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End-to-End Workflow with torchtune

In this tutorial, we'll walk through an end-to-end example of how you can fine-tune, evaluate, optionally quantize and then run generation with your favorite LLM using torchtune. We'll also go over how you can use some popular tools and libraries from the community seamlessly with torchtune.

.. grid:: 2

    .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`mortar-board;1em;` What this tutorial will cover:

      * Different type of recipes available in torchtune beyond fine-tuning
      * End-to-end example connecting all of these recipes
      * Different tools and libraries you can use with torchtune

    .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`list-unordered;1em;` Prerequisites

      * Be familiar with the :ref:`overview of torchtune<overview_label>`
      * Make sure to :ref:`install torchtune<install_label>`
      * Concepts such as :ref:`configs <config_tutorial_label>` and
        :ref:`checkpoints <understand_checkpointer>`

Finetune your model

First, let's download a model using the tune CLI. The following command will download the Llama3.2 3B Instruct model from the Hugging Face Hub and save it to the local filesystem. Hugging Face uploaded the original weights (consolidated.00.pth) and the weights compatible with the from_pretrained() API (*.safetensors). We don't need both so we'll ignore the original weights when downloading.

$ tune download meta-llama/Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct --ignore-patterns "original/consolidated.00.pth"
Successfully downloaded model repo and wrote to the following locations:


For a list of all other models you can finetune out-of-the-box with torchtune, check out our :ref:`models page<models>`.

For this tutorial, we'll fine-tune the model using LoRA. LoRA is a parameter efficient fine-tuning technique which is especially helpful when you don't have a lot of GPU memory to play with. LoRA freezes the base LLM and adds a very small percentage of learnable parameters. This helps keep memory associated with gradients and optimizer state low. Using torchtune, you should be able to fine-tune a Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct model with LoRA in less than 16GB of GPU memory using bfloat16 on a RTX 3090/4090. For more information on how to use LoRA, take a look at our :ref:`LoRA Tutorial <lora_finetune_label>`.

Let's look for the right config for this use case by using the tune CLI.

$ tune ls
RECIPE                                  CONFIG
full_finetune_single_device             llama2/7B_full_low_memory

full_finetune_distributed               llama2/7B_full

lora_finetune_single_device             llama2/7B_lora_single_device

We'll fine-tune using our :ref:`single device LoRA recipe <lora_finetune_recipe_label>` and use the standard settings from the default config.

This will fine-tune our model using a batch_size=4 and dtype=bfloat16. With these settings the model should have a peak memory usage of ~16GB and total training time of around 2-3 hours for each epoch.

$ tune run lora_finetune_single_device --config llama3_2/3B_lora_single_device
Setting manual seed to local seed 3977464327. Local seed is seed + rank = 3977464327 + 0
Hint: enable_activation_checkpointing is True, but enable_activation_offloading isn't. Enabling activation offloading should reduce memory further.
Writing logs to /tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/logs/log_1734708879.txt
Model is initialized with precision torch.bfloat16.
Memory stats after model init:
        GPU peak memory allocation: 6.21 GiB
        GPU peak memory reserved: 6.27 GiB
        GPU peak memory active: 6.21 GiB
Tokenizer is initialized from file.
Optimizer and loss are initialized.
Loss is initialized.
Dataset and Sampler are initialized.
Learning rate scheduler is initialized.
Profiling disabled.
Profiler config after instantiation: {'enabled': False}
1|3|Loss: 1.943998098373413:   0%|                    | 3/1617 [00:21<3:04:47,  6.87s/it]

Congrats on training your model! Let's take a look at the artifacts produced by torchtune. A simple way of doing this is by running tree -a path/to/outputdir, which should show something like the tree below. There are 3 types of folders:

  1. recipe_state: Holds with the information necessary to restart the last intermediate epoch. For more information, please check our deep-dive :ref:`Checkpointing in torchtune <understand_checkpointer>`.;
  2. logs: Contains all the logging output from your training run: loss, memory, exceptions, etc.
  3. epoch_{}: Contains your trained model weights plus model metadata. If running inference or pushing to a model hub, you should use this folder directly.
$ tree -a /tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device
├── epoch_0
│   ├── adapter_config.json
│   ├──
│   ├── adapter_model.safetensors
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── model-00001-of-00002.safetensors
│   ├── model-00002-of-00002.safetensors
│   ├── generation_config.json
│   ├── LICENSE.txt
│   ├── model.safetensors.index.json
│   ├── original
│   │   ├── orig_params.json
│   │   ├── params.json
│   │   └── tokenizer.model
│   ├── original_repo_id.json
│   ├──
│   ├── special_tokens_map.json
│   ├── tokenizer_config.json
│   ├── tokenizer.json
│   └──
├── epoch_1
│   ├── adapter_config.json
│   ...
├── logs
│   └── log_1734652101.txt
└── recipe_state

