This page documents the following examples:
- Dynamically Update Inference Model Engine File
- Dynamically Add/Remove Sources to/from a Pipeline with a Tiler and Window Sink
- Dynamically Move a Branch from One Demuxer Stream to Another
# The simple example demonstrates how to create a set of Pipeline components,
# specifically:
# - File Source
# - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE)
# - DCF Tracker
# - Secondary GST Inference Engines (SGIEs)
# - On-Screen Display (OSD)
# - Window Sink
# ...and how to dynamically update an Inference Engine's config and model files.
# The key-release handler function will dynamically update the Secondary
# Inference Engine's config-file on the key value as follows.
# "1" = '../../test/config/config_infer_secondary_vehicletypes.yml'
# "2" = '../../test/config/config_infer_secondary_vehiclemake.yml'
# The new model engine is loaded by the SGIE asynchronously. a client listener
# (callback) function is added to the SGIE to be notified when the loading is
# complete. See the "model_update_listener" function defined below.
# IMPORTANT! it is best to allow the config file to specify the model engine
# file when updating both the config and model. Set the model_engine_file
# parameter to None when creating the Inference component.
# retval = dsl_infer_gie_secondary_new(L"secondary-gie",
# secondary_infer_config_file_1.c_str(), NULL, L"primary-gie", 0);
# The Config files used are located under /deepstream-services-library/test/config
# The files reference models created with the file
# /deepstream-services-library/
# The example registers handler callback functions with the Pipeline for:
# - key-release events
# - delete-window events
# - end-of-stream EOS events
# - Pipeline change-of-state events#
# This example shows how to dynamically add and remove Source components
# while the Pipeline is playing. The Pipeline must have at least once source
# while playing. The Pipeline consists of:
# - A variable number of File Sources. The Source are created/added and
# removed/deleted on user key-input.
# - The Pipeline's built-in streammuxer muxes the streams into a
# batched stream as input to the Inference Engine.
# - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE).
# - IOU Tracker.
# - Multi-stream 2D Tiler - created with rows/cols to support max-sources.
# - On-Screen Display (OSD)
# - Window Sink - with window-delete and key-release event handlers.
# A Source component is created and added to the Pipeline by pressing the
# "+" key which calls the following services:
# dsl_source_uri_new(source_name, uri_h265, True, 0, 0)
# dsl_pipeline_component_add('pipeline', source_name)
# A Source component (last added) is removed from the Pipeline and deleted by
# pressing the "-" key which calls the following services
# dsl_pipeline_component_remove('pipeline', source_name)
# dsl_component_delete(source_name)
# This example shows how to use a single dynamic demuxer branch with a
# multi-source Pipeline. The Pipeline trunk consists of:
# - 5 Streaming Images Sources - each streams a single image at a given
# frame-rate with a number overlayed representing the stream-id.
# - The Pipeline's built-in streammuxer muxes the streams into a
# batched stream as input to the Inference Engine.
# - Primary GST Inference Engine (PGIE).
# - IOU Tracker.
# The dynamic branch will consist of:
# - On-Screen Display (OSD)
# - Window Sink - with window-delete and key-release event handlers.
# The branch is added to one of the Streams when the Pipeline is constructed
# by calling:
# dsl_tee_demuxer_branch_add_to('demuxer', 'branch-0', stream_id)
# Once the Pipeline is playing, the example uses a simple periodic timer to
# call a callback function which advances/cycles the current stream_id
# variable and moves the branch by calling.
# dsl_tee_demuxer_branch_move_to('demuxer', 'branch-0', stream_id)