From 1337208e9e3185c6f3a628fb218af3a809aa887d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sayan Genri Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 17:30:17 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add StakingContractAudit.txt for Session03 --- .../Session03/StakingContractAudit.txt | 24 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/StakingContractAudit.txt diff --git a/Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/StakingContractAudit.txt b/Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/StakingContractAudit.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d2c549 --- /dev/null +++ b/Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/StakingContractAudit.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +Issue 1: Ownable Contract Initialization +Problem: The Ownable constructor is called with msg.sender, which is unnecessary as Ownable sets the owner to msg.sender by default. +Fix: Remove Ownable(msg.sender) from the constructor. +Improvement: Simplifies the contract and avoids redundant initialization. + +Issue 2: Redundant Initialization Checks +Problem: Checking userStakeData[msg.sender][0].initialized is redundant since we are mapping directly to a non-zero ID on initialization. +Fix: Simplify the initialization check in the initializeUser function. +Improvement: Reduces unnecessary storage reads and improves gas efficiency. + +Issue 3: Overly Verbose Struct Initialization +Problem: Struct initialization can be made more concise. +Fix: Simplify struct initialization by directly creating the struct. +Improvement: Enhances readability and reduces gas costs. + +Issue 4: Inefficient State Variable Updates +Problem: Updating userStakeCount after creating a new stake is inefficiently placed. +Fix: Move userStakeCount increment before struct initialization. +Improvement: Reduces gas cost by optimizing the order of operations. + +Issue 5: Unused Mappings and State Variables +Problem: The commented-out userStakeData mapping is unnecessary. +Fix: Remove the unused userStakeData mapping. +Improvement: Cleans up the code and avoids potential confusion. From 8ec715d31311be387729fb31d97b5cdec783cdee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sayan Genri Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 17:38:21 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add .t.sol for Session03 --- Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/.t.sol | 260 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 260 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/.t.sol diff --git a/Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/.t.sol b/Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/.t.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..649d48a --- /dev/null +++ b/Bootcampers/Sayan_Genri/Session03/.t.sol @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +pragma solidity ^0.8.24; + +import "forge-std/Test.sol"; +import "../src/BRBStaking.sol"; +import "../src/BRBToken.sol"; + +contract StakingContractTest is Test { + BRBStaking stakingContract; + BRBToken token; + + event TokensStaked(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 stakeID); + event TokensUnstaked(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 stakeID); + event RewardsAdded(uint256 amount); + + // Actors + address owner; + address user; + + function setUp() public { + owner = address(0x111); + user = address(0x222); + + vm.startPrank(owner); + + token = new BRBToken(owner); + stakingContract = new BRBStaking(token); + + token.transfer(user, 1000 ether); + vm.stopPrank(); + } + + // User should be able to initialize their staking profile - JUST ONCE + function testInitializeUserTwice() public { + vm.startPrank(user); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + + vm.expectRevert("User already initialized"); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + + vm.stopPrank(); + } + + // TEST initializeUser() function + function testInitializeUser() public { + // Prank as user + vm.prank(user); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + + // Verify user initialization + (address userAddress, bool initialized, , , ) = stakingContract.userStakeData(user, 0); + assertEq(userAddress, user); + assertTrue(initialized); + } + + // Test stake() function + function testStake() public { + uint256 stakeAmount = 100 ether; + + // Prank as user to approve and stake + vm.startPrank(user); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), stakeAmount); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + stakingContract.stake(stakeAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Verify staking + (address userAddress, bool initialized, uint256 stakeID, uint256 stakeAmountStored, ) = stakingContract.userStakeData(user, 1); + assertEq(userAddress, user); + assertEq(stakeAmountStored, stakeAmount); + assertEq(stakeID, 1); + assertTrue(initialized); + } + + // TEST unstake() function + function testUnstakeFunction() public { + uint256 stakeAmount = 100 ether; + uint256 rewardAmount = 100 ether; + + // Prank as user to approve and stake + vm.startPrank(user); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), stakeAmount); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + stakingContract.stake(stakeAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Owner Adds Reward + vm.startPrank(owner); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), rewardAmount); + stakingContract.addReward(rewardAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Fast forward time by 7 days + vm.warp(block.timestamp + 7 days); + + // Check user balance before unstake + uint256 userBalanceBefore = token.balanceOf(user); + + vm.startPrank(user); + stakingContract.unstake(1); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Check user balance after unstake + uint256 userBalanceAfter = token.balanceOf(user); + assertEq(userBalanceAfter, userBalanceBefore + stakeAmount + rewardAmount); + } + + // Test addReward() function + function testAddReward() public { + vm.startPrank(owner); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), 100 ether); + stakingContract.addReward(100 ether); + vm.stopPrank(); + + assertEq(stakingContract.rewardPool(), 100 ether); + } + + // TEST addReward() function ownership check + function testAddRewardOwnership() public { + uint256 rewardAmount = 100 ether; + + // Non-owner tries to add reward + vm.startPrank(user); + vm.expectRevert("Ownable: caller is not the owner"); + stakingContract.addReward(rewardAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Owner adds reward successfully + vm.startPrank(owner); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), rewardAmount); + stakingContract.addReward(rewardAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + } + + // TEST uninitialized user cannot stake + function testUninitializedUserCannotStake() public { + uint256 stakeAmount = 100 ether; + + // User tries to stake without initializing + vm.startPrank(user); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), stakeAmount); + vm.expectRevert("User not initialized"); + stakingContract.stake(stakeAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + } + + // TEST uninitialized user cannot unstake + function testUninitializedUserCannotUnstake() public { + // User tries to unstake without initializing + vm.startPrank(user); + vm.expectRevert("User not initialized"); + stakingContract.unstake(1); + vm.stopPrank(); + } + + // TEST Reward Distribution + function testRewardDistribution() public { + uint256 stakeAmount = 100 ether; + uint256 rewardAmount = 100 ether; + + // Prank as user to approve and stake + vm.startPrank(user); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), stakeAmount); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + stakingContract.stake(stakeAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Prank as owner to add reward + vm.startPrank(owner); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), rewardAmount); + stakingContract.addReward(rewardAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Fast forward time by 7 days + vm.warp(block.timestamp + 7 days); + + // Unstake and verify reward + vm.startPrank(user); + stakingContract.unstake(1); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Check user balance after unstake + uint256 userBalanceAfter = token.balanceOf(user); + assertEq(userBalanceAfter, 100 ether + 100 ether, "Reward distribution failed"); + } + + // TEST Unstake before lockup period + function testUnstakeBeforeLockupPeriod() public { + uint256 stakeAmount = 100 ether; + + // Prank as user to stake + vm.startPrank(user); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), stakeAmount); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + stakingContract.stake(stakeAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Try to unstake before 7 days + vm.startPrank(user); + vm.expectRevert("Lockup period not completed"); + stakingContract.unstake(1); + vm.stopPrank(); + } + + // Test event emission for TokensStaked + function testTokensStakedEvent() public { + uint256 stakeAmount = 100 ether; + + // Prank as user to approve and stake + vm.startPrank(user); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), stakeAmount); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true); + emit TokensStaked(user, stakeAmount, 1); + stakingContract.stake(stakeAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + } + + // Test event emission for TokensUnstaked + function testTokensUnstakedEvent() public { + uint256 stakeAmount = 100 ether; + uint256 rewardAmount = 100 ether; + + // Prank as user to approve and stake + vm.startPrank(user); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), stakeAmount); + stakingContract.initializeUser(); + stakingContract.stake(stakeAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Owner Adds Reward + vm.startPrank(owner); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), rewardAmount); + stakingContract.addReward(rewardAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + + // Fast forward time by 7 days + vm.warp(block.timestamp + 7 days); + + // Prank as user to unstake + vm.startPrank(user); + vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true); + emit TokensUnstaked(user, stakeAmount + rewardAmount, 1); + stakingContract.unstake(1); + vm.stopPrank(); + } + + // Test event emission for RewardsAdded + function testRewardsAddedEvent() public { + uint256 rewardAmount = 100 ether; + + // Prank as owner to add reward + vm.startPrank(owner); + token.approve(address(stakingContract), rewardAmount); + vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true); + emit RewardsAdded(rewardAmount); + stakingContract.addReward(rewardAmount); + vm.stopPrank(); + } +}