Conway's game of life implemented in a c# console application
Create the following text files next to the exe:
- grid.txt
- numberOfTicksPerSecond.txt
In grid.txt make a pattern. Read below for intructions In numberOfTicksPerSecond.txt enter a number and save the file. Read below for details.
The file "grid.txt" stores the starting pattern.
- 0 means the cell is dead.
- 1 means the cell is alive.
Please ensure that the pattern in grid.txt is a square. This means that the number of columns should be equal to number of rows. Thus
This will work:
0000 0000 0000 0000
beacuse this is square
This will NOT work:
0000000 0000000 0000000
beacuse the number of columns is not equal to number of rows.
grid.txt comes with a default pattern but try making your own. An example pattern with a glider and a blinker is at the bottom of this text file.
To set speed of simulation open "numberOfTicksPerSecond.txt"
The number signifies the number of simulations per second. Increase it to speed up simulation
Recommended value is 5
Here is an example grid for you to paste in grid.txt
It contains a glider and a blinker.