Top 100 images flagged by different SOTA methods. Note that they fail to capture the failure mode of duplicate images with conflicting labels.
Use ctrl + scroll (or use pinch to zoom on mobile) to zoom into images.
Figure 1: Top CIFAR100 images detected by SSFT as easy to forget
Figure 2: Top CIFAR100 images detected by SimiFeat as likely noisy
Figure 3: High curvature samples from training set according to Slo-Curves (Garg & Roy, 2023). Obtained from ResNet18 trained without weight decay on CIFAR100
Calibration curves: Early stopping using curvature of training set as a criterion yields better-calibrated networks.
Figure 4: Model calibration at lowest validation loss stopping (Epoch 17).
Figure 5: Model calibration at highest curvature stopping (Epoch 19).
Figure 6: Model calibration at end of training (overconfident model).
Visualizing the loss landscape and decision boundary during training on a toy dataset.