Let's understand the files:

  • adapter_model.safetensors and are your LoRA trained adapter weights. We save a duplicated .pt version of it to facilitate resuming from checkpoint.
  • model-{}-of-{}.safetensors are your trained full model weights (not adapters). When LoRA finetuning, these are only present if we set save_adapter_weights_only=False. In that case, we merge the base model with trained adapters, making inference easier.
  • adapter_config.json is used by Huggingface PEFT when loading an adapter (more on that later);
  • model.safetensors.index.json is used by Hugging Face from_pretrained() when loading the model weights (more on that later)
  • All other files were originally in the checkpoint_dir. They are automatically copied during training. Files over 100MiB and ending in .safetensors, .pth, .pt, .bin are ignored, making it lightweight.

Evaluate your model

We've fine-tuned a model. But how well does this model really do? Let's determine this through structured evaluation and playing with it.

Run evals using EleutherAI's Eval Harness

torchtune integrates with EleutherAI's evaluation harness. An example of this is available through the eleuther_eval recipe. In this tutorial, we're going to directly use this recipe by modifying its associated config eleuther_evaluation.yaml.


For this section of the tutorial, you should first run pip install lm_eval>=0.4.5 to install the EleutherAI evaluation harness.

Since we plan to update all of the checkpoint files to point to our fine-tuned checkpoints, let's first copy over the config to our local working directory so we can make changes.

$ tune cp eleuther_evaluation ./custom_eval_config.yaml
Copied file to custom_eval_config.yaml

Notice that we are using the merged weights, and not the LoRA adapters.

# TODO: update to your desired epoch
output_dir: /tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/epoch_0

# Tokenizer
    _component_: torchtune.models.llama3.llama3_tokenizer
    path: ${output_dir}/original/tokenizer.model

    # Notice that we don't pass the lora model. We are using the merged weights,
    _component_: torchtune.models.llama3_2.llama3_2_3b

    checkpoint_dir: ${output_dir}
    checkpoint_files: [
    output_dir: ${output_dir}
    model_type: LLAMA3_2


# Environment
device: cuda
dtype: bf16
seed: 1234 # It is not recommended to change this seed, b/c it matches EleutherAI's default seed

# EleutherAI specific eval args
tasks: ["truthfulqa_mc2"]
limit: null
max_seq_length: 4096
batch_size: 8
enable_kv_cache: True

# Quantization specific args
quantizer: null

For this tutorial we'll use the truthfulqa_mc2 task from the harness.

This task measures a model's propensity to be truthful when answering questions and measures the model's zero-shot accuracy on a question followed by one or more true responses and one or more false responses.

$ tune run eleuther_eval --config ./custom_eval_config.yaml
[] Running loglikelihood requests

Generate some output

We've run some evaluations and the model seems to be doing well. But does it really generate meaningful text for the prompts you care about? Let's find out!

For this, we'll use the generate recipe and the associated config.

Let's first copy over the config to our local working directory so we can make changes.

$ tune cp generation ./custom_generation_config.yaml
Copied file to custom_generation_config.yaml
$ mkdir /tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/out
Let's modify custom_generation_config.yaml to include the following changes. Again, you only need
to replace two fields: output_dir and checkpoint_files
checkpoint_dir: /tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/epoch_0
output_dir: /tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/out

# Tokenizer
    _component_: torchtune.models.llama3.llama3_tokenizer
    path: ${checkpoint_dir}/original/tokenizer.model
    prompt_template: null

    # Notice that we don't pass the lora model. We are using the merged weights,
    _component_: torchtune.models.llama3_2.llama3_2_3b

    checkpoint_dir: ${checkpoint_dir}
    checkpoint_files: [
    output_dir: ${output_dir}
    model_type: LLAMA3_2


device: cuda
dtype: bf16

seed: 1234

# Generation arguments; defaults taken from gpt-fast
  system: null
  user: "Tell me a joke. "
max_new_tokens: 300
temperature: 0.6 # 0.8 and 0.6 are popular values to try
top_k: 300

enable_kv_cache: True

quantizer: null

Once the config is updated, let's kick off generation! We'll use the default settings for sampling with top_k=300 and a temperature=0.8. These parameters control how the probabilities for sampling are computed. We recommend inspecting the model with these before playing around with these parameters.

