Releases: quantizor/markdown-to-jsx
Releases · quantizor/markdown-to-jsx
Various improvements to inline syntax handling (strong, emphasis, strikethrough primarily.)
b33d327 fix inline syntax outer-boundary false positive match
48ee7f1 ensure emphasis + bold regexes track the specific syntax used
This patch release revises some behavior for handling block syntax inside HTML in MD. It also documents the current "gotchas" in a more public place.
a2b9bfe document the significant whitespace gotchas for arbitrary HTML
4ec60f2 fix regression where we were over-stripping whitespace
d06b191 fix detection of fenced code blocks inside arbitrary HTML
babb335 fix #181 (extra paragraph tags inside HTML in some cases)
fcc93a0 fix for #180 (false positive HTML match)
799615e [internal] remove babel entry from package.json
[internal] e14fbcc switch to preset env from preset es2015
085af2e handle nested HTML tags of the same type with attributes (#176)
0ab6780 adjust HTML capture regex (#175)
aa0efcc pass along additional props supplied to the Markdown component (#174)
b48fc50 don't process the inside of style, script blocks (#173)
5d0a10f fix block-level syntax inference inside arbitrary HTML (#169)
524ef02 drop react 0.14.x testing
5251d6e autotag headings with IDs (allows autogenerated TOCs to work)
4312e1d port tight list handling fix from simple-markdown (thanks!)