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261 lines (199 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

261 lines (199 loc) · 10.3 KB

1. User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

User Story 1: Add an Element to the Circuit

As a circuit designer,
I want to add a element to the circuit,
So that I can include resistance as part of the design.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The element has a unique identifier.
  • The element is displayed on the canvas at a specified position.
  • Element properties are editable in the view to update resistance, capacitance, etc.
  • The Element has default properties that can be edited.
  • The resistor must be added to the Circuit aggregate logic.
  • Elements can be added to the circuit via the GUI.
  • An Element is an abstract class that can be extended by adding new component types.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The element is visible on the canvas.
  • The element's data is stored in the domain model.


  • Create a class Element with properties id, type, position, and properties.
  • Create a class Resistor that extends Element with a property resistance.
  • Create a class Capacitor that extends Element with a property capacitance.
  • Create e class Junction that extends Element with a property type.

User Story 2: Connect Two Elements

As a circuit designer,
I want to connect two elements in the circuit,
So that I can define relationships between components.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A connection is established between two valid elements.
  • A line with terminal dots is drawn between the connected elements.
  • The connection is recorded in the domain model as a relationship.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • A line with dots is visible between two connected elements on the canvas.
  • The connection is stored in the domain model.
  • The system validates the connection logic (e.g., elements must exist).

User Story 3: Export the Circuit

As a circuit designer,
I want to export the circuit to a netlist file,
So that I can save my design for later use.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The circuit can be exported to a netlist file.
  • The exported file includes all elements and connections, as well as relative positions.
  • The export functionality is triggered via the GUI.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • A netlist file is downloaded when the export button is clicked.
  • The file contains all elements and connections from the domain model.

User Story 4: Import a Circuit from Netlist file

As a circuit designer, I want to import a circuit from a Netlist file, So that I can load an existing design.

User Story 5: Import multiple circuits from multiple Netlist files

As a circuit designer, I want to import multiple circuits from multiple Netlist files, So that I can load and reuse multiple existing designs.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When circuits are loaded they should not overlap on the canvas instead they should be distanced from each other.

User Story 6: Abstract Circuits as components

As a circuit designer, I want to abstract circuits as components, So that I can reuse circuits in other designs.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A circuit can be abstracted as a component.
  • Circuits could be programmaticallly added to create connections even without a GUI.


This feature could influence the decision of adding Resistance, Capacitance, etc as value objects for example.

User Story 3: Edit Element Properties

As a circuit designer,
I want to edit the properties of an element,
So that I can customize the circuit components.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The element properties can be edited through a properties panel.
  • Changes to properties are reflected in the domain model.
  • The canvas updates to reflect changes in properties (e.g., resistance value).

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The properties panel is visible and functional.
  • Changes to properties are stored in the domain model.
  • The canvas updates to reflect changes in properties.


  • Create a PropertiesPanel component in src/gui/PropertiesPanel.js to display and edit element properties.
  • Implement the updateElementProperties method in src/application/CircuitAppService.js to handle property updates.
  • Update the CanvasAdapter in src/infrastructure/adapters/CanvasAdapter.js to reflect changes on the canvas.
  • Update the GUI in src/gui/index.html to include the properties panel.

User Story 4: Delete an Element from the Circuit

As a circuit designer,
I want to delete an element from the circuit,
So that I can remove unwanted components.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The element can be selected and deleted from the canvas.
  • The element is removed from the domain model.
  • The canvas updates to reflect the removal of the element.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The element is no longer visible on the canvas.
  • The element's data is removed from the domain model.


  • Implement the deleteElement method in src/application/CircuitAppService.js to handle element deletion.
  • Update the CanvasAdapter in src/infrastructure/adapters/CanvasAdapter.js to handle element removal from the canvas.
  • Update the GUI in src/gui/index.html to allow selecting and deleting elements.

User Story 5: Zoom and Pan the Canvas

As a circuit designer,
I want to zoom and pan the canvas,
So that I can navigate and view different parts of the circuit.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The canvas can be zoomed in and out.
  • The canvas can be panned in all directions.
  • The zoom and pan functionality is smooth and responsive.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The canvas supports zooming and panning.
  • The zoom and pan functionality is smooth and responsive.


  • Implement zoom functionality in src/infrastructure/adapters/CanvasAdapter.js.
  • Implement pan functionality in src/infrastructure/adapters/CanvasAdapter.js.
  • Update the GUI in src/gui/index.html to include zoom and pan controls.

User Story 6: Save Circuit Design

As a circuit designer,
I want to save the circuit design,
So that I can preserve my work for future use.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The circuit design can be saved to a file.
  • The save functionality is accessible via the GUI.
  • The saved file includes all elements and connections.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The save functionality is implemented and accessible.
  • The saved file contains all circuit data.


  • Implement the saveCircuit method in src/application/CircuitAppService.js to handle saving circuit designs.
  • Update the CircuitRepository in src/infrastructure/repositories/CircuitRepository.js to handle saving data to a file.
  • Update the GUI in src/gui/index.html to include a save button.

User Story 7: Load Circuit Design

As a circuit designer,
I want to load a saved circuit design,
So that I can continue working on a previous design.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The circuit design can be loaded from a file.
  • The load functionality is accessible via the GUI.
  • The loaded design includes all elements and connections.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The load functionality is implemented and accessible.
  • The loaded data is correctly displayed on the canvas.


  • Implement the loadCircuit method in src/application/CircuitAppService.js to handle loading circuit designs.
  • Update the CircuitRepository in src/infrastructure/repositories/CircuitRepository.js to handle loading data from a file.
  • Update the GUI in src/gui/index.html to include a load button.

User Story 8: Undo and Redo Actions

As a circuit designer,
I want to undo and redo actions,
So that I can easily correct mistakes and revert changes.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The undo functionality reverts the last action.
  • The redo functionality re-applies the last undone action.
  • The undo and redo functionality is accessible via the GUI.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The undo and redo functionality is implemented and accessible.
  • The canvas and domain model correctly reflect the undo and redo actions.


  • Implement the undo and redo methods in src/application/CircuitAppService.js to handle undoing and redoing actions.
  • Update the CanvasAdapter in src/infrastructure/adapters/CanvasAdapter.js to reflect undo and redo actions on the canvas.
  • Update the GUI in src/gui/index.html to include undo and redo buttons.

User Story 9: Simulate Circuit Behavior

As a circuit designer,
I want to simulate the behavior of the circuit,
So that I can analyze its performance.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The simulation can be started and stopped via the GUI.
  • The simulation results are displayed on the canvas.
  • The simulation takes into account all elements and connections.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The simulation functionality is implemented and accessible.
  • The simulation results are correctly displayed on the canvas.


  • Implement the simulateCircuit method in src/application/CircuitAppService.js to handle circuit simulation.
  • Update the CanvasAdapter in src/infrastructure/adapters/CanvasAdapter.js to display simulation results on the canvas.
  • Update the GUI in src/gui/index.html to include simulation controls.

User Story 10: Display Circuit Information

As a circuit designer,
I want to display information about the circuit,
So that I can view details about the components and connections.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The circuit information is displayed in an information panel.
  • The information includes details about all elements and connections.
  • The information panel is accessible via the GUI.

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • The information panel is implemented and accessible.
  • The information panel displays correct and up-to-date circuit information.


  • Create an InformationPanel component in src/gui/InformationPanel.js to display circuit information.
  • Implement the getCircuitInformation method in src/application/CircuitAppService.js to retrieve circuit information.
  • Update the GUI in src/gui/index.html to include the information panel.

These additional user stories should cover more functionalities and interactions within the GUI module of the QuCAT package.