$ tune run generate --config ./custom_generation_config.yaml prompt.user="Tell me a joke. "
Tell me a joke. Here's a joke for you:

What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta!

Introduce some quantization

We rely on torchao for post-training quantization. To quantize the fine-tuned model after installing torchao we can run the following command:

# we also support `int8_weight_only()` and `int8_dynamic_activation_int8_weight()`, see
# for a full list of techniques that we support
from torchao.quantization.quant_api import quantize_, int4_weight_only
quantize_(model, int4_weight_only())

After quantization, we rely on torch.compile for speedups. For more details, please see this example usage.

torchao also provides this table listing performance and accuracy results for llama2 and llama3.

For Llama models, you can run generation directly in torchao on the quantized model using their script as discussed in this readme. This way you can compare your own results to those in the previously-linked table.

Use your model in the wild

Let's say we're happy with how our model is performing at this point - we want to do something with it! Productionize it for serving, publish on the Hugging Face Hub, etc. Since we handle checkpoint conversion, you can directly work with standard formats.

Use with Hugging Face from_pretrained()

Case 1: Hugging Face using base model + trained adapters

Here we load the base model from Hugging Face model hub. Then we load the adapters on top of it using PeftModel. It will look for the files adapter_model.safetensors for the weights and adapter_config.json for where to insert them.

from peft import PeftModel
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

#TODO: update it to your chosen epoch
trained_model_path = "/tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/epoch_0"

# Define the model and adapter paths
original_model_name = "meta-llama/Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct"

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(original_model_name)

# huggingface will look for adapter_model.safetensors and adapter_config.json
peft_model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(model, trained_model_path)

# Load the tokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(original_model_name)

# Function to generate text
def generate_text(model, tokenizer, prompt, max_length=50):
    inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")
    outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_length=max_length)
    return tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

prompt = "tell me a joke: '"
print("Base model output:", generate_text(peft_model, tokenizer, prompt))

Case 2: Hugging Face using merged weights

In this case, Hugging Face will check in model.safetensors.index.json for which files it should load.

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

#TODO: update it to your chosen epoch
trained_model_path = "/tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/epoch_0"

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(

# Load the tokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(trained_model_path, safetensors=True)

# Function to generate text
def generate_text(model, tokenizer, prompt, max_length=50):
    inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")
    outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_length=max_length)
    return tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

prompt = "Complete the sentence: 'Once upon a time...'"
print("Base model output:", generate_text(model, tokenizer, prompt))

Use with vLLM

vLLM is a fast and easy-to-use library for LLM inference and serving. They include a lot of awesome features like state-of-the-art serving throughput, continuous batching of incoming requests, quantization, and speculative decoding.

The library will load any .safetensors file. Since we already merged the full model weights and adapter weights, we can safely delete the adapter weights (or move them) so that vLLM doesn't get confused by those files.

rm /tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/base_model/adapter_model.safetensors

Now we can run the following script:

from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams

def print_outputs(outputs):
    for output in outputs:
        prompt = output.prompt
        generated_text = output.outputs[0].text
        print(f"Prompt: {prompt!r}, Generated text: {generated_text!r}")
    print("-" * 80)

#TODO: update it to your chosen epoch
llm = LLM(
sampling_params = SamplingParams(max_tokens=16, temperature=0.5)

conversation = [
    {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant"},
    {"role": "user", "content": "Hello"},
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "Hello! How can I assist you today?"},
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Write an essay about the importance of higher education.",
outputs =, sampling_params=sampling_params, use_tqdm=False)

Upload your model to the Hugging Face Hub

Your new model is working great and you want to share it with the world. The easiest way to do this is utilizing the huggingface_hub.

import huggingface_hub
api = huggingface_hub.HfApi()

#TODO: update it to your chosen epoch
trained_model_path = "/tmp/torchtune/llama3_2_3B/lora_single_device/epoch_0"

username = huggingface_hub.whoami()["name"]
repo_name = "my-model-trained-with-torchtune"

# if the repo doesn't exist
repo_id = huggingface_hub.create_repo(repo_name).repo_id

# if it already exists
repo_id = f"{username}/{repo_name}"


If you prefer, you can also try the cli version huggingface-cli upload.

Hopefully this tutorial gave you some insights into how you can use torchtune for your own workflows. Happy Tuning!