stop recommending the "dev" branch (b8f1f6f)
- update CONTRIBUTING release instructions (370b068)
- deps-dev eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 46.5.0 to 46.8.2 (#250) (b525cf9)
- deps-dev cspell from 7.0.1 to 7.3.8 (#253) (42191ed)
- deps actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#247) (b92ea2a)
- rhacs use appropriate naming conventions (#258) (28ee440)
- acs add support for acs data source (#251) (e1faafc)
- scans discovery-423 disable scan merge reports (#243) (12fc5f4)
- deps-dev bump eslint from 8.47.0 to 8.50.0 (#246) (62cec9e)
- deps-dev jest-environment-jsdom from 29.6.2 to 29.7.0 (#245) (10949a9)
- deps-dev jest-resolve from 29.6.2 to 29.7.0 (#244) (69ec992)
- deps ncipollo/release-action from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 (#242) (d43ab54)
- deps npm updates (#238) (b65a9a3)
- scripts allow podman and docker (#237) (ae03ebf)
- testing DISCOVERY-280 Add attributes to aid UI tests (#235) (1fe16d5)
- deps-dev bump eslint-config-prettier from 8.8.0 to 8.9.0 (#233) (2c0dbe4)
- rename master branch to main (779284f)
- testing react testing, handler context wrappers (#229) (0a14eca)
- testing migrate from enzyme (#227) (0e4f798)
- deps-dev eslint-plugin-jest from 27.2.2 to 27.2.3 (#232) (45aedde)
- deps-dev bump babel-loader from 9.1.2 to 9.1.3 (#231) (8a8fe46)
- dependabot open pr limit, target branch (#226) (6244d3b)
- deps npm updates (#226) (1b4bb76)
- deps-dev bump webpack from 5.86.0 to 5.88.1 (#225) (1a58b43)
- remove unused Jenkinsfile (8c71990)
- babel update presets, targets (06461bd)
- pageLayout discovery-334 update to pf4 (#210) (e670215)
- readme,contributing discovery-330 in-depth workflows (#214) (2cdc80a)
- deps codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 (#211) (49d468a)
- docs DISCOVERY-357 Stop building docs pages (7b0fa0f)
- deps discovery-330 core npm script (#213) (2dec3d5)
- webpack discovery-334 webpack 5 (#209) (2fd67e6)
- formGroup discovery-330 pf id to fieldId (#217) (33b43de)
- deps discovery-330 resolve test warnings (#216) (20b3303)
- deps discovery-330 pf react-core update (#216) (f72808b)
- deps discovery-330 npm updates (#216) (6245917)
- createCredential DISCOVERY-363 Use ssh_passphrase (#221) (ccd62b7)
- pageLayout DISCOVERY-357 remove quipudocs links (91ce87f)
1.3.0 (2023-06-07)
- deps codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.1 to 3.1.3 (#202) (8d2713a)
- deps-dev changelog-light from 0.2.3 to 0.3.0 (#199) (258adcc)
1.2.0 (2023-04-14)
- ansible-controller add support for ansible data source (45cee58)
- build nodejs 14 to 16 (#197) (30bdc9f)
- deps ncipollo/release-action from 1.11.2 to 1.12.0 (#196) (823780e)
- deps-dev changelog-light from 0.2.1 to 0.2.3 (#195) (b28e1a3)
- deps ncipollo/release-action from 1.10.0 to 1.11.2 (#193) (f6e1464)
- script for stage container (a7e1bdd)
1.1.1 (2022-11-23)
- addSourceWizard discovery-178 sslCert default (#189) (e6537bd)
1.1.0 (2022-11-08)
- addSource,createCredential discovery-203 openshift (#185) (1ac3016)
- viewContext expose inferred context (#184) (fb57dab)
- createCredentialDialog locale strings (#185) (8490199)
- scanJobsList minor test correction (#184) (6adf7e3)
1.0.0 (2022-10-26)
- scanDownload class to function, hooks (#180) (da5a8c4)
- locale component strings (#179) (5c22489)
- addSourceWizard,createScanDialog discovery-153 forms (#174) (0f7e9f7)
- scanJobsList,sourceList discovery-154, pf4 table (#174) (220857c)
- addSourceWizard,createScanDialog locale strings (#162) (586967a)
- viewToolbar discovery-151 pf4 toolbar (#172) (c2db2ff)
- createCredentialDialog discovery-153 pf4 textInput (#161) (ce1868a)
