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Qiskit Metal For Developers

Quick install tutorial

Retrieve the code from GitHub

You could download the code as a zip file at the top of this page. However we recommend investing time into setting up a proper git linkage, which will simplify the retrieval of code updates and your possible contributions back to the source code.

To do that, you will need to git clone this repository's main branch following one of two ways.

  1. Open any command line shell that has been configured with git and execute the following command:
git clone
  1. Alternatively, you can download and use the user interface GitHub Desktop GUI and refer to these notes.

Now that you have a local copy of the code, you can install Qiskit Metal either in a virtual conda environment or in a virtual Python environment, as described below. We recommend conda.


  • For your own sanity, it is recommended to read this document in its entirety before proceeding.
  • On Windows, the conda environment is strongly recommended because Shapely is difficult to install directly via pip.

Setup in a conda environment (preferred setup)

If you did not yet install conda, please follow these instructions. We will setup a conda environment to use the local copy of Qiskit Metal you obtained in the previous section. This approach enables you to immediately observe the effect of your code modifications.

For this section you will need to use the command line. If you use github desktop, you can open one from the menu Repository -> Open In....

Option 1: A new environment

The most reliable way to set up a qiskit_metal environment is to build one from scratch using the provided conda environment specification file environment.yml. To do so, first navigate to the folder created by the clone. For example:

cd qiskit-metal

Once you are in the folder that contains the environemnt.yml file, execute the following installation commands:

conda env create -n <env_name> environment.yml
conda activate <env_name>
python -m pip install --no-deps -e .

Note the use of --no-deps. Indeed the environment.yml already instructs conda to install all the necessary package dependencies. We therefore prevent from overwriting them with the pip-equivalent packages, which might not be compatible with conda.

This creates a new environment with name <env_name> with all the necessary library dependencies. Then it activates the new environment. Finally installs the local Qiskit Metal code inside that environment.

The -e flag install qiskit_metal in editable mode. You can add the -v flag if you would like to observe the verbose output during the installation.

Option 2: A pre-existing environment

If convenient, you can instead try to install directly in an existing conda environment <env_name_exist>. To do so, just replace the word create with update in the commands in the previous section. Find the resulting commands updated below for simplicity:

conda env update -n <env_name_exist> environment.yml
conda activate <env_name_exist>
python -m pip install --no-deps -e .


  • It is possible that you may run into version conflicts during the above installation, as qiskit-metal requires specific library versions to work correctly on every OS. In this case, please revert to using a separate conda environment.
  • Important: Remember to conda activate <env_name> if you intend to use qiskit-metal. See what a conda environment is

Jupyter notebook and Jupyter lab hints

The file environment.yml contains jupyter. Therefore, launching jupyter notebook from your activated new environment <env_name>, will make jupyter notebook python execution default to the <env_name> python installation.

However, if you did not install jupyter in your <env_name> (to save disk space, or to use an existing favorite install), jupyter notebook will execute the python code in the <other_env> (typically base) where it was installed.

Similarly, jupyter lab will in general execute python code from the base environment.

In the two above cases, you will need to setup a jupyter kernel that points to your <env_name> environment, to be able to find and execute successfully the qiskit-metal package.

Check for the instructions to install a new kernel in the FAQ.

Subsequent updates of the conda environment

Package dependencies will evolve over time and could at some point require a new version of a library. For example, we can anticipate updating pyEPR-quantum to enable Ansys interactions previously unsupported. To update your local install, simply execute the metal package install command

conda env update -n <env_name_exist> environment.yml

Alternatively, you can remove your conda environment by executing the commands below and later re-create a new environment following the original install instructions in section 1.

conda env list
conda env remove -n <env_name_exist>

Notice that using the conda env update command might introduce inconsistencies in your virtual environment, and render it unusable. This occurs in general when using conda install commands after any number of pip install commands.

Setup without conda: in a virtual environment (alternative setup)


The package dependency gdspy, needs C++ compilation to successfully install in a base or virtualenv. Make sure the right compiler is installed on your machine if you encounter errors during the installation process described above. Windows you can install the Visual C++ x.0 using the C++ Build Tools. Be sure to select the most current versions of MSVC and Windows SDK, as suggested in this wiki referenced by the gdspy documentation. Linux on Ubuntu or other Debian based systems, execute the following command sudo apt-get install gcc g++. Linux users might encounter other python-related errors during creation of the virtualenv or during qiskit-metal installation. You might be able to deal with those by executing sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-venv. Be sure to customize the python3 string if you are trying to use a custom installation of python.


To create and populate the Python virtual environment, execute these commands in the top-level of the repository:

python -m venv <virtual_env_path/name>
source <virtual_env_path/name>/bin/activate
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -e .

add -r requirements-dev.txt to the last line if you intend to install also the packages required for development. where <virtual_env_path/name> is the name of your new Python virtual environment. You can also specify its path. On Windows, replace the activate command line above with this one: .\<virtual_env_path/name>\Scripts\activate.

Installation hints

Here are some things to consider when setting up a development environment:

  • Remember to type the period (".") at the end of the pip install command.
  • If using a virtual environment, make sure pip is up to date. In initial environment testing, PySide2 is installable with only the latest version of pip.
  • In some setups, you might need to add the qiskit-metal folder path to your PATH variable
  • Library errors when activating conda environments, or initializing jupyter notebook/lab, might indicate a conflict between python libraries in the base and sub environments. Go ahead and manually delete the library from the base environment site-packages folder, shown in the error message. You might need to reinstall them in the sub environment, or create a new one.
  • If Jupyter notebook has trouble finding a dll for a package that works in the new environment outside of Jupyter, then try opening Jupyter notebook from the new environment instead of from base

Installing other dependencies for Open-source Renderers (Gmsh and ElmerFEM)

If you want to use the recently added open-source renderers for Gmsh and ElmerFEM for simulation of your design, please make sure that both of them have been installed successfully in your system before running Qiskit Metal. On Windows, Linux, and MacOS (with x86_64 architecture CPUs), Gmsh will be installed automatically using the environment.yml file during the conda installation step above. For more detailed steps to install ElmerFEM, please refer to this document.

NOTE: We would like to give a disclaimer for users on Apple silicon Macs (M1 and M2-series). Currently, Qiskit Metal uses PySide2 which is not natively supported on the ARM architecture. This will lead to error in instantiating the MetalGUI as of now. However, if you still want to use Qiskit Metal without the GUI, the process for installing Gmsh software is a bit different and can be found in this document.

Other Common Issues

For other common installation issues, please refer to the FAQ

Additional steps for developers

If you are planning to develop the qiskit metal codebase, you need extra packages, which you can install by running the following command instead of (or after) the previous one:

python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

You may also want to also use these instructions to setup user environment

Setting up precommit hooks

If are planning on committing, you can run the following in the root of your project to link the available precommit hooks.


Please make sure the command is run from the same shell you plan on using to commit. If running on Windows, please make sure that this script is run from git-bash or another Linux-style shell. Currently, the precommit hook will check for yapf formatting.

Get more information when you commit code and CI gives linting error(s)

If are planning on committing, code and get a linting error. Sometimes the log does not have enough details to fix the error.

yapf --diff --recursive --style .style.yapf qiskit_metal

Go to directory with qiskit-metal/.style.yapf file and run the above command to lint locally. This may give more meaningful feedback for linting failure.

Uninstall precommit hook

rm /hooks/pre-commit

If you need to uninstall the precommit hook, go to the root of the project and run the above command.