- addSourceWizardStepTwo discovery-153 pf4 textInput (#159) (d1192c4)
- textArea discovery-153 pf4 textArea (#158) (3358126)
- checkbox discovery-153 pf4 checkbox (#155) (dd55ac0)
- radio discovery-153 pf4 radio (#153) (4c99c05)
- formGroup discovery-153 pf4 formGroup (#150) (5f5c4f6)
- touchspin discovery-153 pf4 textInput (#147) (1be4616)
- build discovery-159 generated changelog (#181) (73939d8)
- deps bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (#176) (255bc01)
- poll,sourceConstants clean up unused files (#174) (48c201d)
- deps bump classnames from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 (#175) (d6453af)
- build discovery-198 replace assets paths (#182) (26b6eb0)
- credentialsTableCells discovery-197 auth type string (#183) (68ea5d9)
- credentials,scans,sources center pending modal (#180) (94739bc)
- credentialsContext,sourcesContext delete messaging (#177) (5bbc734)
- credentialsTableCells discovery-154 sources icon (#177) (0f650d5)
- formGroup discovery-153 use validatedOptions (#161) (68e89a8)
- textInput discovery-151 state, callback sequence (#159) (4e2012a)
- addSourceWizardStepTwo invalid step check (#158) (1906783)
- touchspin discovery-153 revert state value (#150) (dcd8c0b)
- pf4-style discovery-8 pf4 base css, scss (#86) (e17a5ea)
- modal discovery-148 pf4 modal wrapper (#110) (8bc5c28)
- wizard discovery-153 pf4 wizard wrapper (#124) (d9cd662)
- addCredentialType discovery-152 button selector (#130) (4d9d524)
- table discovery-154 pf4 table wrapper (#139) (1c0b4c8)
- useTimeout discovery-154 setTimeout hook (#145) (2af7126)
- contextIcon discovery-154 programmatic icons (#145) (6632ca9)
- textInput,formHelpers discovery-151 pf4 textInput (#149) (5ecf626)
- contextIconAction discovery-154 action icons (#152) (0fe3186)
- routerContext discovery-150 hook context (#169) (aceed19)
- build allow running review, stage parallel (#86) (98885cc)
- style discovery-8 css, scss vars for color (#86) (9abe42a)
- build discovery-174 adjust templates css (#157) (78b4aa8)
- testing use i18n unit, remove integration check (#87) (a0797c6)
- helpers discovery-8 consistent brand, getCurrentDate (#87) (57d5f80)
- pf4-style expose scss variables (#110) (a62c2be)
- confirmationModal expand behavior, allow children (#113) (47975db)
- testing expand toastNotificationsList snapshots (#115) (fdb48fb)
- i18n discovery-8 partial context into keys (#124) (d241b43)
- table discovery-154 key generation (#140) (b917eb0)
- dropdownSelect discovery-152 props, placeholder (#145) (4f7c6d9)
- tooltip discovery-148 hover content wrapper (#145) (95371e5)
- table discovery-154 pass data, keys, styling (#145) (be6a8fd)
- helpers discovery-154 global poll interval (#145) (afaa610)
- testing mock react-redux (#145) (dba7598)
- dropdownSelect discovery-151 undefined options (#149) (77052a5)
- scansTableCells,context discovery-154 actions (#152) (5334351)
- poll,scanDownload propTypes, node instead of string (#154) (ad5bd48)
- tableHelpers discovery-154 expand width percentages (#160) (e8fc2d8)
- sourcesContext discovery-154 delete source (#163) (5039b2d)
- credentials,scans,sources discovery-154 apiTypes (#163) (68df0b7)
- sources discovery-154 scans button (#166) (cc7da38)
- toastNotificationsList discovery-148 pf4 alertVariant (#167) (d37cf83)
- scansEmptyState discovery-154 detect sources (#169) (9b98de6)
- aboutModal discovery-148 pf4 conversion (#87) (7caa845)
- modal discovery-148 pf4 modal wrapper (#88) (b843c7e)
- createCredentialDialog discovery-148 pf4 alert (#108) (1aa7482)
- authentication discovery-148 pf4 alert, locale (#112) (2cd5ae2)
- authentication discovery-148 replace empty-state (#113) (ce28975)
- credentials discovery-148 pf4 empty-state (#116) (e2a17f2)
- refreshTimeButton discovery-149 pf4 button, icon (#114) (911b408)
- scans discovery-148 pf4 empty-state (#117) (10883ca)
- toastNotificationsList discovery-148, pf4 alert (#115) (64bd7e4)
- sources discovery-148 pf4 empty-state (#120) (113da41)
- creds,sources,scans discovery-149 emptyState grid (#121) (2cc6f5d)
- addSourceWizard discovery-153, pf4 wizard (#124) (0aed24d)
- scanHostList discovery-148, pf4 empty-state (#125) (832761b)
- creds,sources,scans discovery-149 pf4 grid, list (#126) (2a8789b)
- dropdownSelect discovery-152 pf4 select, dropdown (#127) (9ca4c48)
- dropdownSelect discovery-152 pf4 dropdown (#130) (3745d5e)
- credentials discovery-152, pf4 dropdown (#130) (0416840)
- tooltip discovery-148 pf4 tooltip, popover (#132) (f8a0544)
- pagination discovery 154 pf4 pagination (#129) (292d158)
- buttons discovery-149 sources pf4 buttons (#136) (57ca4f5)
- buttons discovery-149 scans,credentials pf buttons (#142) (637464c)
- createScanDialog discovery-148, pf4 alert (#144) (c1e2ace)
- sources discovery-154, pf4 table (#141) (1e8ccb7)
- scans discovery-154, pf4 table (#152) (593ffb3)
- credentials discovery-154, pf4 table (#160) (8a716ee)
- helpers,redux discovery-154, clean up (#163) (967c5be)
- router discovery-150 router npm update (#164) (18ad1cf)
- button,icon,spinner discovery-149 pf4 replacements (#165) (21846cc)
- build: base dep package updates (#80) (e8fb47b)
- build: discovery-8 allow repo locale files (#85) (a5a1a0d)
- build: npm update, redux middleware (#82) (d0a1aba)
- build: npm updates (#80) (b1ec470)
- build: npm updates (#83) (29afd8f)
- build: update react (#80) (1fdb58c)
- i18n: component loading (#80) (e904e0d)
- redux: discovery-8 middleware, hooks, restructure (#82) (acabcf8)
- services: discovery-8 minor config restructure (#82) (90a4dfd)
- addSourceWizardStepTwo: issues/77 add source regex (#78) (3d1aeea)
- build: file lint updates (2919e90)
- build: npm updates and linting (dc5cbdf)
- build: issues/53 brand, contribution guide (#65) (10d4a37)
- build: issues/60 jenkins file for branded UI (#67) (14b6d95)
- build: issues/63 Quipudocs package (#66) (354a5bf)
- quipudocs, pageLayout: issues/68 disable install guide (#69) (2cdf23f)
- addSourceWizard: copy updates (#26) (2107682)
- app, auth, pageLayout, router: issues/18 migrate prep pf4 (#47) (98b8da3)
- build: issues/29 version display (#43) (e48a322)
- build: issues/50 clean up docker review env (#55) (6bf20ec)
- confirmation, formState, app, about, masthead, redux: issues/1 (#10) (496df34)
- createScanDialog: issues/28 concurrency default (#32) (5d111e4)
- createScanDialog, helpers: issues/34 deep scan copy (#35) (98eab26)
- credentialListItem, createCredentialDialog: issues/36 copy (#37) (c4500c0)
- lodash, redux, tooltip: issues/1 support updates (#9) (7c2328e)
- login, logged_out: issues/40 copy (#42) (0a5b08b)
- reportsService: issues/52 name report package download (#54) (d79bdd5)
- sourceListItem: update sources list on delete (#33) (ae2fc83)
- sources view: issues/39 network address styling (#41) (6700a9b)
- build: issues/7 template output tests (#44) (2104ba4)
- build, aboutModal, helpers: issues/29 version display (#31) (7af215a)
- createScanDialog: issues/1 scan creation options (#25) (c9d5f21)
- i18n: issues/38 i18n integration, link to quipudocs (#51) (89ef65c)
- poll, reports: issues/46 download report package (#48) (8a3c560)
- styling: issues/6 refresh for brand logos, styling (#27) (e2bb2fc)